
It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
I bought Casablanca. It better not disappoint me this time, losers.

Sean - I also got The Handmaiden!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I will be surprised if you don't love Haindmaiden. Casablanca, I'm not sure. You certainly won't hate it or think it wasn't worth the $ though.

I will be surprised if you don't love Haindmaiden. Casablanca, I'm not sure. You certainly won't hate it or think it wasn't worth the $ though.
Actually looking forward to revisiting Casablanca. Hopefully, it'll click this time.

Admittedly, I'm more excited for Handmaiden. Damn it looks good.

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
Actually looking forward to revisiting Casablanca. Hopefully, it'll click this time.
Didn't realize you had seen it, so I'm going to guess it will be just ok for you.

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
I'm trying to think of a movie that took multiple clicks for me to get. I feel like I'm not thinking of one at the moment.
I didn't love There Will Be Blood, Pulp Fiction, or Rushmore the first time through. Even Shawshank I went to the theater by myself and enjoyed but wasn't head over heels. When it came to video I showed it to my family and watched probably three times in a month. It became my fave from then on. Yes, I was way ahead of IMDB.

If anyone that has't voted in the Animated Film Tournament wants to vote here's the matches:

How To Train Your Dragon - 6 vs South Park: Bigger, Longer, Uncut - 5
Akira (1988) - 6 vs Wall-E - 7
Porco Rosso - 3 vs Atlantis: The Lost Empire - 2
Who Framed Roger Rabbit? - 6 vs Bambi - 8
Ratatouille - 3 vs Whisper Of The Heart - 4
Wreck-It Ralph - 2 vs The Wind Rises - 3
Rock and Rule - 1 vs Yellow Submarine - 2
The Triplets of Belleville - 0 vs Persepolis - 5

Obviously you need to have seen both in a match to vote. I'd rather you vote in the thread but i'll count them if you vote in the shoutbox/chill club or leave me a profile/post comment or a PM for some reason.

One of my friend's is a film student, and me and my best bud are helping him to make a little film he wrote up. It's really, really fun, even if I'm not directing in this case it's still a fun process, and he often asks my advice about stuff. While he is setting up the camera and stuff, I would help my best bud - who plays the lead character - work out what to do in the scene, how to make it feel natural and stuff. He seemed really impressed by my "directing" him, told me I'd be great doing that. Obviously meant a lot because directing has always been my real dream. We are very excited about this, having a lot of fun and are going to keep making our own little short movies after, with me in the director's chair. I look at it as a chance to build up my skillz, just by making a bunch of short films with my buddies. More importantly though, I am looking to have fun.

What has been my main take-away so far? Collaboration with everyone is important. I've often heard that but actually participating in the making of something, it's immediately noticeable how little touches become so many better with when everyone discusses how to make it better. I can't understand Hitchcock's sentiment that actors are all cattle and it's up to the crew to make the decisions. Actors are some of the most crucial crew members in fact and their collaborative input seems infinitely important.


I just found a damselfly nymph in my shrimp tank. Several of my female shrimp recently had babies, too. I wonder how many of my hatchlings that f*cker munched on before I found it. There better not be more in there.

Little Devil's Avatar
MC for the Great Underground Circus
Arrival is 2016's best movie, end of discussion.
I'll give that award to The Witch.
You're more advanced than a cockroach, have you ever tried explaining yourself to one of them?

Mmm, I had to look up many words for that post, so I'm guessing you have shrimp "farm" or some sort and there is a plague insect that will make bastards that aren't pure shrimp lineage?

Something similar happened to me (thought it's not similar at all) it's similar in the sense of "I'm pissed because all my work is now ruined" kind of way. I wanted to start growing plants, something I always wanted to do, I started with 4 types of plants, really small pots. They need 2 weeks before changing the pot, 1 week and 2 of them grew a lot, the other two were basically dead to me. Later I found out that the biggest one, suddenly dissapear!! They have labels so I didn't counfuse it with a dead one. Then a dead one start growing, really weird. Finally I caught my cat throwing up and I found out it was because SHE FREAKING EAT MY PLANTS!!! I caught it on tape and everything, I guess I will try to grow cactus now maybe