Lets Talk Football


If the potential comes to fruition, it's a good deal. If not? It's a hell lot of money for an unproven 18 year old. Settle in, folks, it might get interesting around here.

Also, it's the second day that Arturo Vidal has been linked with United. Herrera and Vidal in midfield come August? Should that actually happen. Wow. What a difference a year makes. Jack Rodwell looks like he'll be on the move, too. He looked a good player, so I'd like to see him progress somewhere.
5-time MoFo Award winner.

I can't believe United have spent 60 million on Shaw and Herrera. Chelsea spent basically the same amount and got two great players in Cesc and Costa.

I can't imagine the signings of Shaw and Herrera are making any Chelsea or City fans shake in their boots.

And just on Vidal. The guy grew up a Juve fan, and chose to sign for Juve when they were 7th over going to Bayern. I can't imagine him trading that for United. Then again, if they're willing to throw 160k at an 18 year old outside back than god knows how much they'll offer to one of the best midfielders in the world.

I don't think Vidal will go to United either. But, as I said, if he did, what a difference a year makes.

Arsenal will offer £44m for Vidal. But as that's in The Star, you can almost certainly disregard it.

Am I the only person who think that's Costa's had one good season? That's not to say this isn't the start of a great player, but £32m for a 25 year old with one good season? The Brazilian Andy Carroll?

Lallana looks to be on his way to Liverpool for £25m. Now that I'm enviable of.

Suarez to Barca feels like it's becoming more and more likely. Liverpool are wanting £80m, while Barca are talking £50m. It'll be a lot closer to Liverpool's asking price, I'm sure.

Despite Wenger rubbishing it, there's still talk of Balotelli to Arsenal, though today it seems to be from Balotelli's side.

Is Cambiasso going to rock up at Spurs next season?

Lallana's gone to Liverpool. Negotiations between Barca and Liverpool over Suarez are said to be going well.

More stories about Alvaro Negredo wanting to go back to Spain. Atletico is the only club I see mentioned.

Spurs have made an offer, which has been rejected, for John Stones of Everton.

The deal between Arsenal and United for Thomas Vermaelen is said to be about done. I'm still don't know how to feel about this. Talk of Stefan de Vrij coming in, too.

And, if true... The Daily Star says goalkeeper Paddy Kenny, 36, has been dropped by Leeds because the club's owner Massimo Cellino hates the fact the goalkeeper is born on 17 May. Cellino believes 17 is an unlucky number.

Looks like Barca had a hand in the Suarez apology. He's gone and I wouldn't be surprised of his 4 month ban is drastically reduced, too. Well, once he goes to Barca, anyway. Ah, the football hierachy. Looks like it's alive and well.

Don't you love a conspiracy theory when there's just a little something to hang it on? Danny Higginbotham has come up with a cracker. Suarez bit on purpose to get his move. His evidence? The other two bites. The first when he wanted out of Ajax, which got him to Liverpool and his second when he wanted out of Liverpool. Sadly, they stuck by him and didn't accept the offers last summer, so he's had another nibble.

Emre Can has just signed for Liverpool. The much rumoured £10m (the buyout clause) is the fee.

Will be interesting to see how Liverpool do without Suarez next season, assuming he goes obviously. He played about as good as anyone in world football and they were still only 5 points above 5th. Unless they spend the Suarez money wisely, none of this Lallana for 25 mill ****, I think they'll pull a Spurs and drop back down a bit.

Can see United taking their spot in the 4 next season.

Arsenal will be in trouble if they don't make a couple of decent signings. Rumours going around at the moment are linking Sanchez to him. Which would be an awesome signing. Could still do with a striker though.

Looks like Barca had a hand in the Suarez apology. He's gone and I wouldn't be surprised of his 4 month ban is drastically reduced, too. Well, once he goes to Barca, anyway. Ah, the football hierachy. Looks like it's alive and well.

Don't you love a conspiracy theory when there's just a little something to hang it on? Danny Higginbotham has come up with a cracker. Suarez bit on purpose to get his move. His evidence? The other two bites. The first when he wanted out of Ajax, which got him to Liverpool and his second when he wanted out of Liverpool. Sadly, they stuck by him and didn't accept the offers last summer, so he's had another nibble.

Emre Can has just signed for Liverpool. The much rumoured £10m (the buyout clause) is the fee.
Anyone know much about Can? I heard good things about him a couple of years ago but since his loans he's gone a bit quiet.

I can see him getting quite a bit of game time next season. Gerrard isn't playing 3 games a week, Lucas is dogs**t and Henderson/Allen are average.

I'm afraid I only know him by reputation, but I do remember people who should know being surprised he was available so cheaply towards the end of the season.,

More from Liverpool and it seems as if they're had a £20m bid for Lovren rejected. However, The Mail are reporting that he isn't expected to be at pre-season training as he attempts to force a transfer through. I must say, I'm liking the business Liverpool are doing/trying to do. With the exception of Schneiderlin (who The Express have Arsenal now bidding £20m for), it's everyone I've wanted to see go to United for the last year.

The Sun say that Barca are hiring a psychologist to help Suarez. If Danny's right, I'm sure he'll be fine now.

Lastly, it looks like Rio's going to QPR.

This France/Germany game has potential to be amazing. At the start of the WC I pegged these two teams to meet in the Final. I have a feeling Pogba will get France over the line.

The People's Republic of Clogher
Emre Can is supposed to be great
If anyone can, Emre Can. Can.
"Critics are like eunuchs in a harem; they know how the Tatty 100 is done, they've seen it done every day, but they're unable to do it themselves." - Brendan Behan

Emre Can is supposed to be great, had great statistics according to WhoScored last season, and has always been a wonderkid on FM
I'm going to go out on a limb and say you're a...Liverpool fan. Would I be right?

Whoscored and FM.

£11m for Ross McCormack?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?

Do we have any Fulham fans here? My condolences.

I understand it'll be cheap if he gets them back into the Premier League, but still. £11m for a 29 year old Championship player, between Championship clubs. It's a new age.

Not confirmed but pretty far along. Those are the number Ballague and a few others are going with. Collymore tweeted that Wenger told him Sanchez was basically done too.

Rumours are that Debuchey has undergone his medical already.

Wenger looks like he's going after a cdm next. Any one of Khedira, Schneiderlin or Bender would do.

I agree that, from what I've read, it's as good as done. I was just wondering if it'd been confirmed.

Glad to see someone else who rates Schneiderlin. I think he and Khedira are the most likely. Getting good Germans out of good German teams isn't easy. They like life there and they're well paid. I think it's the same reason more English players haven't gone abroad in the last 15-20 years.

United's links with Vidal seem to still be going on. Dare I dream? I really wasn't expecting superstar big names or price tags in this summer, but that would definitely be both.