Dune 2010


Thanks for your advice given twice, once in the way I write and trying to explain why I do this and that and now this. Allow me to post in the way I WANT thank-you-very-much and thanks for reading me. If there is an additional dialogue or not, well, it doesn't depend on me. I wanna share things in the same way you and others have done. It seems to me somehow you feel uncomfortable of my postings for whatever reason. Can I suggest you if it bothers you just ignore me?
Seeing as how I own and operate this site, I have a vested interest in encouraging discussion.

And yes, whether or not there is additional dialogue does depend on you. Some things are conducive to discussion: things like asking questions, providing relevant excerpts, and communicating clearly. Some things are not, like imprecise or confusing language, poorly formatted text, or just dumping links in threads without context.

I think you're being overly sensitive here. If you genuinely want to "share" your thoughts, that necessitates that other people read and comprehend them, yes? The suggestions I'm making will facilitate that. Right now, what you're posting is not particularly accessible, even to people who might be interested in it. Trust me: these are friendly, constructive suggestions. No need to interpret them as an attack.

Noted. I hope you did notice my mentioning Jodorowsky documentary was something constructive for an eventual reader in this topic , and my many links were how many? One? Two? Unless you were refering to a couple of links with pics in other different topics and you put them all together as if I were posting'em all in a single place which I didn't, of course.
Anyway, nothing else to add in this topic if someone wants to add whatever else.
Too much obliged.

Nope, I wasn't referring to links in other posts, and I wasn't putting them all together. Links were just one of several things I mentioned. Others are things like formatting (not double-spacing paragraphs makes posts a lot harder to read) or not embedding videos and images (like in this this post, which I've since updated). It's probably easier for your to post, but it's harder for everyone to enjoy.

You may find this pedantic, but trust me, it isn't. This is standard forum stuff. And since you're obviously putting a fair amount of time into your posts already, it's worth putting in just a little bit more to make them easy for people to enjoy. If you want to discuss this further, I'd be glad to do so in a new thread, or via email/PM/whatever.

Now, back to your regularly scheduled thread.

I'm not sure what the confusion's about, but if you want clarification on anything, just send me a private message, or leave a comment on my profile, or email me.

Do you really think you'd only need $100m to do Dune? That's not much more than the average cost of a Hollywood film.
The average cost of a hollywood film is around 12-15 million dollars. The movies that cost over 100 million are few in number.

Registered User
Damn, been reading through this and got reminded that Moebius is dead. Going to give his Silver Surfer a read later on.