Obama's Failures


Well, if it can comfort you, here in France it s a crazy hell policy.

The two executive heads are dangerous "noobs", never been even minister.

They raise tax like no one in Europe, while we are the first already and they hire some public agents, whereas we have twice the volume for 1000 habitants than in Germany. Because these million public agents we have, constitute their electorate. Thus, we will go for less growth, more unemployment, more public debt, etc. toward poverty...even no freedom to try to make a better future, because Public Administration will take you 80% (including VAT).

Then, they say we fight the unemployment and work to solve your issues...OMFG !

Policy sucks .

Kids you have to watch: "PAY IT FORWARD" starring Kevin Spacey and find a way change this world !

Have a good day.
check my video blog: www.TOPBESTCinema.com

Well, if you guys honestly think there's a guy who can do any better right now, you're sadly mistaken.
Why's that? It's not exactly a high bar to clear.

No other candidate from either side that I've heard of has proposed anything positive
Then I'd have to ask what you mean by "positive," because there are lots of very different policy proposals out there.

I doubt any of them will keep their promises, either.
We certainly agree there: blanket skepticism of government is wise. But if you think this, shouldn't you be in favor of reducing government power? Are you?

Well, if you guys honestly think there's a guy who can do any better right now, you're sadly mistaken. No other candidate from either side that I've heard of has proposed anything positive, and I doubt any of them will keep their promises, either.

As for Obama resigning, that's quite the joke. I can't think of a more cowardly thing to do than a president quitting just because things got a little rough. Lincoln kept office throughout a civil war, and Obama's no quitter.
Be better of he stepped down, we could get a white guy back in to ease some of the racial damage he's done for a start. Black businesses in Florida have suffered from his outbursts. Around the South many Whites have embedded in and gone back to anti-black thinking B.O little rants, got all the black, and celebrity sycophants ranting - riling up people (indirectly) to attack Zimmerman's parents family. What happened? NOTHING - they knew where the pocket was. Going back to B.O: He knew the DOJ were a busted flush, they'd get annihilated in court, yet continued to spout that sh*t to deflect (and appease the blacks he so-called to incite) from the debacle that he is a racist and messed up and misunderstood just how liberal the libs are.

He is a disgrace. His narrow minded racist thinking has sent KKK and white Power groups soaring in numbers. I checked out sites like Vanguard and Chimpmania out of interest during the first of "We are all Trayvon" speeches - over one night Chimpmania had almost doubled their members - Vanguard went up by three thirds of former white liberals.

My history: I'm me, WHITE, happy to be white - no time for weak people trying to make me feel ashamed for my skin colour - as the PC brigade are doing their best. I hate racism - but hate it more if its directed at me or my family and friends trying to give me white mans guilt. And hell yeah, I'll defend my race, my family and friends. Whatever that racist thinks.
“If the doors of perception were cleansed every thing would appear to man as it is, Infinite. For man has closed himself up, till he sees all things thro' narrow chinks of his cavern.” BLAKE.

Um, are you being serious with that last post?
Here, if you have a milkshake, and I have a milkshake, and I have a straw. There it is, that's a straw, you see? You watching?. And my straw reaches acroooooooss the room, and starts to drink your milkshake... I... drink... your... milkshake!
-Daniel, There Will Be Blood

Be better of he stepped down, we could get a white guy back in to ease some of the racial damage he's done for a start. Black businesses in Florida have suffered from his outbursts. Around the South many Whites have embedded in and gone back to anti-black thinking B.O little rants, got all the black, and celebrity sycophants ranting - riling up people (indirectly) to attack Zimmerman's parents family. What happened? NOTHING - they knew where the pocket was. Going back to B.O: He knew the DOJ were a busted flush, they'd get annihilated in court, yet continued to spout that sh*t to deflect (and appease the blacks he so-called to incite) from the debacle that he is a racist and messed up and misunderstood just how liberal the libs are.

He is a disgrace. His narrow minded racist thinking has sent KKK and white Power groups soaring in numbers. I checked out sites like Vanguard and Chimpmania out of interest during the first of "We are all Trayvon" speeches - over one night Chimpmania had almost doubled their members - Vanguard went up by three thirds of former white liberals.

My history: I'm me, WHITE, happy to be white - no time for weak people trying to make me feel ashamed for my skin colour - as the PC brigade are doing their best. I hate racism - but hate it more if its directed at me or my family and friends trying to give me white mans guilt. And hell yeah, I'll defend my race, my family and friends. Whatever that racist thinks.
WTF did I just read?

I am not going to comment on the main topic, because I don't know enough about Obama's accomplishments and failures, but this is one of the most illogical posts I've ever read in my entire life.
He should step down, because the KKK is getting bigger because there is a black president? That's like saying that we should just do what terrorists say, so they won't drop any bombs.
Cobpyth's Movie Log ~ 2019

Well, if you guys honestly think there's a guy who can do any better right now, you're sadly mistaken. No other candidate from either side that I've heard of has proposed anything positive, and I doubt any of them will keep their promises, either.
Yes so let's settle for a murderer and unconstitutional nightmare. I see your logic there

As for Obama resigning, that's quite the joke. I can't think of a more cowardly thing to do than a president quitting just because things got a little rough. Lincoln kept office throughout a civil war, and Obama's no quitter.
Obama is certainly a quitter depending on how you interpret his "actions" to, say, close Gitmo, let alone the innumerable times he's caved to the Republicans.

By the way, the Obama administration has repeatedly tried to spin the failure of HealthCare.gov with the idea that it's only encountered problems because there's been so much demand and interest in it, but that's being torn to shreds in the testimony we're seeing today, lots of which is confirming earlier reports that it went down with as few as 2,000 users. It's just fundamentally broken on pretty much every level right now. And it'll be interesting to see if they keep repeating this face-saving explanation even after it's been so thoroughly debunked.

It's looking like it's going to be harder and harder for them to continue as planned. We may be looking at a delay of the individual mandate, though that's going to wreak havoc on the insurance market and would probably (and rightly) result in lawsuits.

Yes so let's settle for a murderer and unconstitutional nightmare. I see your logic there
lol, you talk as if the last 10 years haven't been like that. I think it would be pretty difficult to find a candidate who is a pacifist, will keep his/her promises, and will create an economic plan to pull the US out of its problems, on either side of politics.

Obama is certainly a quitter depending on how you interpret his "actions" to, say, close Gitmo, let alone the innumerable times he's caved to the Republicans.
Yeah, he certainly underestimated the amount of effort required to close down a place like Guantanamo Bay. Also, he hasn't "quit" on that, efforts are still being made. As for "caving in" to the Republicans, that's pretty much one baby giving in to another, whining one. Don't see your point there. And he has fought them before.

Originally Posted by Yoda
We certainly agree there: blanket skepticism of government is wise. But if you think this, shouldn't you be in favor of reducing government power? Are you?
Yes, certainly. To an extent. But I would still want the government to take responsibility for some things regarding the people. A country with a government that isn't needed isn't much better.

Yes, certainly. To an extent. But I would still want the government to take responsibility for some things regarding the people.
This is awfully vague; it potentially describes everyone outside of anarchists and communists. How you define "some things" and "to an extent" is what determines whether or not you're libertarian, a socialist, or something in-between. And what I've heard leads me to believe you're a lot closer to the latter than the former.

lol, you talk as if the last 10 years haven't been like that. I think it would be pretty difficult to find a candidate who is a pacifist, will keep his/her promises, and will create an economic plan to pull the US out of its problems, on either side of politics.
Do I? I don't recall ever saying Bush was lovely. Hm. Also, you're still only looking at two sides of politics, evidently, as you say. That's why you can't see a good candidate, nor does it excuse your support of Obama just because he's less sh1tty than another piece. Which isn't even true considering how akin to Bush he is.

Yeah, he certainly underestimated the amount of effort required to close down a place like Guantanamo Bay. Also, he hasn't "quit" on that, efforts are still being made. As for "caving in" to the Republicans, that's pretty much one baby giving in to another, whining one. Don't see your point there. And he has fought them before.
There is no effort required. How could de Gaulle completely grant sovereignty to Algeria, an entire country, but Obama can't close a torture facility, the prisoners of which are mostly innocent? If he didn't quit then he sure doesn't care enough about stopping torture.

Also my latter point was that his "fights" are for show, he's too afraid of losing political points to have any morality.

NBC News is reporting that the administration knew people would lose their health care plans years ago, even though it's only recently been taken to task for it. Guess who else knew it? Anyone who understands how insurance works.

Let's be really clear on something: this was not a little spin, or exaggeration. The President said "if you like your plan, you can keep it" all the time. He even added "Period" afterwards, suggesting no qualifications. This wasn't hyperbole or even a mistake: it was just flat-out false.

It's hard to know who to be angrier at: the administration that actually pretended this was true, or the people who had such blind trust in these promises that they didn't scrutinize them. And even with all these falsehoods, all these deceitful reassurances and defenses of the plan in theory (even though it's different from those arguments, as written), it still barely passed. Which clearly means that if they had been even slightly more honest about its effects, there's no way it becomes law.

The conservatives were calling this stuff out from day one, and they were completely, utterly, 100% correct. The law was sold under false pretenses, and it needed those false pretenses to become law. This should make you mad whether you like it or not.

Incredible. He said it in commercials, in public speeches, looking directly into the camera, in front of a Joint Session of Congress.


One of the most hysterical things about all this? PolitiFact rating the statement, even now, as "Half True."

Hey, maybe they're right. It's true that you like it, but not that you can keep it. That's 1 outta 2; half!

Yeah, keep blindly citing those factcheckers. No agenda there at all. Sheesh.