'90s Song Tournament


On the outside looking in.
Yeah, I'm already expecting "Smells Like Teen Spirit" in the end. You never know, but, .

I should have nominated it so it would have been my song, at least.
I expect better taste from you, Sexy!
"Yes, citizen, there is no cause for alarm -- you may return to your harpsichord."

Sign ups are now closed.
Since nobody else volunteered to take 12 nominations, I will choose the second person at random.

On the outside looking in.
Like that hasn't occurred to her already! If she's going to do that, then I get to nominate one of my own songs...

I ain't gonna lie - I was hoping it would be LP, but I literally wrote down everybody's name on scraps of paper, put them in a hat and pulled out....


So I will nominate only 12 songs. Sexy Celebrity has volunteered to have 12 nominations.

Goddoggo, LP Quagmire, Daniel M, Weeman, honeykid, thursday next, lines palsy, and jiraffejustin all get 13 nominations each. If your name is not on this list, I'm sorry but I will not accept any nominations from you. However, the voting portion of the tournament will be open to anybody who would like to participate (though I reserve the right to exclude any votes from anyone I suspect to be an alias of another MoFo).

Please post your nominations in the form of links to the videos rather than embedded in your post.

For the sake of my sanity, please also format your links as shown in the following example:

Nominations Are Now Open

Those of you who signed up have tonight, all day tomorrow and most of Sunday to finalize your nominations. I'll be out of town Sunday and will close nominations and set up brackets once I get home. Once nominations are closed, no changes will be accepted.

Nominations will close at approximately either at 9:00 p.m. Pacific Time on Sunday, September 15. Participants have until then to finalize their choices.

ETA: Rule regarding nominations - Any song from any genre with an official release on or between January 1, 1990 and December 31, 1999 is eligible. By official release, I mean that version of that song must have appeared on an official studio album or live album by that artist.

We deserve it, Miss Vicky. We nominated so many songs in the other tournaments.

I don't know. I kept changing them as I was first nominating them, but if the desire strikes me, and I think of a song I forgot....

On the outside looking in.
ETA: Rule regarding nominations - Any song from any genre with an official release on or between January 1, 1990 and December 31, 1999 is eligible. By official release, I mean that version of that song must have appeared on an official studio album or live album by that artist.
Thanks for thinking of me again, V.

I need more

The Sisters of Mercy ~
“The gladdest moment in human life, methinks, is a departure into unknown lands.” – Sir Richard Burton