
If he tries anything else in the future, you call the cops again.

Let the night air cool you off
He won't get in any trouble. My dog very well may have been on his property. He will just say he felt threatened and hit the dog in self-defense. No cop in Oklahoma would do anything about that. And that might actually be his legal right, but I know better than that.

I don't care. Call the cops. Trust me. Call the cops. Don't let him get away with this. File a report. On suspicion. Do it.

People will call the cops for dumber reasons. Even in Oklahoma.

Sorry if I'm rude but I'm right
I am pretty sure somebody clubbed one of my dogs to death today.
I didn't know listening to club music can be so dangerous for a dog!
There is definitely something wrong with this guy. He married his niece.
Typical redneck!
Look, I'm not judging you - after all, I'm posting here myself, but maybe, just maybe, if you spent less time here and more time watching films, maybe, and I stress, maybe your taste would be of some value. Just a thought, ya know.

I just don't understand what kind of human being would do that to a dog for no real reason. This dog was a really sweet dog, only about a year and a half old. Very loving. Sadly that's probably what got him killed, I am willing to bet he walked right up to the guy trying to play with him. He was a smaller dog, so the guy wouldn't have felt threatened at all.
That's absolutely terrible. Real sorry that happened jiraffejustin.

I am pretty sure somebody clubbed one of my dogs to death today. I heard something awful from my window earlier, and one of my dogs hadn't been back to the house since then. I went out with a flashlight to look for him, and sadly I found his body. I think my neighbor did it. We have a small wooded area between our houses. I am really struggling not to throw a brick through his window right now.
Damn. Dude Id help you get revenge on this s.o.b. if I were in your neck of the woods. Make no mistake, that sorry p.o.s. s.o.b. only understands one language. I had worse neighbors than this one even growing up in Brandon, and you having a gut hunch it was the neighbor, well youre probably right.

Trouble with a capital "T"
What a horrible thing to happen, so sorry to hear this JJ. Your neighbor is sick and dangerous.

Please, think twice before you or a family member confronts the neighbor. Payback or a confrontation, could put your family in danger. I don't know what you should do...but whatever you do, think twice about the ramifications.

Please, think twice before you or a family member confronts the neighbor. Payback or a confrontation, could put your family in danger. I don't know what you should do...but whatever you do, think twice about the ramifications.
Still -- CALL THE COPS. Let the authorities know about this dangerous person. Especially just in case something ELSE should happen. Think of the people who didn't call the cops on other criminals out there, and should have. This is your chance.

Originally Posted by TONGO
Make no mistake, that sorry p.o.s. s.o.b. only understands one language.
I know I won't get an answer (at least from him), but, one language? What does that mean? What language is he talking about? The language of evil? Or, if you don't know a language besides English, you're scum?

Yes, I would call the cops, it's a crime. But I wouldn't go over to the man's house and yell at him.
That's completely understandable. He needs to avoid this person like the plague. That's why I said DON'T throw a brick through his window.

People like this man like seeing someone get mad at their cruel actions. That will only make him happy. Then he has an excuse to get you in trouble because you broke his window. You have to call the cops. What these people don't like are the authorities and getting caught and getting in trouble themselves.

Even if the cops don't do anything, or can't prove anything, it might still have the potential to warn him off against doing anything like this in the future.

Master of My Domain
Ruined your plan because now you have 101 rep. Ha!
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