Inherent Vice


I was going by the 6 reviews on Rottentomatoes (I know, it's not very representative yet), but next to those, I did indeed pretty much only find positive reviews. I'm going to look into it a little deeper today and read what some of my personal favorite critics have to say about it (if they've seen it).
I see. I don't normally use RT, and I see one of those 6 is Cole Smithey, who is a very erratic/controversial reviewer and not a critic, and I just read the "Coming Soon" website review and they just seemed to hate it and find it pointless, I still think it will bee great.

I like Robbie Collin from The Telegraph and he gives it five stars

Also, I didn't even realise that Michael K Williams was in the film until I saw him mentioned in a review, I like him a lot.

I see. I don't normally use RT, and I see one of those 6 is Cole Smithey, who is a very erratic/controversial reviewer and not a critic, and I just read the "Coming Soon" website review and they just seemed to hate it and find it pointless, I still think it will bee great.

I like Robbie Collin from The Telegraph and he gives it five stars

Also, I didn't even realise that Michael K Williams was in the film until I saw him mentioned in a review, I like him a lot.
Yeah, the positive reviews are also considerably better written and documented than the negative ones.


@Mark: do you mean that a movie that's faraway from typical Hollywood fare is more likely to get good reviews or the opposite?
Cobpyth's Movie Log ~ 2019

Who cares about that stuff. No reason a film needs critical acclaim in order to be deemed good (and I'm not saying you believe that, Cobpyth, just giving my own thoughts on critical acclaim here). Not every critically acclaimed movie is good nor does having everyone praise it prove it's worth. Just think, The Avengers is a hugely acclaimed movie. But it's not that great (I know most disagree, but Cobpyth doesn't, and that's why he kicks a**).

In my case, a more divisive film is one I will probably like more, because that says it may be more interesting, unique, unusual, artistic, and tries to do things different from convention. Rather than just appealing to mass audiences.

I saw the trailer during the previews for Gone Girl. Looks funny and impressive. Joaquin's most eccentric performance to date, aside from the ”retiring from acting” shtick he pulled on us a few years ago.

PTA is one of my favorite directors, and Vice seems more like Boogie Nights and Magnolia than There Will Be Blood, which is a good thing. Can't wait to see it.

Just here for the free donuts
He does say one sentence at the end when the mike is passed to him for his comment and it makes him look like a total dick haha

Just here for the free donuts
No, I watched the one posted above. The girl next to him tries to pass him the mike and he leans over and whispers: "that's enough about that."

Eh, I don't know that it really makes him look like a dick. Those sorts of Q and A panels are really boring and awkward anyway. I can understand him not wanting to answer.

Also, I just watched it again and I still don't see him say anything. He just sits there with his arms folded and his mouth shut.

Just here for the free donuts
Yeah, maybe not a total dick, I just thought it was funny. It's definitely there, I had to listen to the whole thing with headphones in because it was super hard to hear so maybe that's how I was able to hear what he said.