

Trouble with a capital "T"
I wouldn't even eat bananas. The virus could possibly penetrate the skin. I would at least wash them with hot soapy water before peeling them.
You're joking? It's hard to tell on the internet when someone is joking or being serious? But based on your other post in this thread, I think that's a sarcastic joke?

Ghouls, vampires, werewolves... let's party.
You're joking? It's hard to tell on the internet when someone is joking or being serious? But based on your other post in this thread, I think that's a sarcastic joke?
Not joking. Just being cautious with the unknown.

Went to Store Were out of Bread and Eggs at the store but had all Dairy products and pork meat. I had to get bread at a go mart gas station. Walmart had no jelly or peanut butter either but had plenty Dr Pepper.

That elusive hide-and-seek cow is at it again
Most things were normal at local Publix grocery, but all TP/paper towels were gone as well as all chicken and ground beef. There were still some beef products like roasts and various cuts. Not much pork except the more expensive prepackaged sliced hams. Fruit seems untouched and people were grabbing celery and carrots a lot. Tomatoes were nearly wiped out. Oddly, there's plenty of water, OJ, and Gatorade which I figured would have been first to go if were all anticipating flu-like symptoms.

Panic doesn't lend itself to rational thinking i guess. I was able to get my two bottles of red wine. That plus my freezer stock of gin and vodka, I think I'll be good.

Cool, the mayor of my town just shared some nonsense, debunked meme about gargling salt water killing the virus.

There's a cost to this skepticism signaling stuff.
That only works for sore throat and tonsil stones.

It's incredibly annoying and highly irresponsible when people in important positions do this.

We have our share of ginormous idiots too. Just wanna slap these idiots.

I discovered a couple years ago the best antibiotic body soap and its called peppermint pure castile soap. I have irritated skin allot but if wash with this stuff it clean and gets rid of the red areas and I wash my hands with it. It stings a little but works great. I went out and didnt where a mask. I know some will say your asking for death. Well by now if i didnt get bird of swine flu or any cold since i was 10 years old. If God decides to kill me by a Flu bug then a paper mask aint likely gonna work.

That does it. Irish bars in Boston are closing. The world must be coming to an end.

Well I think we will look back on 2020 as the year in the USA where we most overreacted to an illness. Over 16,000 people died in the USA of the flu in 2019 and no one called anything.

People died in 9-11 but nothing was fully canceled. I know they are playing it safe but I wonder if the fear is more the news does nothing else but talk about death and worst cases that can happen.

The trick is not minding
That does it. Irish bars in Boston are closing. The world must be coming to an end.

Well I think we will look back on 2020 as the year in the USA where we most overreacted to an illness. Over 16,000 people died in the USA of the flu in 2019 and no one called anything.

People died in 9-11 but nothing was fully canceled. I know they are playing it safe but I wonder if the fear is more the news does nothing else but talk about death and worst cases that can happen.
The flu deaths were spread out over time. Corbin-19 has claimed this amount in a matter of months.
Seriously, do people not understand the purpose of precautionary measures?

Def. no joke, Trumps wants to buy (large sums of money have been thrown) a german pharmaceutical company that's close to developing a vaccine.

The flu deaths were spread out over time. Corbin-19 has claimed this amount in a matter of months.
Seriously, do people not understand the purpose of precautionary measures?
Not wishing to detract from the seriousness of the quote at all (as I agree with the sentiment) but I never realised the outgoing British Labour leader was that virulent

(yeah, I know it's a simple typo and his surname really is spelled with a 'y' and not an 'i' anyway but the thought tickled me)

The trick is not minding
The flu deaths were spread out over time. Corbin-19 has claimed this amount in a matter of months.
Seriously, do people not understand the purpose of precautionary measures?
Not wishing to detract from the seriousness of the quote at all (as I agree with the sentiment) but I never realised the outgoing British Labour leader was that virulent

(yeah, I know it's a simple typo and his surname really is spelled with a 'y' and not an 'i' anyway but the thought tickled me)
Auto correct got me again 😑
I saw it and was like, oh well 🤷

Trouble with a capital "T"
What's going to happen with grocery stores? I mean they can't very easily close them and yet they're really crowded with people trying to buy food.

And what about retail stores like J.C Penney that was already on the verge of failing. I can't see them generating much business in the short term. The economy is going to be really taking a hit.

The Adventure Starts Here!
Two other casinos here in western Pa. are closing their buffets and postponing events right now. Naturally, they're hanging on to their table games and slots. <roll eyes>

Grocery stores are modifying their hours here (closing overnight to sanitize and restock). Supply chains still exist -- people just have to take a breath and space out their buying back to normal rates. We'll see how long that takes.

The thing isolated becomes incomprehensible
Well I think we will look back on 2020 as the year in the USA where we most overreacted to an illness. Over 16,000 people died in the USA of the flu in 2019 and no one called anything.

People died in 9-11 but nothing was fully canceled. I know they are playing it safe but I wonder if the fear is more the news does nothing else but talk about death and worst cases that can happen.
The mortality rate of the flu is 0,1%, the COVID-19 is somewhere between 2-4, or near to 10% in Italy because it simply destroyed the health system. It's not the same thing. Doctors in Italy are choosing who they can help and who has to die.