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I thought it was one of the best too. I also really liked the scene in the cafeteria when the guy gets caught by Grubitz telling the joke about the chairman and gets more or less told he his being fired for it only for Grubitz to tell a joke about the chairman himself. I think that scene was really well done and it did a good job portraying the top down structure these communist regimes had.

The cafeteria joke scene is another great one. Again, nearly mentioned that one as well haha.

I've actually been meaning to see The Edukators, but somehow keep forgetting about it. Thanks for reminding me to get on that. (:

For some reason I also thought some of the same people were behind both films. Maybe that's just because Daniel Brühl is in both of them? haha

Update: Oh, I was asking one of my friends if they have the movie on DVD because I've never seen it. They "politely" told me I was mistaken because I saw that movie with them some number of years ago for a film class in University. Good to know.

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They are not from the same director. Good Bye, Lenin! is from Wolfgang Becker and The Edukators is from Hans Weingartner.
Thanks for the correction - a German friend told me to see Good Bye, Lenin! after I told him I liked "The Edukators" saying it was by the same guy.. Not even written by the same guy (each director co-wrote their own movie)

Watched The Martian (2015) last night. Others have written reviews so I'm not going to do that here.

I like "realistic" science fiction movies - so this one satisfied, but I only want to say one other thing (and it seems to have become my standard criticism for many modern movies) - The Martian was about 20 minutes too long.

The movie did not have a lot of complicated plot details - it was a pretty simple story. So there was no reason it had to have 24 additional minutes and could not have been kept under 2 hours long.

I think adding extra 20 minutes to an hour onto 2 hour-long movies is what turns many potentially great movies into just "good" movies (because after the 2 hour mark the sense of "great" begins to wear off while the sense of "grate" begins to set in)!

You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.
Watched The Martian (2015) last night. Others have written reviews so I'm not going to do that here.

I like "realistic" science fiction movies - so this one satisfied, but I only want to say one other thing (and it seems to have become my standard criticism for many modern movies) - The Martian was about 20 minutes too long.

The movie did not have a lot of complicated plot details - it was a pretty simple story. So there was no reason it had to have 24 additional minutes and could not have been kept under 2 hours long.

I think adding extra 20 minutes to an hour onto 2 hour-long movies is what turns many potentially great movies into just "good" movies (because after the 2 hour mark the sense of "great" begins to wear off while the sense of "grate" begins to set in)!

I liked The Martian, and I didn't think it was too long. It held my interest from start to finish, and I thought it was one of the best movies of the year.
If I answer a game thread correctly, just skip my turn and continue with the game.

The movie is 144 minutes long. So 2 hours plus 24 minutes.
If a movie has 20 minutes more than it should have fair enough, but you are saying this should have stopped at 2 hours why? Because it is a round number or what?

If you have a problem with 24 minutes of the film then fair enough but otherwise, the hell are you talking about?

The Martian was about 20 minutes too long.

The movie did not have a lot of complicated plot details - it was a pretty simple story. So there was no reason it had to have 24 additional minutes and could not have been kept under 2 hours long.
When I first saw this movie in theatres, I didn't find the length an issue because I was completely enthralled in the story. I loved it so much I went out an bought the book, something I never do, and read the entire thing fairly quickly. I watched the movie again when it first came out on video, and again didn't find it's overly long, but I've been wanting to watch it again and the runtime is always an issue holding me back.

While I don't agree with the implication that all movies should be under 2 hours, I do sort of agree that they could've cut a little more from this one. They already removed a lot of plot points from the book, particularly involving the crew of the Hermes, so what they left in seems a bit odd. You don't watch this movie and care about whether or not Sebastian Stan and Kate Mara's characters get together, so why not cut all of that too?

Even though I like the ending to the movie, if they had kept it the same as in the book, that also would've cut off quite a bit of the run time, but while it was fine for the book, I think most audiences would not have been satisfied with that conclusion.

WARNING: "The Martian (novel and film)" spoilers below
The book ends just as they get Watney onboard, so we don't know whether or not the Hermes actually makes it back to Earth. Since there were a lot more issues facing the crew in the book vs the crew in the movie, it's quite possible that they won't.

I have to return some videotapes...
Alpha Dog (2005) -

Really enjoyed the true crime aspect of this film and I love most things Emile Hersch is part of, wish he acted more in stuff like this. A lot of flaws, but executed well enough for me to still walk away enjoying it.
It's only after we've lost everything that we're free to do anything.

Vertigo (1958)

Hadn't seen this in years, and I only slightly remembered it. If I had the time, I'd watch it again right away because I forgot how slow it is, and it caught me off guard. I think it might be a brilliant movie, but it took me a little time to get into it. I still enjoyed it immensely.

I have to return some videotapes...
Lethal Weapon (1987) -

Watching this just makes me miss Mel so much more, the chemistry him and Glover have just displays true acting. Great action and heartfelt moments reminds me why this film will always be a classic.

Alpha Dog (2005) -

Really enjoyed the true crime aspect of this film and I love most things Emile Hersch is part of, wish he acted more in stuff like this. A lot of flaws, but executed well enough for me to still walk away enjoying it.

I loved this movie, but I thought Emile Hirsch was the weakest part of the film.

Hated this one!
Joy (2016)
Not surprised that you hated this, Citizen, since, if memory serves, you didn't like Silver Linings Playbook, which was a way better film than this one...this one definitely had its problems, primarily a very rambling screenplay that took too long to get to the real story that Russell was trying to tell.

Trouble with a capital "T"
I only watched the first 15 minutes of Silver Lining Playbooks so it wouldn't be fair for me to judge the rest of the movie. But I didn't like the first 15 minutes. I'm thinking David O Russell is a director writer that I really am not interested in.

I have to return some videotapes...
Lethal Weapon 2 (1989) -

Lacks some of the charm the first one has, but still enjoyable. There are some really good action scenes in this, better than the first imo.