Television Tab


Watched the first four of Narcos now, again i don't think it is amazing i think it has gotten a bit better with every episode though. I'm pretty familiar with the events of Escobar and the Medellin Cartel so i'd usually be annoyed with the made up events, characters and charecterizations shown. Thing is though these times portrayed were incredibly mundane, Pablo had the country bought. It's not like Jouquin "El Chapo" Guzman who has been on the run since he was born (while being caught and escaping twice) , or any of the Sicillian Overlords namely Riina on the run mid 60s-93, Bernardo Provenzano on the run from the same time as Riina but as his number 2 until 2005, and the current number one target Matteo Messina Denaro who has been on the run since 1993, which is as long as i've been alive.

Pablo spent the majority of his time as not just a free man but one of the most powerful and well liked men in his country. So those made up events and characters are somewhat necessary as most of Pablos reign was uneventful to him and the rest of the Medellin Drug Lords at least.

I watched last weeks and recorded last nights. I've not seen last nights yet, but as usual I felt as if I'd seen everything before last week.,
5-time MoFo Award winner.

I am watching it. And those flying fish were stunning.

Doctor Who - Series 9, Episode: Face The Raven.
Nothing special but it got five stars for finally getting
WARNING: "Doctor Who" spoilers below
rid of Clara, haven't been a fan of her for a long time and really looking forwards to seeing who they get for a new companion/companions.

Fortitude - Series 1, Episode 1 & 2.
Finally started this series and so far me likes, looking forwards to it turning crazy, apparently it does.

Orange Is The New Black - Series 2.
. The very very end of series 2 was brilliant, I was cheering her on.

The Hunt - Episode 4.

Scream Queens - Episode 5

Isis: The British Women Supporters Unveiled -
A documentary on Channel 4 here in Britain. Nothing interesting and quite repetitive especially with all the twitter stuff. Zzzz.

I'm loving The Hunt.
I'm still watching The Leftovers (is anyone else?) jeez I don't know how much more surreal these eps can get. It's like Lost on speed.

The Bridge III - I love Saga

I didn't think Fortitude became crazy at all. I found the whole thing rather underwhelming.

I enjoyed The Hunt this week, but it's still nothing new. Watched two more episodes of Arne Dahl. I liked the first series, but I'm enjoying this one even more with Kerstin as the central character. Much better with less Paul, too. Just the last two episodes to see now.

I watched the first episode of The Bridge III, too. Pretty good. I just hope it's more like series 2 than series 1.

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I'm loving The Hunt.
I'm still watching The Leftovers (is anyone else?) jeez I don't know how much more surreal these eps can get. It's like Lost on speed.

The Bridge III - I love Saga
Decided against The Leftovers, the first season was enough for me.

Doctor Who - series 9, episode: Heaven Sent - Dire, just go away now. For me the worst series of Doctor Who since the revamp(from what I can remember of it anyway). Hope it ends next week on a better note.

Also, sat down and watched X-Factor, . I really don't know why I keep watching this, the best singer of the lot went in the second week. It got more boring after that.

Last week I finished watched Sons of Anarchy, which I flew through in a couple of weeks. I don't think it's the greatest show ever created, but it's one of the most likeable and emotional, I think. I was unsure about it at the start, but soon got hooked. Sometimes (well, a lot) the plot verges on ridiculous, but all the characters are well written enough so that we enjoy watching them and build up relationships. Some really heart breaking moments throughout, and some of my favourites of any television show that I have ever seen. I think my favourite season was six, my favourite finale might be season three, although I thought the ending of it all worked well. I was a little disappointed with the direction the the final season took after the storyline and character of Jax for the first six seasons, but it still worked for me in the end. Overall, it was a blast watching it, and to very deliberately quote, kind of, I couldn't help falling love with it.

Last week I finished watched Sons of Anarchy, which I flew through in a couple of weeks. I don't think it's the greatest show ever created, but it's one of the most likeable and emotional, I think. I was unsure about it at the start, but soon got hooked. Sometimes (well, a lot) the plot verges on ridiculous, but all the characters are well written enough so that we enjoy watching them and build up relationships. Some really heart breaking moments throughout, and some of my favourites of any television show that I have ever seen. I think my favourite season was six, my favourite finale might be season three, although I thought the ending of it all worked well. I was a little disappointed with the direction the the final season took after the storyline and character of Jax for the first six seasons, but it still worked for me in the end. Overall, it was a blast watching it, and to very deliberately quote, kind of, I couldn't help falling love with it.
So glad you liked Sons, Daniel . I think i had it at #18 on my top 50, and the only time i voted tactically on one of the countdowns was when i had it at #5 to force it onto the list.

I totally agree it isn't close to being one of the greatest ever, it is probably the most flawed show on my top 20 and quality wise it doesn't come close to the other show Kurt Sutter was heavily involved with The Shield, but i love it anyway for alot of the reasons you mentioned. Not sure if you know but Kurt (the creator) portrays Otto.

Season 3s finale is probably the best because it meant that awful Season was over . Not sure if you liked it or not but it was the only one i actually disliked. Agree with you on the last Season i though even for SOA standards it was very messy, loved the finale though and wasn't expecting, it was great to see one of the few Shield alumni not to appear Michael Chiklis driving the truck.

Favourite character? I'd go with the boring answer of Jax but Tig and Clay deserve mention.

Yeah I knew about Otto, I thought he was a great character, crazy, but memorable.

WARNING: "SOA" spoilers below
His final scene where he kills Toric is great

And yeah, season three I didn't really like that much, all the Abel stuff dragged on for ages, but I thought the finale was really great, I think the reason I enjoyed it was because

WARNING: "SOA" spoilers below
The ATF agent and Jimmy O both died, ending those annoying storylines

And yeah, Jax is a good character, although it annoys me because all the great work he did in season six is ruined in seven. Didn't like Tig too much at the start, but loved him by the end. Chibs really grew as well in to a great character.

Aside from those lot I always thought Unsah was great, from the start he was a good man with a good heart, and was always a great help to the Sons, especially Clay who owed a lot to him. I liked Nero too, and then from the smaller roles I really enjoyed TO and Marcus Alavarez

WARNING: "SOA" spoilers below
Really glad who it turned out for TO, getting patched in despite being black, was a good ending and the type of legitimate progress that made me enjoy what Jax was doing in season six so much. I know he went crazy because his wife was killed, but even then he could have acted more rationally, and the way he just suddenly turned on August Marks I thought was silly. Was kind of glad Gemma killed Tara, I thought that was the only way that was gonna play out, but that ruined everything.

On Alvarez, well from the first season I thought the Mayans were gonna be a problem and maybe somewhere along the line there would be a big Mayan war, maybe even like the last season. But then they turned out to be really good allies, and I respected the way they went about things, as silly as that sounds

Not seen The Shield yet, looks pretty good though. I was also surprised when Walton Goggins showed up

Agree with most of what you said there especially your second spoiler and about Chibs and Unser who were both great characters. My favourite minor character was probably Happy, even though he was in alot of episodes i still think of him as minor because he didn't really have any purpose or character development, dude cracks me up though. Tig and Happy = best bromance on the show . My favourite adversary was easily Zobelle, i don't think i've ever hated a character as much as him and not just for the obvious reasons but for how powerless he made Samcro seem at one point.

You hear about the apparent Mayans spinoff? They were originally planning a miniseries following Jaxs dad, don't think that's happening anymore though.

Definitely watch The Shield, Daniel, think you'll love it i personally think it is much better than Sons even though i love them both. Also watch The Wire if you haven't already, it's no Sopranos but it's pretty much the best thing otherwise

Been watching 30 Rock. Flew through the first season and watched the first few episodes of the second, very funny show. I can see it either going downhill or me just losing interest, so i'm trying to watch a good amount before it happens. It's incredibly cartoonish and zany, which i actually think is a positive as it takes away from the many uncomfortable moments. For instance i adore both Peep Show and The Office but at times they become genuinely tough to sit through, i've found my self skipping through some scenes i just can't handle

Liz and Jack make the show for me. As much as i like the supporting cast i can see their schtick getting tired particularly Kenneth and Tracy, i think Jenna will probably last the longest for me. I know alot of people hate him in real life, but i find Alec Baldwin very likeable and also the funniest in this. He reminds me of quite a few different TV characters, my first impression was that he is like a lighter and more normal G.O.B Bluth which is funny since Will Arnett turned up later as his rival. Even though i think Jack is funnier Liz is my favourite so far. She is totally nuts but still the most normal of that lot, i can't help but feel sorry for/cheer her on, she just casually gets treated like crap by everyone.

One of the last episodes i watched was Seinfeld Vision, i didn't think it was a great episode but there was one scene that really cracked me up. When Jerry was in the elevator with Kenneth he did a bit straight out of Seinfeld, it was just so 90s and out of place that it killed me, shows you how unique and impossible to imitate that show is.

Also who is that weird woman who seems to be every other character? She's been the crazy woman backstage with the "runts" who wanted to have Liz babies, the host of a talk show, a protester outside the studio, etc.

Fargo S2:E7 & 8

The Bloomquist retreat is great. Peggy really is crazier than a bag of cats, but we already knew that. Hanzee is a mirror of Salvo in his efficiency and ruthlessness. Ed seems so vacant, which seems to contradict with his capable ability to handle himself when the stuff hits the fan.

Once again the editing and music are great. I am a sucker for the multi-frame shots that they frequent, dontcha' knoo.

I know, I know this is a movie forum. But I also watch Television, weird huh? So why not have a T.V. tab? I'm sure it won't be as popular as the movie tab but that's ok. I'm willing to admit that sometimes I watch some absolutely atrocious T.V. are you?
I think it's a good idea, especially as films have spawned so many TV series over the years.

Fargo S2:E8 & 9

The Bloomquist retreat is great. Peggy really is crazier than a bag of cats, but we already knew that. Hanzee is a mirror of Salvo in his efficiency and ruthlessness. Ed seems so vacant, which seems to contradict with his capable ability to handle himself when the stuff hits the fan.

Once again the editing and music are great. I am a sucker for the multi-frame shots that they frequent, dontcha' knoo.
It's fantastic TV, I'm loving it. Actually you know it's one of those things I could watch simply for the spectacle of it all - the sets, the costumes, the scenery. Did you see those shots from above in the snow amongst the bare trees? Gorgeous!