President Trump


That is what media dose every day, are you saying no media spoke badly about Trupm? It is how the system works, everything is propaganda, politicians use it daily, it is not something Russia invented, one candidate dose it against the other.
Apples and oranges. “The media” didn’t send anonymous trolls into every message board and social media platform to simply manufacture lies designed to undermine one candidate. You may have a problem with “the media” talking about Trump’s pussy grabbing comments or his refusal to disclose his taxes or how he spent so much time telling everyone who would listen that Obama was Kenyan or that Mexicans were rapists but guess what, all of that was true! And all of that was certainly in the realm of reportability. Show me one story CNN made up about Trump out of whole cloth. But the Russian trolls did that every day for a year and a half. So not even close to the same.
Farewell and adieu to you fair Spanish ladies...

You sound like my mom, all she does is sit in front of the tv and watch Fake news CNN and get brainwashed. Funny people sure don’t like to here the truth.
Funny, you're parroting the exact same words as conman Trump and yet you're accusing others of being brainwashed. That's rich.
I may go back to hating you. It was more fun.

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
But the Russian trolls did that every day for a year and a half. So not even close to the same.
What stories did they make up about her?

Again, I am not ok with what happened but all I know about at this point is some of her e-mails were released. What am I missing?

What stories did they make up about her?
Dont you remember this past fall when facebook and the other giant social media platforms admitted that they had in fact been used by Russian trolls to post divisive and anti Clinton propaganda of all sorts? Not to mention the thousands of message boards where many americans go to get their "news". And Im not just talking about the crazy alt right sites. Those folks werent voting for Clinton no matter what. But if you spent a little time on the message boards of even what are considered notoriously "liberal" sites like The Washington Post or MSNBC's Forum you could see them EVERY DAY just making garbage up and promoting flat out lies to help Trump.

The Fake Americans Russia Created to Influence the Election

Russia didn't make me vote for Trump, they didn't make my 200 coworkers vote for Trump either. Bottom line your either a welfare rat who expects the GOV to give/do everything for them(DEM) or a person who likes to do stuff for themselves accomplish something.(REP).

I'm tried of the, your a white american you can pay full price.

Trouble with a capital "T"
I'm tried of the, your a white american you can pay full price.
Sounds like something Trump would say.

So let me get this straight: you're white, you're angry...and mad about non whites getting some sort of price breaks? What does all that add up to???

Russia didn't make me vote for Trump, they didn't make my 200 coworkers vote for Trump either. Bottom line your either a welfare rat who expects the GOV to give/do everything for them(DEM) or a person who likes to do stuff for themselves accomplish something.(REP).
Ya no Republicans are on Welfare... and there's nooo rich democrats who've accomplished a sh*t ton in their careers. Great bottom line you formed there
Yeah, there's no body mutilation in it

Russia didn't make me vote for Trump, they didn't make my 200 coworkers vote for Trump either. Bottom line your either a welfare rat who expects the GOV to give/do everything for them(DEM) or a person who likes to do stuff for themselves accomplish something.(REP).
wow impressive. Youd make a great Russian bot yourself actually. By the way, its the red staters, in fact the archetypal Trump voter, who are the biggest beneficiaries of government poverty reduction programs. Not inner city "welfare queens" despite the mythical stereotypes you desperately cling to. So are they all shiftless and lazy too? And I wont even start on corporate welfare but Im guessing youre in denial about that also.

Where can one sign up for minority coupons?
My point exactly

Bottom line: the Electoral College elected Trump as they have past Presidents.
There is no evidence of Russia directly interfering with or manipulating the voting system of the Electoral College. (They may have influenced perhaps; if they helped push stories that made Trump or Hillary look good or bad, but that could be said of anyone engaging in campaign propaganda.)

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
Bottom line: the Electoral College elected Trump as they have past Presidents.
There is no evidence of Russia directly interfering with or manipulating the voting system of the Electoral College. (They may have influenced perhaps; if they helped push stories that made Trump or Hillary look good or bad, but that could be said of anyone engaging in campaign propaganda.)
Nixon didn't get elected because of Watergate either, doesn't make it something to be blown off.

Please Quote/Tag Or I'll Miss Your Responses
Nixon didn't get elected because of Watergate either, doesn't make it something to be blown off.
Despite Watergate, Nixon won 49 out of 50 states against McGovern in 72'.. If anyone remembers, I'd like to know why you think that happened.

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
Despite Watergate, Nixon won 49 out of 50 states against McGovern in 72'.. If anyone remembers, I'd like to know why you think that happened.
I hate answering a question with a question but I will. What inside info could he have possibly gotten that would sway the whole country?

That big of a victory tells me the country had already made up it's mind to go with the face they knew.

If anyone else feels Nixon won 49 states because of his "intel" please let me know. I obviously wasn't around for the election but I have never got the impression anyone feels Nixon won because of Watergate.

Please Quote/Tag Or I'll Miss Your Responses
I hate answering a question with a question but I will. What inside info could he have possibly gotten that would sway the whole country?

That big of a victory tells me the country had already made up it's mind to go with the face they knew.

If anyone else feels Nixon won 49 states because of his "intel" please let me know. I obviously wasn't around for the election but I have never got the impression anyone feels Nixon won because of Watergate.
I'm curious how he won 49 out of 50 states despite Watergate from those who were there.