Donald Trump for President?


who cares? these crimes are happening by Trump supporters who think he stands for hatred and bigotry, otherwise why would they be happening? it sounds like you should be lecturing to them about what Trump's policies supposedly are, not me.
There's a segment of society who are just animals and will use any excuse to wreak havoc. You get it from Trump supporters, Trump protesters, the BLM movement, all of them. Blaming Trump would be a lazy cop out.

i'm SUPER GOOD at Jewel karaoke
also, i'm not going to google anything about Hilary Clinton because she is no longer relevant. she lost. her policies and campaign is over. and my argument wasn't that Hilary is tolerant and Trump is a racist, so why even bring Hilary into the equation at all other than to deflect?

Dude, no offense, but you need to be pickier about what you read and call "news". You link me and I bet its not an authentic source. My MSN posts may bend to the bland but I use them because at least they have some modicum of fact checking.

i'm SUPER GOOD at Jewel karaoke
There's a segment of society who are just animals and will use any excuse to wreak havoc. You get it from Trump supporters, Trump protesters, the BLM movement, all of them. Blaming Trump would be a lazy cop out.
yes, but this is happening 2 days after he was elected. and he is about to be our President, so yes, if his supporters are wreaking havoc in the streets because they think he stands for their beliefs, i absolutely do hold him responsible. he should be making statements, addressing these issues and the victims. he should be trying to diffuse this. people would expect it of Obama or Hilary if it was Obama or Hilary supporters doing this.

"I smell sex and candy here" - Marcy Playground
I guess Portland protests are now called a riot.

"I may be rancid butter, but I'm on your side of the bread."
E. K. Hornbeck

yes, but this is happening 2 days after he was elected. and he is about to be our President, so yes, if his supporters are wreaking havoc in the streets because they think he stands for their beliefs, i absolutely do hold him responsible. he should be making statements, addressing these issues and the victims. he should be trying to diffuse this. people would expect it of Obama or Hilary if it was Obama or Hilary supporters doing this.
EXACTLY! Now he has to be a President, and attempt to quell all the distress which is occuring as the result of his election. He has to do something now.

yes, but this is happening 2 days after he was elected. and he is about to be our President, so yes, if his supporters are wreaking havoc in the streets because they think he stands for their beliefs, i absolutely do hold him responsible. he should be making statements, addressing these issues and the victims. he should be trying to diffuse this. people would expect it of Obama or Hilary if it was Obama or Hilary supporters doing this.
I agree that he should say something, and I would expect that he will. On the other hand, the Communist Party supported Clinton. It goes both ways.

i'm SUPER GOOD at Jewel karaoke
...ok, we need to start a drinking game to see how many times a Trump supporter mentions the Clintons in response to anything bad about Trump...

...ok, we need to start a drinking game to see how many times a Trump supporter mentions the Clintons in response to anything bad about Trump...
If we do, I'll have died 6 months ago.

I agree that he should say something, and I would expect that he will. On the other hand, the Communist Party supported Clinton. It goes both ways.

WTF does that (if true) have to do with anything were talking about now?!

Lets just hope he makes a speech, and its a good one.

...ok, we need to start a drinking game to see how many times a Trump supporter mentions the Clintons in response to anything bad about Trump...
Just don't count me since I didn't vote for him. I am however a supporter of fairness and against hypocrisy.

i'm SUPER GOOD at Jewel karaoke
Pence thinks the movie Mulan is proof that women don't belong in the military. btw, Killary has 33,000 deleted emails i mean really


WTF does that (if true) have to do with anything were talking about now?!

Lets just hope he makes a speech, and its a good one.
What I'm saying is that you can't necessarily blame the candidate for who supports them.

What I'm saying is that you can't necessarily blame the candidate for who supports them.
We can if he does nothing in reponse to them

If blacks were beating on whites and chanting Obamas name then Obama would at least be making a speech to stop the madness, and show he is not about that.

Its time for Trump to do something, or hes just turning a blind eye for the convenience of his brands support.

i'm SUPER GOOD at Jewel karaoke
What I'm saying is that you can't necessarily blame the candidate for who supports them.
putting that aside, the point of my whole story wasn't even to say it's all Trumps fault this was happening. the point was to point out people aren't scared for no reason at all. people aren't protesting for no reason at all. there are plenty of reasons to be nervous right now. so every time i hear someone say stuff like "Seriously, why is everyone so freaked out right now?" - this will be my reply every time.

If Trump speaks out, I'll be curious as to what he says. Will he say the right thing, or will he place partial blame on the victims like Barack Obama did at the funerals of those poor Dallas police officers.

Trouble with a capital "T"
a friend of mine who lives in Seattle was jumped last night by three guys when he was walking home from work. he said he'd seen them come into the restaurant earlier that night and sit at the bar and ended up getting kicked out for being obnoxious to other guests. he said they were shouting "No more f**gots in America!" and chanting "Trump! Trump!" before they jumped him. he's very openly gay, btw.

i'd been hearing and seeing online a lot of people sharing stories and posts about the amount of hate crimes against POC and the LBGT+ community in the last 48 hours or so, but it's different when it happens to someone you know.

not enough people are talking about these gross hate crimes. everyone just wants to complain about the whiners and the protesters that are ruining their commute to work. meanwhile, google 'hate crimes since election.' prepare to feel sick.

make america great again? more like make racists afraid again.
Sorry to hear that happened to your friend, Ash. Actually it's sad it happens anywhere at anytime

All Presidents set a moral tone. Each President in recent history has had a different effect on the psyche of America. And no President is more 'colorful' than Trump. "If the President can do it," then it seems socially acceptable for others to act out with the same crass, rude ways. Humans emulate...and like a boring or lively host of a New Years Eve party changes the atmosphere of that party, so well Trump change the atmosphere of America. Sadly you can expect more social discord under Trump.

There's plenty of instances where Trump supporters are being attacked as well. Just something that should be pointed out for the sake of fairness.

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
Remember when Trumo said lets bring hate crimes upon the homosexuals again. Remember when Clinton and Obama said lets tear apart these cities if we lose. Yeah, me neither. Personal responsibility is all but dead in this country and it extends way past folks who won't go to work. We are so busy wanting to be right we refuse to cal wrong wrong. I'm freaking exhausted.