Movies that should have stay as a trilogy


final destination

any more?

Agreed on both those movies.
Here, if you have a milkshake, and I have a milkshake, and I have a straw. There it is, that's a straw, you see? You watching?. And my straw reaches acroooooooss the room, and starts to drink your milkshake... I... drink... your... milkshake!
-Daniel, There Will Be Blood

Chappie doesn't like the real world
I agree with Mark. I hate the Saw movies and the first Final Destination was mildly entertaining but should have stopped there.

A loving heart is the truest wisdom.
Besides the obvious (Star Wars and Indy) I'd say the Lord of the Rings. The Hobbit isn't awful but if you own the originals there really isn't much reason to watch it.
You will find that if you look for the light, you can often find it. But if you look for the dark, that is all you will ever see.


Resurrection was just awful and the AvP crossover is complete crap and AvP2 is mediocre at best.

At least Ridley Scott has given a big middle finger to Resurrection and the AvP duo by making Prometheus though.

The Matrix should have just gone for 3. Instead they made a load of side stuff and animated films... and I have never seen nor read any of it and have no interest either.

Ooh! Die Hard.

4.0 was pretty dull.
A Crap Day To Die Boringly is complete sh*t... I haven't even bought it for the DVD collection. I own the first 4, I just can't warrant spending £10 on a copy of the fifth.

Besides the obvious (Star Wars and Indy) I'd say the Lord of the Rings. The Hobbit isn't awful but if you own the originals there really isn't much reason to watch it.
I think most people consider that to be seperate film series, so the legendary trilogy is safe.

Lord High Filmquisitor
A Nightmare on Elm Street

Of the original series, the first and the third are by far the best of the lot. After 3, the series started becoming a slapstick parody of itself, playing more up for a cheap laugh than for a satisfying kill.

4 was alright and 5 was almost decent. Even then, the success of these two movies was due to their unusually close connection with the third installment to the series. Freddy's Dead was several shades worth of "special." New Nightmare was an extremely interesting take on the series, but was ultimately just decent. I did really enjoy the monster mash that was Freddy vs Jason, though.
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inb4 Star Wars and Indiana Jones
off topic, but lovin that new top 10 you've got on your drop-down tab right now Daniel

loaded with great movies

A Nightmare on Elm Street

Of the original series, the first and the third are by far the best of the lot. After 3, the series started becoming a slapstick parody of itself, playing more up for a cheap laugh than for a satisfying kill.

4 was alright and 5 was almost decent. Even then, the success of these two movies was due to their unusually close connection with the third installment to the series. Freddy's Dead was several shades worth of "special." New Nightmare was an extremely interesting take on the series, but was ultimately just decent. I did really enjoy the monster mash that was Freddy vs Jason, though.
I actually liked New Nightmare except the bad acting of the kid.

I like the first four Die Hard flicks okay, but have yet to see the fifth. Now I hear that they're making a sixth one. Enough is enough. Maybe they should title it Die Hard 6: Just Die Already!.
"Miss Jean Louise, Mr. Arthur Radley."

Sorry Harmonica.......I got to stay here.
Ooh! Die Hard.

4.0 was pretty dull.
A Crap Day To Die Boringly is complete sh*t... I haven't even bought it for the DVD collection. I own the first 4, I just can't warrant spending £10 on a copy of the fifth.
I woulda gone straight from 1 to 3, and called it a day
Under-the-radar Movie Awesomeness.

Registered User
As a Pirates of the Caribbean fan, I believe the series should have stayed a trilogy. The fourth installment the series was so dull and cheesy.

I like the first four Die Hard flicks okay, but have yet to see the fifth. Now I hear that they're making a sixth one. Enough is enough. Maybe they should title it Die Hard 6: Just Die Already!.
I would vote on that. They took the title "Die Hard" literally...