Things that annoy you...


Same here in CT. Would you be kind enough to explain why a one-year rabies shot is given & a 3 year rabies shot after that? Why can’t an animal get a 3 year rabies shot from the get go? (Asking for my outdoor cat Calyx.)
I don't know if there is a medical reason for it. Your vet may know more than I do. What I do know, though, is that in the U.S. rabies vaccine protocol is determined by state law. In some states, it's required every year, regardless of whether it's a first vaccine or a booster. Other states allow a maximum of two years between vaccines, though I don't know if they require a booster 1 year after the first vaccine or not. Some states require the vaccine for animals 12 weeks of age and older, but California won't accept a rabies vaccine given before 16 weeks of age.

That said, there are some veterinarians that use non-adjuvanted vaccines for cats and those are only good for 1 year, regardless of what state law allows. There was a study done many years ago that suggested that adjuvanted vaccines were linked to cancerous tumors at the injection site in cats, which is why some vets prefer non-adjuvanted feline vaccines. However, other studies done since then have suggested that the cancer is related more to receiving the injection itself and that the adjuvant makes no difference.

@Miss Vicky, thanks so much. Off to the vet Monday with Calyx & Kandy, hoping all will be routine.
I’m here only on Mondays, Wednesdays & Fridays. That’s why I’m here now.

Connecticut got its first snow today. What a pain in the bum. Snow so early (and we had quite a bit of it) makes the winter sooooooooooo long.

Walking through the park early this morning passed a young couple on a bench just about to shoot something into their veins. Lovely.

You’re the disease, and I’m the cure.
Walking through the park early this morning passed a young couple on a bench just about to shoot something into their veins. Lovely.
Feel terrible for that, people shouldn't result to that in life.
“I really have to feel that I could make a difference in the movie, or I shouldn't be doing it.“
Joe Dante

Funny thing that I just thought of. Took a shortcut through local very quiet cemetery & encountered a police officer leaning on his car. We exchanged niceties & I commented that it was the 1st time I’d ever seen an officer in the cemetery. (He told me they come all the time.)

Five minutes later I encounter the 2 junkies in the park. Guess he was in the wrong place.

Trouble with a capital "T"
Funny thing that I just thought of. Took a shortcut through local very quiet cemetery & encountered a police officer leaning on his car. We exchanged niceties & I commented that it was the 1st time I’d ever seen an officer in the cemetery. (He told me they come all the time.)

Five minutes later I encounter the 2 junkies in the park. Guess he was in the wrong place.
I don't know about where you live, but here in my state a cop would've probably gave those two junkies: clean needles, a couple of Starbuck's pumpkin spice lattes (because it's fall) and then gave them each a $25 voucher to buy some more dope...well just about anyway I see no reason to coddle these people and yes dope leaches annoy me!

I don't know about where you live, but here in my state a cop would've probably gave those two junkies: clean needles, a couple of Starbuck's pumpkin spice lattes (because it's fall) and then gave them each a $25 voucher to buy some more dope...well just about anyway I see no reason to coddle these people and yes dope leaches annoy me!
I don’t know what they do with them here. I would imagine they would be arrested & taken to the main station downtown.

I figured Trump might try to win a second presidential term in 2024. Probably bluff at this time.

Brownie points if you know the only other president who won non-consecutive terms.

Well, he had a confirmed illegitimate child, but I'm not sure if that's what you're thinking of or not (I'd guess not).
Oh, he did? Will have to research that.

He is famous for being the only president to have a child (his 2nd) born in the White House.

Ah, neat.

Yeah, the child thing got kinda ugly. There was a famous political ad/chant/whatever that went "Ma, ma, where's my pa? Off to the White House, ha ha ha!"