The Buffy Thread


Yeah, Angel was really cool in S2, especially in that ep "Passion" when he voice-overed. S2 of Angel made him badass too.

Heh . . . . .it's funny cause SMG thinks she's a film actress now and "above" Buffy in some way.

It seems if they would ever do a TV/film in the Buffyverse it'd have to be without SMG which would be . . . .shall we say, tough.

I honestly don't care much for Gellar, yea she was the main character but nowhere near my favorite character. I think the buffyverse would be fine without her and I'd love another spin off or hell just more buffy seasons with the whole gang minus her would even be awesome. In a perfect world she would come back but you know The Grudge and Scooby Doo escalates you to a level of stardom way above something like Buffy
"A good film is when the price of the dinner, the theater admission and the babysitter were worth it."
- Alfred Hitchcock

I'm not old, you're just 12.

Heh . . . . .it's funny cause SMG thinks she's a film actress now and "above" Buffy in some way.
I dunno, I think thats been her problem since the show became big and she started getting offers to appear in films. I try to just watch how really great she was in the role and ignore what she's like in real life. That said, I would not want Joss to ever re-cast Buffy if he wanted to do other projects. I love the comic series he's doing, and I'm happy to get my Buffy fix that way.

I do think he should make his comic book series Fray into a film, however.

A system of cells interlinked
Yeah, Angel was really cool in S2, especially in that ep "Passion" when he voice-overed. S2 of Angel made him badass too.

Heh . . . . .it's funny cause SMG thinks she's a film actress now and "above" Buffy in some way.

It seems if they would ever do a TV/film in the Buffyverse it'd have to be without SMG which would be . . . .shall we say, tough.
Passion is one of my favorite episodes in the entire series. A brilliant job, by all involved, and when I knew for sure, I was into this show until it finished its run...
“It takes considerable knowledge just to realize the extent of your own ignorance.” ― Thomas Sowell

Chappie doesn't like the real world
I try to just watch how really great she was in the role and ignore what she's like in real life. .
Me too. And I am so very very very very grateful that Katie Holmes did not get the role. So as far as I am concerned SMG can be as aloof as she wants to be, at least she is not Katie.

I dunno, I think thats been her problem since the show became big and she started getting offers to appear in films. I try to just watch how really great she was in the role and ignore what she's like in real life. That said, I would not want Joss to ever re-cast Buffy if he wanted to do other projects. I love the comic series he's doing, and I'm happy to get my Buffy fix that way.

I do think he should make his comic book series Fray into a film, however.
yea re-casting Buffy would be a big mistake but just eliminating her character and having a show revolving around all the other characters would work as it was always the supporting cast where I got the most enjoyment out of.

Xander:The Vampire Slayer
To each generation . . . . .a lovable nerd is born.

Spike:The uh........Vampire
Bloody,blimey,ponce,wanker . . . . .oh God I'm English.

28 days...6 hours...42 minutes...12 seconds
I always had a crush on SMG. The only time she annoyed me was in the final season when in almost every ep she would rant off on some kind of monologue about being ready for the big battle.

I like the episode in which we follow Andrew and his camera and he makes note of this, at least the creators knew the fans were annoyed and poked fun at themselves.
"A laugh can be a very powerful thing. Why, sometimes in life, it's the only weapon we have."

Suspect's Reviews

Storyteller was a great ep, I always liked it when they focused on a different character for a whole episode. Xander's ones were probably thebest.

Standing in the Sunlight, Laughing
I think Whedon and Co opened up a world of possibilities with the end of the Buffy tv series. They're in no way hamstrung if SMG doesn't want to continue the Slayer role. I can kind of see where she'd want to branch out, even acknowledging that Buffy was a great character for her. No actor wants to be so identified with one character that they can never get work as anyone else. And in seven seasons, she had the opportunity to explore many, many angles of the Buffy character. I think she's a very skilled actress and I hope she finds better projects than The Grudge, soonish.
Review: Cabin in the Woods 8/10

I'm a little disappointed I have now seen all the Buffy's but I just started Angel I'm like half way through the first season. So far its interesting and funny but just doesn't have that same feel that Buffy episodes had.

Celluloid Temptation Facilitator
Wait till you see Firefly. The thread that runs through all these is the witty dialog, humor and creativity. They are all very different shows.

Angel was darker in many ways. There were heavy themes of Dominance and incest in it.

Buffy was lighter in some ways until the season where they dealt with their own demons, essentially ruining some of the characters.

Firefly didn't have long enough to self destruct or deconstruct but it's a kind of western sci fi show not a supernatural one.

I'm not old, you're just 12.
Buffy was lighter in some ways until the season where they dealt with their own demons, essentially ruining some of the characters.
I thought that season 6 deepened the characters, not ruined them. Nobody is perfect, and there comes a time in most people's lives where they go through a lot of bad times and come out the other side better for it. I would say that Buffy, Willow, and especially Spike did come out better people for the hell they went through that year. If you watch all the seasons, Buffy was always a broodier character than she let on, and in season 6 she let the facade drop entirely. It was also a fairly accurate portrayal of what life is like with depression, for which Joss should be commended.

Celluloid Temptation Facilitator
I thought that season 6 deepened the characters, not ruined them. Nobody is perfect, and there comes a time in most people's lives where they go through a lot of bad times and come out the other side better for it. I would say that Buffy, Willow, and especially Spike did come out better people for the hell they went through that year. If you watch all the seasons, Buffy was always a broodier character than she let on, and in season 6 she let the facade drop entirely. It was also a fairly accurate portrayal of what life is like with depression, for which Joss should be commended.
I can understand why you would see it that. I could see it that way more when I watched it a second time than when it broke my heart the first time I saw it.

Season 6 wasn't close to my favorite season but I still love it for how daring it was. I think when the show got canceled by WB and picked up by UPN was like a blessing in disguise. UPN let Whedon do a lot more darker and mature things. The 6th season was really something different and took the characters in directions I never expected. All the death and sex was just a big leap compared to earlier buffy.

Plus Whedon said on the dvd that the reason it took him until the 6th season to do a musical episode was because the network wouldn't let him until they went to UPN.

Buffy quiz up! Give it a shot folks! Is it to easy for you Hard core Buffy fans?
We are both the source of the problem and the solution, yet we do not see ourselves in this light...