MoFo Movie Roulette


28 days...6 hours...42 minutes...12 seconds
I watched Freaks. I'm a little bit behind in two HoF's and this. Hope to get my reviews up soon.
"A laugh can be a very powerful thing. Why, sometimes in life, it's the only weapon we have."

Suspect's Reviews

28 days...6 hours...42 minutes...12 seconds

Nominated by @pahaK

A superhero film made on a budget. In a world where people have powers, they are treated more like animals than saviours. These are not your Avengers, these are people labelled "Freaks" and are shot and killed at a moment's notice.

What I appreciated about this movie was that it just drops you into this world without telling you anything and you need to peel back the mystery yourself to understand what is going on. Is the father just crazy or are there real threats outside their house? I didn't know until eyes started bleeding.

Most of the budget went to the special effects, so the story feels very confined, which is fine because it wants to dive deeper into character drama than action. The little girl does a decent job playing against some well-established actors and despite some confusion in the plot, most of the story follows a straight path.

Check out Freaks to see some creativity in filmmaking and if you need a breather from more Marvel friendly affair.

28 days...6 hours...42 minutes...12 seconds
Can we finish this? We're pretty close to being done. If you don't want to continue, do you mind if I take over for you and finish it?
My apologies. Please do take over this as my schedule is too busy right now to run anything. I hate my job because they are throwing more and more work my way and no additional help. I need a 6 person department, I have just myself and one other guy. Two people doing the work of 6...not fun.

My apologies. Please do take over this as my schedule is too busy right now to run anything. I hate my job because they are throwing more and more work my way and no additional help. I need a 6 person department, I have just myself and one other guy. Two people doing the work of 6...not fun.
That's what happens when you're good!

Trouble with a capital "T"
Can we finish this? We're pretty close to being done. If you don't want to continue, do you mind if I take over for you and finish it?
My apologies. Please do take over this as my schedule is too busy right now to run anything...
Your Movie Roulette idea was a good one! Thanks for coming up with the idea.

Let's see if we can save this, I think it's well worth it and I sure enjoyed it.

Your Movie Roulette idea was a good one! Thanks for coming up with the idea.

Let's see if we can save this, I think it's well worth it and I sure enjoyed it.
I enjoyed it too. I would like to continue with it (at least until I get more points than Citizen Rules!)

Trouble with a capital "T"
Are you guys still interested in finishing this? Maybe even later we'll do another one. Let me know.... Depending on who's still in, there would only be a few more movies to watch. I think this Movie Roulette is worth saving, so let's try and save it! So who's in????
@jiraffejustin @Allaby @cricket @pahaK @edarsenal @John Dumbear

Here's the standings from the first post.
Jiraffejustin - 17
John Dumbear - Shoplifters - 4
Citizen Rules - Shoplifters– 4.5
Edarsenal - I, Tonya - 4
Allaby - The Cranes are Flying - 4.5

Citizen Rules - 16.5
Suspect - I Love You To Death - 4
Jiraffejustin - Black Orpheus – 4.5
Allaby - A Night to Remember - 4
Cricket - Day of Wine and Roses - 4

Allaby - 15
Cricket – Sundays and Cybele - 4.5
Edarsenal - Breaker Morant - 4
Citizen Rules - The Naked Island - 4.5
Jiraffejustin - Sophie's Palace - 2

Cricket - 9
Allaby - Les Misérables - 4
Suspect - The Elephant Man - 4
PahaK - Boys Don't Cry - 1

PahaK - 11
Edarsenal - The Nightingale - 4
John Dumbear - Let The Right One In - 4
Cricket - The Slayer - 3

Suspect - 13
Citizen Rules - Sing Street - 4
Cricket – The Guilty – 3.5
John Dumbear - After Hours - 3
PahaK - Green Room - 2.5

Edarsenal - 10.5
PahaK – Sunset Blvd - 3.5
Allaby – Lockout - 3.5
Jiraffejustin - La Dolce Vita - 3.5

John Dumbear - 11
Jiraffejustin - Dancer in the Dark. – 4.5
PahaK - The Other - 3.5
Suspect - The Hospital - 3

Are you guys still interested in finishing this? Maybe even later we'll do another one. Let me know.... Depending on who's still in, there would only be a few more movies to watch. I think this Movie Roulette is worth saving, so let's try and save it! So who's in????
@jiraffejustin @Allaby @cricket @pahaK @edarsenal @John Dumbear

Here's the standings from the first post.
Jiraffejustin - 17
John Dumbear - Shoplifters - 4
Citizen Rules - Shoplifters– 4.5
Edarsenal - I, Tonya - 4
Allaby - The Cranes are Flying - 4.5

Citizen Rules - 16.5
Suspect - I Love You To Death - 4
Jiraffejustin - Black Orpheus – 4.5
Allaby - A Night to Remember - 4
Cricket - Day of Wine and Roses - 4

Allaby - 15
Cricket – Sundays and Cybele - 4.5
Edarsenal - Breaker Morant - 4
Citizen Rules - The Naked Island - 4.5
Jiraffejustin - Sophie's Palace - 2

Cricket - 9
Allaby - Les Misérables - 4
Suspect - The Elephant Man - 4
PahaK - Boys Don't Cry - 1

PahaK - 11
Edarsenal - The Nightingale - 4
John Dumbear - Let The Right One In - 4
Cricket - The Slayer - 3

Suspect - 13
Citizen Rules - Sing Street - 4
Cricket – The Guilty – 3.5
John Dumbear - After Hours - 3
PahaK - Green Room - 2.5

Edarsenal - 10.5
PahaK – Sunset Blvd - 3.5
Allaby – Lockout - 3.5
Jiraffejustin - La Dolce Vita - 3.5

John Dumbear - 11
Jiraffejustin - Dancer in the Dark. – 4.5
PahaK - The Other - 3.5
Suspect - The Hospital - 3
I'm (still) in!

Women will be your undoing, Pépé
I'll still play. Looks like a couple of us are short a review from someone. We'd have to adjust that somehow
What I actually said to win MovieGal's heart:
- I might not be a real King of Kinkiness, but I make good pancakes
~Mr Minio

Trouble with a capital "T"
I'll still play. Looks like a couple of us are short a review from someone. We'd have to adjust that somehow
Yeah we can work that out of course. We'd just continue until all the member's who are still in have watched each other's movies. If someone had extra points from someone no longer in the game we'd remove those points so all was even between the remaining players. Or something along those lines

Women will be your undoing, Pépé
Yeah we can work that out of course. We'd just continue until all the member's who are still in have watched each other's movies. If someone had extra points from someone no longer in the game we'd remove those points so all was even between the remaining players. Or something along those lines
should be an easy enough fix.
I do remember finishing mine for someone and I can't remember who still had one for me. I'd have to look and see.
It was TUS. So we'll adjust that with whatever method works.

Possibility: I've had a steady 3.5 score from everyone I've suggested to so far. I'd take that or even a 3.0 and move on.

Just wanting for a yeah or nay from @pahaK @John Dumbear then we can finish.
I don't know. I kinda want to but on the other hand, I'm in the middle of one of these periods where I don't really watch that many movies (and it takes almost a week to even post to Rate the Last Movie thread about them). I guess it's a nay from me now. If we ever do this again and I'm in a more fitting mood, I'm in but not now.