A Movie You Appreciated More on the Second Viewing


I watched The Grey for the first time about a year ago, and I thought it was pretty good but nothing spectacular. Sometimes I'll watch a movie that I want to see again as soon as it's over, and then there's movies like this which I may not watch again for a few years. But my best friend really wanted to see this for a long time, and so tonight I decided to finally watch it with him. When I sat down and really allowed myself to be invested in the picture, it really took an emotional toll on me, and I was able to recognize it as one of the scariest movies I've ever seen. In fact, I'd consider it one of my favorites now.

What is a movie you appreciated more the second time you watched it?

Let's see, movies that I watched again relatively recently and liked more than before:

- Duck Soup
- Vertigo
- City Lights
- Citizen Kane
- Apocalypse Now
- Persona
- Blade Runner
- Tokyo Story
- Robocop
- Most Miyazaki films (pretty much all except Spirited Away)
- Whisper in the Heart (Miyazaki wrote it but didn't direct)
- The Mirror (not exactly, the first time was the most impressive but repeated viewings made me love it increasingly more)

Goodfellas,The Godfather Trilogy,Pulp Fiction,Apocalypse Now - now all are my favorites.
"Anything less than immortality is a complete waste of time."

Sorry if I'm rude but I'm right
I'm pretty sure there has been a thread like this.

Anyway, The Grey is a great film! Can't understand people whining about the unrealistic wolves, like they were the most important part of this film...
Licentia poetica, people!
Look, I'm not judging you - after all, I'm posting here myself, but maybe, just maybe, if you spent less time here and more time watching films, maybe, and I stress, maybe your taste would be of some value. Just a thought, ya know.

The Big Lebowski - when I first watched it I didn't get what the hype was about. I thought it was one of the most overrated movies I'd watched. Now it's one of my favourite comedies.

I need to watch that again myself.

I'm pretty sure there has been a thread like this.

Anyway, The Grey is a great film! Can't understand people whining about the unrealistic wolves, like they were the most important part of this film...
Licentia poetica, people!
Hehe, that was one of my problems the first time I watched it. I cared a lot less the second time.

28 Days Later - hated it when it first came out then for some reason enjoyed it when I saw it again on DVD.
I didn't see it in theaters, but I had similar feelings. I first watched it when I was 13, and thought that it was dumb and senseless because I failed to understand it. I watched it again not long ago, and appreciated it a lot more.

Blade Runner

Hi, i'm young italian filmmaker and this is my first message in this forum.
A film that i appreciated on the second viewing is "Drive".

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
I never cared at all for Wes Anderson, just didn't get what people enjoyed so much. I thought he was all quirk no substance. After seeing Moonrise Kingdom last year and really enjoying it I decided to give some of his stuff a second try. I think Rushmore and Tennenbaums are brilliant films. I think maybe I did not see the humor, or at least didn't connect with it. Also I love his visual style now, I wouldn't want every director to adopt it, but I think it fits his storytelling style perfectly.

For me it was Dumb and Dumber. First time I thought it wasnt funny but then I watched it again and loved it.

About 5 years later I was watching TV and seen a Samsonite commercial and started LMMFAO.

The Prestige is definitely worth a second viewing so you can try and understand the trick!
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"All men dream, but not equally. Those who dream by night in the dusty recesses of their minds, wake in the day to find that it was vanity: but the dreamers of the day are dangerous men, for they may act on their dreams with open eyes, to make them possible." - T.E. Lawrence

Hi, i'm young italian filmmaker and this is my first message in this forum.
A film that i appreciated on the second viewing is "Drive".
Yes i agree!! I love that movie and I feel like it is really underrated sometimes. Although there isn't a whole lot of dialogue, I really liked Ryan Gosling's character.

For one Vertigo. When I first watched the movie I hated the end and thought the whole thing when down hill around the middle of the movie. Than three years later one boring monday night a saw it was playing on the tv. I decided there was nothing else to watch and re-watched it. This time a found my self loving the movie. Once you get over the crazy end and the weird twists you relize how well scripted, acted and plotted this movie is. Now its one of my top 10 hitchcock's.

I also enjoy watching any of the Christopher Nolan movies again(Ex: Inception, Memento, and The Prestige.) This was because Nolan does an increadible job at making a in-depth plot that makes you think. As you watch them more and more you catch more things making you like the movie. As you may guess by my username Memento is my favirote film. However this was only after multiple viewings.