Custom Lists: Beta Testing


Well, like I said, don't put yourself out, but there is definitely value on my end at least from at least confirming it's a super rare (and maybe not consistently reproducible) bug. It would let me rest easy at night and maybe even throw together a simple tool to simple let people delete dupes or something. Mostly I just want to make sure there is a more fundamental flaw in there, which is fairly plausible given the complexity this system has reached (particularly the steps I've had to take to build it up over time, rather than from the ground-up knowing in advance all the places I would eventually decide to take it).

Anyway, I appreciate all these efforts quite a bit. I'm gonna try to trace the process once more. I think the browser thing is less likely than a few other things, anyway, so we'll see if the last patch I uploaded this afternoon stops it from happening. Obviously it's rare enough that we won't really "know" but if you're fiddling with these regularly for a month or two and it hasn't recurred, I'll call that a win.

Well, half a win, since my "fix" is less "figure out why there's two copies" and more "just delete the copies before they make their way into the database." Not as good as figuring out why it happened exactly, but acceptable.

During editing, can we have the entries numbers in case we need to make edits because a corresponding list on another website was recently edited?

During editing, can we have the entries numbers in case we need to make edits because a corresponding list on another website was recently edited?
Definitely going to add this, yes.

"How tall is King Kong ?"
Damn, lost my post. I'll try to remember the phrasing, but it's getting blurry.

1) I had an error message appearing shortly as I was adding a film to my "At sea" list, which is around 50 items-long. I was adding by its url, through the little IMDB/TMDB window. As usual, it took me two tries.

2) The message was something like "cannot enter more than 25 titles". Sorry, the exact phrasing was lost with my first post.

3) There's been no visible consequences. Maybe there would have been duplicates without your new safeguards, who knows.

4) I'm on Opera. I currently have its built-in protection on. It tells me that it blocks two trackers on this site. One is, the other is

5) There was a 3rd tracker that was blocked. It doesn't appear on the list anymore. Thing is, as I first wrote this post, I decided to deactivate Opera's protection for this site, and it refreshed my page, erasing the post I was writing. And so, erasing the more accurate phrasing of the error message, along with the name of the 3rd blocked tracker. [Edit: third blocked tracker was]

Anyway, these are today's new clues. In case they help with something.
Get working on your custom lists, people !

Definitely going to add this, yes.
Okay, added this: it should number your entries now, update them when you add/remove/reorder, etc.

There's a decent chance I'm forgetting some edge case here so let me know if there's some narrow circumstance where it borks.

Damn, lost my post. I'll try to remember the phrasing, but it's getting blurry.

1) I had an error message appearing shortly as I was adding a film to my "At sea" list, which is around 50 items-long. I was adding by its url, through the little IMDB/TMDB window. As usual, it took me two tries.

2) The message was something like "cannot enter more than 25 titles". Sorry, the exact phrasing was lost with my first post.

3) There's been no visible consequences. Maybe there would have been duplicates without your new safeguards, who knows.

4) I'm on Opera. I currently have its built-in protection on. It tells me that it blocks two trackers on this site. One is, the other is

5) There was a 3rd tracker that was blocked. It doesn't appear on the list anymore. Thing is, as I first wrote this post, I decided to deactivate Opera's protection for this site, and it refreshed my page, erasing the post I was writing. And so, erasing the more accurate phrasing of the error message, along with the name of the 3rd blocked tracker. [Edit: third blocked tracker was]

Anyway, these are today's new clues. In case they help with something.
Sorry I didn't respond to this sooner.

The only message close to the one you describe is "You can only add up to 100 movies per list"--could it have been that? Is it possible you were using the Countdown Ballot instead, since it looks similar and does, in fact, have a limit of 25?

"How tall is King Kong ?"
It's too long ago. I really don't remember which part of the message -the number? the idea?- was certain or blurry.

But I was on the "edit list" interface (of that specific list), I don't think the countdown ballot could be accessed from there, accidentally or not. And I haven't ever used that countdown ballot, so there was little change of confusion (like juggling between two tabs, trying to fill both).

Also, the film got immediately added to the intended list (in fact I just double checked to be sure), not to the countdown ballot.

Anyway, I'm pretty sure I've seen -and brushed off- the "100 movies per list" error messages a couple of times, while adding films to lists way below that limit. Maybe these were the instants that had triggered these odd doubling of titles, back then. One entry being suddenly repeated an insane amount of times, through who knows what sort of bug due to who knows what bit of code, or plugin, or browser protection, or long key input, or whatever.

I don't think it matters. You'll see if another user notices something similar some day. For now it's too vague, old and inconsequential to be worth the headache.

Cool, fair enough, sorry I took long enough for the memory to fade. I agree, best to wait and see what recurs since there's always a chance we're chasing edge case stuff.

Thanks for all your help testing this. Should see a lot of work and changes by year's end now.

"How tall is King Kong ?"
Got the error message. It's indeed "cannot enter more than 25 titles". I got it twice, by trying to add

through the little imdb/tmdb search window. Possibly related to the fact the result shows a non-latin character.

It did double all the other titles on my list (except the latest three).

(And definitely doesn't get added when I click on "yes that's it". The little window simply closes, sometimes the error message appearing, sometimes with nothing happening.)

Aha. Interesting. This is definitely something I can investigate further and hopefully at least narrow things down a lot more.

Is this consistently reproducible on your end?

"How tall is King Kong ?"
Is this consistently reproducible on your end?
Yes and no. For the first time something seems consistently stuck : all my attempts to add this title to this list fail (by not adding it). But : the error message doesn't show every time (it may not be showing anymore at all, it used to show at almost each attempt then its appearance became more sparse) and of course the doubling happened only once (the titles don't quadruple, etc).

But also : I tried adding this on another list (a much shorter one) and it worked without any problem.

The trick is not minding
Yes and no. For the first time something seems consistently stuck : all my attempts to add this title to this list fail (by not adding it). But : the error message doesn't show every time (it may not be showing anymore at all, it used to show at almost each attempt then its appearance became more sparse) and of course the doubling happened only once (the titles don't quadruple, etc).

But also : I tried adding this on another list (a much shorter one) and it worked without any problem.
It’s the internet’s way of telling you that you have a custom lists problem and need intervention 😜

Just joking, of course. In all seriousness, I actually like your custom lists that you’ve made. I’m going to have to take another look at them and update what I’ve watched lately.

"How tall is King Kong ?"
all my attempts to add this title to this list fail (by not adding it)
Duh. Of course it won't. Due to the doubling of titles, my list is 120 entries long.

And of course, the "doubling" accident might either trigger the "cannot enter more than 25 titles" message (if it doubles 25 titles in addition to the latest entry) or the "can't be longer than 100 titles" message (if it doubles 50 titles in addition to the latest entry). These messages simply tell us that the system notices the sudden multiplication of titles.

Anyway, I'd like to finish (or try to finish) this list, so I'll start tweaking it again (erasing the duplicate, and re-trying to add gojira). Is that okay, or will my tinkering collide with your tinkering ?

It’s the internet’s way of telling you that you have a custom lists problem and need intervention 😜
I actually hadn't made a new one for a long while. They make nice resorts for custom-list addicts, where they confiscate electronic devices, pens and papers, and shove you to a different cell with clean new walls each night. I had to eat two guardians on my way out.

(Well either that or my sympathy for the mofo community had nosedived a bit after some gamergate-level ramblings, which I know is unfair for the cool people around, but did demotivate me a bit about adding content here...)

Anyway, thanks. These lists are fun to make, tick, and see ticked. I really wish more forumers would make them (or that all custom lists would be accessible through a centralized page).

Anyway, I'd like to finish (or try to finish) this list, so I'll start tweaking it again (erasing the duplicate, and re-trying to add gojira). Is that okay, or will my tinkering collide with your tinkering ?
I'm not sure. Could you give me until middle of tomorrow to tinker?

I really wish more forumers would make them (or that all custom lists would be accessible through a centralized page).
Probably at least on bit on me, since it's been in beta for so long because I'm being a little precious about it all.

The trick is not minding
I actually hadn't made a new one for a long while. They make nice resorts for custom-list addicts, where they confiscate electronic devices, pens and papers, and shove you to a different cell with clean new walls each night. I had to eat two guardians on my way out.

(Well either that or my sympathy for the mofo community had nosedived a bit after some gamergate-level ramblings, which I know is unfair for the cool people around, but did demotivate me a bit about adding content here...)

Anyway, thanks. These lists are fun to make, tick, and see ticked. I really wish more forumers would make them (or that all custom lists would be accessible through a centralized page).
Yeah, it’s regrettable how that thread went down. It goes without saying that not everyone will share the same opinions, nor respect them in some cases, and arguments are bound to happen. This is true no matter where one goes. The only concern, for myself, is the effect it has on the more somewhat sensitive members who are prone to leave over such arguments, or just tire of such things.*
I would hope the good outweighs the bad on this site, and swings that more in the direction of people staying despite any issues one has. *

Trouble with a capital "T"
I just took a look at all of your list, nicely done! So many cool list themes for us to explore. I was just looking at your list: At Sea...I love movies set at sea myself, so I'm hoping to explore some of those that I haven't seen yet. BTW, I'm glad you and all the Corrie/RTs are here Hope you keep making those list! I need to make some more myself.
@Yoda it's so cool that you care to put such an effort into making this work, I'm sure I said this before but Big thanks!

Yeah, seconded, I really appreciate your enthusiasm for this. And I appreciate everyone's patience.

I had an unusually busy summer and basically want this feature to take a huge step forward (along with a few others) over the next few months. If nothing else the protracted beta period has left me a bit more confident that the core of this feature is working pretty well.

You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.

These are the screenshots of the issue with the duplicate titles in my list. Look at the entry numbers. The duplicate titles are together, but the numbers are not in sequence. It looks like the duplicates numbers start after the end of the original list, (before I added a few more titles at the top of the list).

If I answer a game thread correctly, just skip my turn and continue with the game.

"How tall is King Kong ?"
Thanks a lot, @Wyldesyde19 and @Citizen Rules. To be fair, there's also some real life activities that I'm back to, that distract me from cinephilia (and custom listing, and forum melodrama), these times. I'll have to find a way to balance these. At least some.

@Yoda, is it okay if I try to correct and complete that list, or would you wish more time to diagnose it ? No urge at all, just checking if you already finished and forgot to update me...

@Yoda, is it okay if I try to correct and complete that list, or would you wish more time to diagnose it ? No urge at all, just checking if you already finished and forgot to update me...
I would love just one more day, if that's cool. I thought I was going to get to this a lot sooner but my wife and I are house shopping, and last week we found one we liked and put in an offer so now we're juggling inspections and whatnot.

I'll make a special point to try to investigate this a bit more tomorrow and I'll ping you either way.