Neiba's All-Time Top 100 (2015 Edition)

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Master of My Domain
Grave of the Fireflies was one of the best films watched in 2015. Truly beautiful film.

Mainstream wuss!

The thing isolated becomes incomprehensible
Johnny Got His Gun, Umberto D., Capra's films, Monsters & Cie, Ratatouille, Elephant Man, We All Loved Each Other, Titanic... ( )
The Gods of Arthouse are not proud. You must offer them a sacrifice!

Kiss Kiss Bang Bang was the first time I noticed Robert Downey Jr. That got me really interested in him, but everything went down hill after Iron Man.

Johnny Got His Gun, Umberto D., Capra's films, Monsters & Cie, Ratatouille, Elephant Man, We All Loved Each Other, Titanic... ( )
The Gods of Arthouse are not proud. You must offer them a sacrifice!
That's right! Join Arthouse Mafia to repent your sins!

Be a freak, like me too
In my defense, I was only seven when I saw it the first time (and I had a crush on Dicaprio, I slept with a magazine with him on the cover, under my pillow)
"We wanted to change the world, but the world changed us."

The thing isolated becomes incomprehensible

Letter From an Unknown Woman
Max Ophüls

Honor is a luxury only gentlemen can afford.

I'm not usually into romantic movies but this one is exceptional!
The circle narrative works wonderfully, Joan Fontaine is awesome and the directing is superb from every point of view! I loved they way Vienna was portrayed in 1900 and the figure of the pianist that throws away a promising career just because he loved women a bit too much - that is probably the most realistic reality of this time in the musical background of Vienna. The difference between different social classes is also really well portrayed!
The soundtrack is glorious, filled with constant references to operatic repertoire.
Max Ophüls is a director that I intend to explore much more in the year to come!

Master of My Domain
Nice pick, Letter From an Unknown Woman was close to being on the top of my 7th HoF list.

The thing isolated becomes incomprehensible

The Lady from Shanghai

Orson Welles

Killing you is killing myself. But, you know, I'm pretty tired of both of us.

This movie is a noir by definition but it's like nothing I've ever seen! It's also what can be called a flawed Welles' because he did not have full control on editing (damn you Hollywood) but a flawed Welles is still better than most film!
Amazingly written, superbly acted and technically impressive, it never ceases me to amaze me how unpredicatble the script is, even 70 years later.
And that ending scene, the Hall of Mirrors... Just WOW!!!

I saw Letter from an Unknown Woman for the 7th HoF and I can only say I'm glad I did. A wonderful little film and one of the best I saw which wasn't a rewatch during that HoF. Good pick, neiba.

Yea I saw Letter from an Unknown Woman for that same HoF, and I also adored it.

Haven't seen Lady from Shanghai yet but I'm looking forward to it!

The thing isolated becomes incomprehensible

Panic Room

David Fincher

Well, I spent the last 12 years of my life building these rooms specifically to keep out people like us.

To many people, Panic Room is the worst Fincher movie. I totally disagree!
It's a fact that it doesn't get into deep knowledge of each character and the plot is pretty simple. It's a B-Movie, okay, but it's a damn good one!
We have Fincher's trademark dark atmosphere really well created, great acting especially by Foster, and a lot of insanely thrilling scenes (the slow motion scene is pure adrenaline).
This is like Fincher's homage to Hitchcock and a movie that will take away your breath.

I've only seen Panic Room once. I thought it was pretty boring and I struggled to make it through it. I can barely remember anything about it.
5-time MoFo Award winner.

I love Panic Room and David Fincher is my second favorite director ever so... I think you, me and Cricket are the only three who like it a lot though
''Haters are my favourite. I've built an empire with the bricks they've thrown at me... Keep On Hating''
- CM Punk

The thing isolated becomes incomprehensible
Yeah, I realize Panic Room is far from being the most well regarded movie in the world. But I think it's incredible accurate on what it tries to do, and never gets pretentious (as I think Fight Club does).

I didn't know anything about Fincher when I saw Panic Room, and I remember being surprised at how violent it got. Derek has a good memory; I loved it!

I have to return some videotapes...
I love Panic Room, I would probably give it a 7.5 out of 10. Jodie Foster is so good in the movie, what holds me back though is I don't like Kristen Stewart's acting at all in the movie.

The thing isolated becomes incomprehensible

Black Swan
Darren Aronofsky

The only person standing in your way is you.

This is what I wrote about Black Swan the last time I watched it, to which I wouldn't change a comma:

I am not a ballet dancer, but as a singer, I also live to the stage, to that moment of unmeasurable happiness - the perfection. Of course a search like that has to change you, has to make all the rest unimportant and suddenly you and your art are the only things that matter! Wanna know why opera singers or ballet dancers or any performing artist are usually looked at like egocentric divas? Because that's the first defence against the world when you actually live for something like this!
Aronofsky portrays it beautifully: the pressure of dozens of people believing they know better, the exhausting rehearsals, the mad tutors, the parents and friends trying to understand what we think is not understandable... All this exists but it's incredibly exagerated by our own mind: in reality, the people are not that eager to take our place, the tutors only want to help us and our parents and friends understand us more than we think.
I watched this for the first time before knowing what it feels like to have this on my mind, but now, some years later I actually can relate to it!

Black Swan is a hyperbole of the perfoming arts world, a masterpiece by Aronofsky with the amazing cinematography Aronofsky already got us used to and great acting from everyone involved. Of course that when you have Tchaikovsky's music and Mila Kunis (those 2 have to be among my Top 10 of favourite things in the world) it's impossible to make a bad movie! Nevertheless, I bow before you, Darren!

neiba, you're an opera singer... BUT CAN YOU SING TWINKLE TWINKLE LITTLE STAR?!