My Favourite Directors


A few directors who I have enjoyed recently:

John Huston - The Maltese Falcon and The Treasure of the Sierra Madre

Jean-Luc Godard - Breathless and Pierrot Le Fou

Robert Altman - The Long Goodbye, McCabe & Mrs. Miller and The Player
+1 for Huston. The Maltese Falcon is one of my fav ever movies and The Treasure of the Sierra Madre features one of my fav ever performances in Humphrey Bogarts descent into madness. Also Huston's dad completely deserved his oscar.

zemeckis is a hit or miss for me. I like forrest gump and back to the future but hate the polar express and his rendition of a christmas carol.

my top directors are more like a top six, with a #1 and a five-way tie for 2nd place.

Alfred hitchcock +
robert altman
ingmar bergman
john cassavetes
stanley kubrick
david lynch
check my video blog:

Well, i liked Flight, I find Denzel Washington amazing, again

But the end kinda sucks, indeed...

Go for it, it s a 6.5/10 !

Zemeckis is a hit or miss for me. I like Forrest Gump and Back to the Future but hate The Polar Express and his rendition of A Christmas Carol.
I just don't change my estimate of the director no matter how many bad movies he or she makes as long as he has a good reservoir of movies. Like, James Cameron is among my favorite director no matter how many Avatar sequels he makes because I like his early movies.

Gangster Rap is Shakespeare for the Future
The directors I feel most affectionately for and who continually surprise, invigorate, interest, and inspire me:
Yasujiro Ozu
Buster Keaton
Bela Tarr
Kenji Mizoguchi
Terrence Malick

Directors whom I am much excited about now and who I am becoming heavily invested in currently:
Abbas Kiarostami
Jean-Luc Godard
Hsiao-Hsien Hou
Max Ophuls
Alain Resnais
Zhang-ke Jia
Aprichatpong Weerasethakul
Sang-soo Hong

Directors whom I'd be mad about excluding but I am not as in love with as the first section:
Orson Welles
Jacques Tati
Kar-Wai Wong
Woody Allen
Masaki Kobayashi
David Lynch

This thread is not about your favorite directors BD (and Tyler1) it is about Watch_Tower's fav. directors. Also, Tyler1 and BD choices look like something like a list of top 5 most cult directors (directors nobody watches but - some - critics rave about).

Gangster Rap is Shakespeare for the Future
This thread is not about your favorite directors BD (and Tyler1) it is about Watch_Tower's fav. directors.
Just wanted to share, I feel horrible now.

Finished here. It's been fun.
David Lynch,Stanley Kubrick, and Scorsese are probably my favorite film directors at the moment. I'm always discovering great directors though, I'm becoming a fan of Bergman and Tarkovsky.

Love SE7EN, ZODIAC, THE CURIOUS CASE OF BENJAMIN BUTTON and I think FIGHT CLUB is his masterpiece. I liked THE GAME but hated the ending, which left a bad taste in my mouth for the rest of the film...Sean Penn is ALWAYS worth watching though.

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Scorcese has solidified his ranking even more with me after seeing After Hours. I think After Hours may honestly be my 2nd or 3rd favorite film of his.

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I work for Keyser Soze. He feels you owe him.
Some of you have already mentioned him and now it's my turn, the man with the best resume over the last decade, Mr Batman himself:

Christopher Nolan
Best Film: The Dark Knight
Worst Film: The Prestige

Is there any director in recent years who has managed to have such success, movie after movie? Nolan is doing in the 21st century what Cameron did with The Abyss, Aliens and Terminator 2 in the 80s and 90s, making huge, action blockbusters with emotional depth and solid stories.

The Dark Knight, Inception and Memento are his stand outs but even lesser successes such as The Prestige and 'Rises are far better than the vast majority of work by other directors and he was the director responsible giving Al Pacino his best and most well written role in years. Insomnia is an underrated gem, a brilliant movie with big ideas on a small scale.

Christopher Nolan took comic book movies into a world where they were accepted by everyday cinema audiences and not just comic book nerds like me. He has redefined the scale of well written sci/fi with Inception and enhanced the good old murder mystery with Insomnia/Memento. Nolan is the best director in Hollywood at the moment.
Honestly he is my fav director.I watched every movie he made,you can't say he had bad movies,every movie he made was good,some of them were awesome but he is having one good movie after another,for me every movie he made is 8.0 and better ,for director that is a big thing to make so good movies...The Dark Knight was 10-10 for me Inception was also masterpiece,Memento...Then we have Prestige and Insomnia ,also good movies,for me not so good as first 3 but also good...I mean he created TDK and in years to come that movie will only be looked in better ways...His casting choices are perfect,everyone was talking about Heath Ledger but Nolan made awesome decision...Those are just some reasons why Nolan is my first choice.
“By definition, you have to live until you die. Better to make that life as complete and enjoyable an experience as possible, in case death is shite, which I suspect it will be.”

Gangster Rap is Shakespeare for the Future
Also, Tyler1 and BD choices look like something like a list of top 5 most cult directors (directors nobody watches but - some - critics rave about).
Guap is wonderful. Godd*mn those cult directors Buster Keaton and Howard Hawks!

Guap is wonderful. Godd*mn those cult directors Buster Keaton and Howard Hawks!
This thread is not about your favorite directors BD (and Tyler1) it is about Watch_Tower's fav. directors.
Earlier in the thread.

Current top 5:

Hayao Miyazaki (Spirited Away, Nausicaa)
Yasujiro Ozu (Late Spring, Tokyo Story)
Akira Kurosawa (Seven Samurai, Ikiru)
Andrei Tarkovsky (Stalker, The Mirror)
Stanley Kubrick (2001, Barry Lyndon)

Additional 5 that made some movies that I loved, completing the top 10:

Vittorio De Sica (Bicycle Thieves, Umberto D)
Francis Ford Coppola (Apocalypse Now, The Godfather I&II)
Isao Takahata (Only Yesterday, Grave of the Fireflies)
Sergio Leone (The Good, The Bad and The Ugly, Once Upon a Time in America)
Kenji Mizoguchi (Sancho the Bailiff, Ugetsu Monogatari)

I loved 8 1/2 but didn't like any other Fellini.

Honorable mentions:

Ingmar Bergman (Persona, Cries and Whispers)
Robert Bresson (Au Hasard Balthazar, Pickpocket)
James Cameron (Aliens, The Terminator)
Ridley Scott (Blade Runner, Gladiator)
Martin Scorsese (Taxi Driver, Shutter Island)
Steven Spielberg (A.I., Schindler's List)
Quentin Tarantino (Pulp Fiction, Kill Bill)