Things that annoy you...



I had the steroid injections in my neck that I've been waiting for and I did not react well to being a patient in a hospital again. Lots of triggering going on and yesterday wasn't very good. Today did seem a bit better, but the longer it goes on, the more I'm doing to sabatage it. I know I'm working through it and that it'll pass, it's just really annoying atm that I can't be in control of it or make it happen quicker.
Hope you feel better.
Why are you getting steroid injections in your neck?

You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.

I had the steroid injections in my neck that I've been waiting for and I did not react well to being a patient in a hospital again. Lots of triggering going on and yesterday wasn't very good. Today did seem a bit better, but the longer it goes on, the more I'm doing to sabatage it. I know I'm working through it and that it'll pass, it's just really annoying atm that I can't be in control of it or make it happen quicker.

If I answer a game thread correctly, just skip my turn and continue with the game.


I had the steroid injections in my neck that I've been waiting for and I did not react well to being a patient in a hospital again. Lots of triggering going on and yesterday wasn't very good. Today did seem a bit better, but the longer it goes on, the more I'm doing to sabatage it. I know I'm working through it and that it'll pass, it's just really annoying atm that I can't be in control of it or make it happen quicker.
get better soon D=

Is there anything worse than being locked out of one’s bank account because of an unknown pin? I’ve been with WEBSTER Bank forever & hadn't the faintest idea as to what my pin might be. (Phone pin is not the same as atm pin.) Fifteen minutes on hold, which infuriated me, & finally was able to reset my pin. This was all in order to find out if my new brokerage account had successfully transferred .69 cents to my checking account.
I’m here only on Mondays, Wednesdays & Fridays. That’s why I’m here now.

Jury duty.

I received a jury summons for Wednesday. I checked the website the night before and it said that I did not have to report that day, but that I had to check again after 5:30 p.m. on Wednesday to see if I have to report on Thursday. Cool. This usually means they don't need you.

Wrong. Checked again on Wednesday night and it said to report to the courthouse on Thursday at 8:00 a.m. Damn. Oh well. It's just one day, right? Wrong again. Filled out a hardship form (my job doesn't pay me for jury duty so it's a financial hardship, and since I can't eat in the courtroom, my diabetes puts me at risk of hypoglycemia) and sat through 4 hours of boredom punctuated by having to watch some really old videos about how it's my civic duty and how I should consider it a privilege to serve and how if I wanted I could volunteer to be on the county's civil grand jury only to be told that the judge I was assigned to had stated that we wouldn't be needed that day and to check again tonight to see if we have to report tomorrow. Checked the court's website this evening.... and I have to report again tomorrow. No idea what this trial is for but they say it's expected to last 4 weeks. If I don't get excused tomorrow I'm going to scream.

Hope you feel better.
Why are you getting steroid injections in your neck?
I have cervical spondylosis which affects every vertebrae in my neck, but I've had a lot of trouble with my neck for most of my life. It's very limiting.

Still recovering from Monday but past most of it now, I believe. I have no memory of my aneurysm or the 7-10 days which followed and I think what happened was my body responded to the sounds and situation again while, consciously, I was anxious but not panicked, my body reacted as it would've last time I was in that situation (with the monitors/sounds/medical staff talking etc) and my vitals went off the chart which, naturally, freaked me out as I didn't actually 'feel' that bad.

Physically my neck is quite sore and obviously bruised inside (which makes sense as I had multiple needles stuck into either side of, and between, my vertabrae and along my trapezius muscles) but hopefully a few more days and I'll start to feel the benefits.

Thanks for all the comments.
5-time MoFo Award winner.

Jury duty.

Wrong. Checked again on Wednesday night and it said to report to the courthouse on Thursday at 8:00 a.m. Damn. Oh well. It's just one day, right? Wrong again. Filled out a hardship form (my job doesn't pay me for jury duty so it's a financial hardship, and since I can't eat in the courtroom, my diabetes puts me at risk of hypoglycemia) and sat through 4 hours of boredom punctuated by having to watch some really old videos about how it's my civic duty and how I should consider it a privilege to serve and how if I wanted I could volunteer to be on the county's civil grand jury only to be told that the judge I was assigned to had stated that we wouldn't be needed that day and to check again tonight to see if we have to report tomorrow. Checked the court's website this evening.... and I have to report again tomorrow. No idea what this trial is for but they say it's expected to last 4 weeks. If I don't get excused tomorrow I'm going to scream.
Remember as a kid, my father was summoned for jury duty. And like yourself, his job didn't pay for jury duty. He was pissed and on the first day (an introduction to the process and a short interview), he spoke first. He stated, " I have 100% faith in my police department. If the man is arrested, the man is guilty".

They told him to have a nice day and was dismissed.

Remember as a kid, my father was summoned for jury duty. And like yourself, his job didn't pay for jury duty. He was pissed and on the first day (an introduction to the process and a short interview), he spoke first. He stated, " I have 100% faith in my police department. If the man is arrested, the man is guilty".

They told him to have a nice day and was dismissed.
Haven't had any interviews so far, just had papers to fill out.
On the bright side, the court will pay me for my service today (pay starts on day 2 of service) - a whole $15.00. For the day.

I have cervical spondylosis which affects every vertebrae in my neck, but I've had a lot of trouble with my neck for most of my life. It's very limiting.

Still recovering from Monday but past most of it now, I believe. I have no memory of my aneurysm or the 7-10 days which followed and I think what happened was my body responded to the sounds and situation again while, consciously, I was anxious but not panicked, my body reacted as it would've last time I was in that situation (with the monitors/sounds/medical staff talking etc) and my vitals went off the chart which, naturally, freaked me out as I didn't actually 'feel' that bad.

Physically my neck is quite sore and obviously bruised inside (which makes sense as I had multiple needles stuck into either side of, and between, my vertabrae and along my trapezius muscles) but hopefully a few more days and I'll start to feel the benefits.

Thanks for all the comments.
I can relate, Honey. I fractured my neck in 1985 (cliff diving!)
My mom had neck injections a few years back for cervical spondylosis, but it was an in-office procedure (so maybe not the same thing). She said they didn't help, yet months later she didn't seem to have as many neck problems & pain.

Best of luck and feel better soon!

Wrong. Checked again on Wednesday night and it said to report to the courthouse on Thursday at 8:00 a.m. Damn. Oh well. It's just one day, right? Wrong again. Filled out a hardship form (my job doesn't pay me for jury duty so it's a financial hardship, and since I can't eat in the courtroom, my diabetes puts me at risk of hypoglycemia) and sat through 4 hours of boredom punctuated by having to watch some really old videos about how it's my civic duty and how I should consider it a privilege to serve and how if I wanted I could volunteer to be on the county's civil grand jury only to be told that the judge I was assigned to had stated that we wouldn't be needed that day and to check again tonight to see if we have to report tomorrow. Checked the court's website this evening.... and I have to report again tomorrow. No idea what this trial is for but they say it's expected to last 4 weeks. If I don't get excused tomorrow I'm going to scream.
What a pain in the butt. I know it’s our civic duty, but ….

People coming to your house to do some plumbing work but beforehand the company on the phone tells you to wear a mask in your own home and then the workers arrive wearing no masks....

People coming to your house to do some plumbing work but beforehand the company on the phone tells you to wear a mask in your own home and then the workers arrive wearing no masks....

I hate the workers who are supposed to wear plastic booties when they work in someone’s house, but then come into the house without said booties. When I asked Comcast to wear booties the guy was sulky about it.

Kaiser Permanente

OMFG I'm so sick of them. I wish I could afford better insurance, but I'm kind of stuck with them and their screw ups. So about a week ago, I developed a paranychia (an infection in the skin around a fingernail or toenail) in my thumb. I've had this happen before and this one wasn't bad at first so I tried treating it myself, but after a few days it became apparent that I needed it lanced. On Monday (I think) I went on to Kaiser's website and scheduled an appointment for today at 9:30 with a doctor whose name I couldn't even hope to pronounce correctly. Later on I got a call from the office stating that unpronounceable doctor would be in a meeting at 9:30, but my regular doctor, Dr. Davis, had an appointment available at 9:50. Okay fine, whatever. I don't care, I just need a doctor to lance it.

So I showed up to Dr. Davis's office at 9:50 only to be told by the receptionist that they show that the appointment had been cancelled. I told them that I had most definitely not cancelled it so the receptionist asked the nurses and one them came up and said that she had tried to call me to reschedule it because it turned out Dr. Davis wasn't available. I never got any such call. The only call I got was the one saying that the other doctor wasn't available at 9:30. I explained to them that I needed to be seen today because my paranychia needed to be lanced. The nurse said she would see what she could do, then came back and said she got me an appointment "right now" with Dr. Schoenwald in the other building. So I rush over there, get checked in and... wait for like 30 minutes. Then a nurse called me back into the exam room and asked me where my laceration was. Uh, nowhere? I explained I don't have a laceration, I have a paranychia that I need lanced. Then she asked a few questions about my medications, alcohol and tobacco usage, exercise, etc. and told me that the doctor would be with me when he finished with the previous patient. So I wait another half hour. Then the doctor comes in, apparently also under the impression that I had a laceration, and I have to explain again that I do not have a laceration, I have a paranychia that I need lanced. So he says he needs to get the nurse back to help him and leaves the room. Then he returns, says the nurse is busy, and we'll just get started. So he pulls out some supplies and says he was going to numb my thumb before starting. I was pretty surprised by this because I had the same problem in a different finger back in October and the doctor I saw at that time (Dr. Xavier) did not numb me before lancing it. I told him that and he seemed surprised and asked what I preferred. I told him to do what he was most comfortable with. Holy crap. He injected me in two different spots with one of the biggest needles I've ever seen, it hurt really bad, and both injection sites bled quite a bit. Then he left the room to give time for it to get numb. He returned a little later and asked if I was numb. It felt pretty numb so I said yes. So he pulled out a scalpel and started cutting and, uh, well let's just say I wasn't nearly as numb as I thought because that hurt like hell too.

So now my thumb is well and truly numb and therefore almost non-functional (which in turn has made the whole hand almost non-functional). Dr. Schoenwald was very nice and I'm glad his office fit me in after the other screw ups (and to be fair, I have no idea where along the line the miscommunication about laceration vs. paranychia happened), but I think if I get another paranychia I'm going to request Dr. Xavier.

I get another paranychia I'm going to request Dr. Xavier.
If you get another paranychia, tell them you have a laceration. Things might go more quickly.

Going to give someone medication to find the pharmacy has made a mistake by giving double the dosage of what should be taken a day...

One year ago they sent the wrong dosage, instead of something like 15mg, they put in a dosage that was about 60mg...