Hancock sequel


What do you guys think about hancock 2 should they just of left it on its own

Didn't think much of the first one so will not be bothering with the sequel, I find Will Smith to be incredibly incredibly annoying now and he puts me off any film.

Yeah, I thought it was going to be an action comedy with a badass superhero but they turned it into a tale of morality with an awkward love triangle that nobody really cared about.

I really liked Hancock the Film, hopefully he hits the piss again. That was the best part for me anyway...

I am the Watcher in the Night
The first half of Hancock was funny with a dollop of pretty good action. The second half just became ludicrous with a villain that wasn't physically or intellectually challenging. Just hope the second film goes with the first 45 odd minuteds of the original. I still think Will Smith is a magnetic screen presence (recent movies have been duds) but this could be the one to pull him back from the movie abyss.

I liked it too and the script was good enough. I am not so much interested in movie sequels but I could watch if its made.

It would be interesting to watch, I did like the movie the first time around.

Leave it at 1 didn't really get that excited about the first one
Health is the greatest gift, contentment the greatest wealth, faithfulness the best relationship.

hmmm. I saw the first one and its just fine though if something interesting will be on the sequel then lets see.
I have had a lot of time to think it, think about what it is, that makes somebody a good parent, and it's about a constant scene, and it's about patience; and it's about listening; and it's about, and it's about pretending to listen, even when you can't listen anymore; and it's about a love like she said. - Sam

Yeah, not really a fan of the first one, there was potential to make a good film, but they went the wrong way about it in my opinion

We've gone on holiday by mistake
They ****ed up the marketing with the first one. Made it out to be some sort of Superhero comedy then it turns all serious halfway through.

I saw it in theaters on a whim and was happy with it, actually ended up seeing twice on the big screen. So I'm down for a sequel. Not necessary, but I'm not up in arms about it.

The first was okay, but that's all.

International Woman of Mystery
The first was just entertaining enough to tolerate on a rainy Sunday. A second would have to be really amazing to get me to watch voluntarily.

two can keep a secret, if one of them is dead..
There's gonna be a second? ..oooooohkayy? Truthfully, I found the first to be alright, but not good enough to buy. as someone who works at a theatre, I might go see it; but only because I get to see the movies for free.
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I loved Hancock and I look forward to a sequel.

The first movie was good
But the last 30 movies sucked

The first movie was good
But the last 30 movies sucked
