Weirdest Movie You've Seen


We've gone on holiday by mistake

That is some really clear imagery on the snail link you posted, wow. Not nearly as weird or gross as what I had in mind though...

I was referring to david attenboroughs life series.. specifically the life in the undergrowth discs..

You inspired me too look it up on youtube, and lo and behold i found it. for your viewing.. pleasure?

Definitely Eraserhead which I saw when it first came out at the cinema based purely on the poster which had the quote, " More terrifying than Alien ". 2 hours later I came out & thought WTF! Hated it at the time but have seen it at least half a dozen times since on dvd & actually like it now.
Think Society belongs on this list too.
Purple's a fruit.

Definitely Eraserhead which I saw when it first came out at the cinema based purely on the poster which had the quote, " More terrifying than Alien ". 2 hours later I came out & thought WTF! Hated it at the time but have seen it at least half a dozen times since on dvd & actually like it now.
Think Society belongs on this list too.
I love Eraserhead. I've watched it twice, and it's one of my favorite movies that I don't have.

I wouldn't place Eraserhead in this category.It is weird but then again,it's surrealism,it has to be weird and before watching,I knew what to expect.
Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas is a pretty good choice because it has a story and a plot,so you expect a normal film but eventually it turns out to be wtf.I understand the idea of this movie but I get why it might be strange for some people.
"Anything less than immortality is a complete waste of time."

Eraserhead is definitely a weird movie, as Gibrielle mentioned. Another really weird one is "Bad boy bubby." This is a very unusual, perhaps cult like film. However, it's quite good and recommended for those that enjoy the strange and or bizarre.

Registered User
ABC's of Death.

Eraserhead is definitely a weird movie, as Gibrielle mentioned. Another really weird one is "Bad boy bubby." This is a very unusual, perhaps cult like film. However, it's quite good and recommended for those that enjoy the strange and or bizarre.
I'm going to have to look for that now.
ABC's of Death.
I love that film. It has some bad shorts, but the good ones make it worth watching again. At least I'll know which ones to skip next time

The Blair Witch Project - Scary Weird ****

Taxidermia! 3 different episodes each more weird than the last! The final sequence is amazing though, gives a new meaning to the term "go and stuff yourself....."

Other weird movies that spring to mind:
Spiral/Uzumaki - whole town becomes obsessed with Spirals, very strange from the off

Dogtooth - A father keeps his kids locked in the family compound their whole lives, and tell them lies about the world outside. Great and weird

Someone else mentioned Visitor Q, I would add pretty much anything By Takeshi Miike, notably Gozu for weirdness.
Also anything by Shinya Tsukamoto, in particular Haze, still no idea what is really going on in that film!

\m/ Fade To Black \m/
Natural Born Killers.
I love Natural Born Killers, but agree it is bloody weird
~In the event of a Zombie Uprising, remember to sever the head or destroy the brain!~

Some weird films that havent been mentioned:

Hausu (1977) by Nobuhiko Obayashi

El Topo (1970) by Alejandro Jodorowsky

Santa Sangre (1989) by Alejandro Jodorowsky

The Phantom of Liberty (1974) by Luis Bunuel

Begotten (1990) by E. Elias Merhige

Let the night air cool you off
I came to this thread with the intentions of mentioning Hausu, but TokeZa beat me to it. Eraserhead deserves a mention as well, but just as I suspected it had already been mentioned as well. Another great weird film is Un Chien Andalou, but it has also already been mentioned.

I haven't seen anybody mention anything from the Cronenberg catalog, Videodrome, Naked Lunch, and eXistenZ spring to mind. The 1969 Japanese film Moju (aka Blind Beast) is certainly up there. The Belgium stop-motion movie A Town Called Panic is weird as well, but it's a really inviting type of weird. I suggest everybody see it. I haven't seen Aronofsky mentioned either, Black Swan and Pi are certainly weird, bit I haven't seen any of his other movies that are supposed to be weird.

what is it? i cant see it on this computer
Mr. Freedom.

Your friendly neighborhood film critic
Which I hated - Antichrist
Which I loved - Rosemary's Baby

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