The 2nd MoFo Hall of Infamy : Son of Infamy


28 days...6 hours...42 minutes...12 seconds
Carnival of Souls

Wes Craven, may he rest in peace, should be embarrassed that his name was attached to this. I'm not sure how 'hands-on' he was and probably just threw his name on it for a quick buck, but damn, you can't be hurting that bad financially.

The film looks cheap, plays cheap and the only saving grace is that it is a "horror" movie. Horror is a genre that I forgive because it always seems to snuggle up to my heart. Making it somewhat bearable compared to the other shlock that I found myself watching this time around.

Larry Miller usually plays a sleazy guy and he has the looks and charm of a madman. He can play deranged killer rather well...just take the damn makeup off his face. He looks goofy with it on. Much more sinister and frightening with it off. He knows what kind of movie this is, I'm not entirely sure everyone else does.

If your film has too many dream sequences, it's a sign you are putting people to sleep too!!!

28 days...6 hours...42 minutes...12 seconds

Bane tests the limits of my horror love, but I have indeed seen far worse in this genre. It does want to wrestle for the crown of low-budget and ugly looking. This is something that film students would try and throw together at the last second for a passing grade. I saw film students because there does seem to be 'some' effort put forth. As minimal as that may be.

The acting is beyond bad and I feel the casting call sheet must have said "free meal". Every line delivery is wooden and forced, the script is almost non-existent and the sound quality was God-awful.

There are better torture films out there, this one is an easy skip. I had no idea this even existed until it was nominated.

28 days...6 hours...42 minutes...12 seconds

Brando's self-proclaimed "worst film". At least is plays like a movie!!!

I giggled here and there, it was certainly weird at times. The cry crying " need" over and over was off-putting. Then his grotesque licking turned me off as well. These "hippie" movies are fun to look back on and see how out there people were.

I did a double-take when Ringo Starr turned up as a Meixcan? What? I did enjoy James Coburn's little surgical sequence.

I'm surprised this film is nominated to be honest. As "bad" as it is, there are certainly more terrible choices out there. This film is at the very least, watchable.

28 days...6 hours...42 minutes...12 seconds
Titanic: The Legend Goes On...

You know, as bad as this film is...people actually sat down and spent time on it. There was some poor SOB who had to sit hour after hour hand-drawing every frame of this movie. For THAT and THAT alone, this cannot be topping my list for this HoF.

The film is an insult to the senses and the memories of those who died that day. The Legend Goes On has bad songs, talking animals, poor animation and terrible voice work.Let's not forget the insane stereotypes. My gawd.

28 days...6 hours...42 minutes...12 seconds
The Other Titanic Movie...

Where's the rapping dog at?

The 'real' story of the Titanic is just as insulting as the last, but where the other film had some charm here or there, this film feels void of any of it. Even with the bogus ending, the film feels cold to the touch. The animation feels different in almost every other scene and the persistence of both films to have so many talking animals boggles the mind.

A big WOW moment for the filmmakers I'm sure was when we get a nice 3D animated 360 shot of the Titanic. Pat themselves on the back they did for that one.

28 days...6 hours...42 minutes...12 seconds
The Incredible Petrified World


Despite being a rather tediously boring movie, points for a shark vs octopus fight.

An interesting idea that could be fun if it were remade today. The filmmakers would have to put some effort into it though, as this felt devoid of any of that. No real imagination, tension, heart, or brains were put into making this movie.

I wish that there was more than just swimming around in this movie, that's what it felt like. Swim here, swim there, roll credits.

28 days...6 hours...42 minutes...12 seconds

Who in God's name nominated this garbage? Oh yeah...sorry.

Offensive comedies CAN work. They just need to be funny and in on the joke about who or what they are offending. This film is so tone-deaf and unfunny that it hurts. I did not laugh once. I rolled my eyes several times and looked at my phone even more.

He doesn't even do a good job of putting on 'the voice'. None of the characters are likable or even the least bit realistic. This is a stain on this site's legacy that it has been watched and reviewed by so many people...

I forgot the opening line.
I've watched all the movies. Just need to find time to review them.
Nearly there!
Remember - everything has an ending except hope, and sausages - they have two.
We miss you Takoma

Latest Review : Aftersun (2022)

28 days...6 hours...42 minutes...12 seconds
Leap: Rise of the Beast

Another Christian flick here, this time with action and sci/fi elements. We open with a PARKOUR chase sequence that then leads to the absolutely slowest fight scene I have ever seen in my life. It's almost as if they filmed the rehearsal where they were learning the moves and they just went with it.

The film is full of bad audio (stock audio files of people running are laughably bad) and terrible ADR. A film can look bad, but if it sounds bad, good luck. The Vatican has taken over and the Antichrist is here to poison our minds. Gawd.

I hate that I watched this.

28 days...6 hours...42 minutes...12 seconds
The Kinky Coaches and the Pom Pom Pussycats

Of course this movie is bad, but when you watch it in these circumstances with the other trainwrecks we're all forced to watch, it elevates the film a bit.

Effort people, if a little bit of effort is seen in the filmmaking, I'm giving the film a pass and this gets a pass from me. Yes it is a boring laughless film that doesn't really live up to the title. I guess I expected more kinky sexcapades and was left with a chore of a watch.

I did get a kick out of the family sitcom style opening credits though.

28 days...6 hours...42 minutes...12 seconds
Wild 90

Well that felt self-indulgent.

If you're going to stick the audience in a room with only 3 characters, make them at least a little bit interesting. Make their conversations have meaning, their actions have consequences, and the audience have intrigue. Why am I sitting here with these buffoons for over 80 minutes?

The black-and-white cinematography isn't enough to give the film a sense of style. It was so damn repetitive and watching someone slur his way through his lines is just not my sense of a good time.

Wild 90

Well that felt self-indulgent.

If you're going to stick the audience in a room with only 3 characters, make them at least a little bit interesting. Make their conversations have meaning, their actions have consequences, and the audience have intrigue. Why am I sitting here with these buffoons for over 80 minutes?

The black-and-white cinematography isn't enough to give the film a sense of style. It was so damn repetitive and watching someone slur his way through his lines is just not my sense of a good time.
This sounds like a winner.

I forgot the opening line.
@TheUsualSuspect @Allaby @KeyserCorleone @Takoma11 @ueno_station54 @Siddon

Okay - we'll do the reveal in around 12 hours* time. Sadly, Leap : Rise of the Beast and The Misty Green Sky are disqualified due to ueno_station54 seemingly departing MoFo for good. So I'll recalculate without those two films, and we'll see which of these babies is the absolute worst.

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