The Dark Knight Rises


Did you read that review? It was a constant whine Nolan didn't understand Batman and didn't follow the storyline in the comic book.

I read comic books also and have mostly a silver/bronze age collection. But I don't expect a movie version of a comic book character to include everything but the word balloons.
It's Harry Knowles. Is there actually anyone on the planet who takes him seriously? Just look at his gaudy web site. Sheesh.

Big gay Rex Reed gives The Dark Knight Rises only 1 out of 4 stars.

He says that one star is only for the eardrum-busting sound effects and glaucoma-inducing computerized images in IMAX. Calls it silly, pretentious and fit for people who are immature. Says it is nothing but trendy technology and not real art or good taste. You go, girl!

He liked The Dark Knight, though... (And why? Because of The Joker!)

There's not really any evidence that he did, actually, even though that's what all the titles of the many articles about his comments keep saying. This editorial has more, but the AP article that spurred every other one said he was asked about "fans' heated responses." And obviously there are any number of questions that fit this description that have nothing to do with death threats.

And, of course, the idea that he was asked a very general question about fan response strikes me as a lot more plausible than the idea that the tight-lipped Nolan decided it'd be a great idea to come out in favor of death threats.

Bright light. Bright light. Uh oh.
Big gay Rex Reed gives The Dark Knight Rises only 1 out of 4 stars.

He says that one star is only for the eardrum-busting sound effects and glaucoma-inducing computerized images in IMAX. Calls it silly, pretentious and fit for people who are immature. Says it is nothing but trendy technology and not real art or good taste. You go, girl!

He liked The Dark Knight, though... (And why? Because of The Joker!)
Rex Reed has hated every Nolan film. Maybe he originally wrote some nice things about The Dark Knight, but in his review of Inception, Reed called The Dark Knight "mechanical, maniacally baffling and laughably overrated". I suppose that means that it was Nolan's best bad movie?
It's what you learn after you know it all that counts. - John Wooden
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will.15's Avatar
Semper Fooey
Big gay Rex Reed gives The Dark Knight Rises only 1 out of 4 stars.

He says that one star is only for the eardrum-busting sound effects and glaucoma-inducing computerized images in IMAX. Calls it silly, pretentious and fit for people who are immature. Says it is nothing but trendy technology and not real art or good taste. You go, girl!

He liked The Dark Knight, though... (And why? Because of The Joker!)
Rex Reed is a million years old.
It reminds me of a toilet paper on the trees
- Paula

Nolan defended the death threats..what a lovely chap
Ironically enough, you're doing the same things the headlines are. They've misconstrued what he was actually saying (for obvious reasons). He wasn't defending them, but making sense of them. There's a big difference.

We don't be needin' no rational thoughts or peoples around here yo!
We are both the source of the problem and the solution, yet we do not see ourselves in this light...

Ironically enough, you're doing the same things the headlines are. They've misconstrued what he was actually saying (for obvious reasons). He wasn't defending them, but making sense of them. There's a big difference.
I don't see a big difference between defending them and just saying how passionate the people are. Kinda missing the point.

Rex Reed is a million years old.
He also steals Peggy Lee and Carmen McRae CDs in his spare time. Real mature.

You know, I watched Inception the other night again. I'm gonna review it, probably. I really, really liked the movie a whole lot more than the first time I saw it. A whole lot more. But I couldn't help but feel unnerved by Nolan's touch in regards to things -- it was like one of his Batman movies too much. Several of the same actors, the music sounded the same, the style looked the same... it was disappointing to me that it couldn't be more different. I really hated the use of so many of the same actors. If I ever become a movie director, I hope I become one that uses different actors for each film.

I don't see a big difference between defending them and just saying how passionate the people are. Kinda missing the point.
Kinda not. You don't see that there's a difference in saying,"People love the character" and "They have a right to be passionate and send angry e-mails"...?

Kinda not. You don't see that there's a difference in saying,"People love the character" and "They have a right to say what they want"...?
There isn't. I don't have a reason to outwardly hate this man, but why couldn't he just say he doesn't want fans murdering people instead of oh..well, it is what it is

Because that's part of being a responsible public figure, unlike someone like Lars von Trier, whose antics have garnered a lot of negative press. He also could have said that Rush was an idiot for saying that there's some correlation between Bane Capital and Bane the character, instead he just said,"That's a peculiar thing to say".

Nolan is a pretty smart guy. I doubt he'll fall into some camp whose always on the defensive whenever a critic or fan says something negative about one of his movies. There's been people before who have literally banned critics from their screenings, like the situation with Noah Baumbach and Armond White. Curiously enough, Nolan didn't say a word to someone like Rex Reed, who has been notoriously insulting and harsh towards each film.

Because that's part of being a responsible public figure, unlike someone like Lars von Trier, whose antics have garnered a lot of negative press. He also could have said that Rush was an idiot for saying that there's some correlation between Bane Capital and Bane the character, instead he just said,"That's a peculiar thing to say".
That's a different situation. Rush isn't really taken seriously by enough people for that utterly hilarious notion to matter.

Nolan is a pretty smart guy. I doubt he'll fall into some camp whose always on the defensive whenever a critic or fan says something negative about one of his movies. There's been people before who have literally banned critics from their screenings, like the situation with Noah Baumbach and Armond White. Curiously enough, Nolan didn't say a word to someone like Rex Reed, who has been notoriously insulting and harsh towards each film.
I'm not saying he's going to become "that guy," his response just struck me as, to put it his way, "peculiar." I don't think he would say anything to someone like Rex who decided he hated Nolan before he was born.

will.15's Avatar
Semper Fooey
How embarassing for Rex Reed, to be caught stealing Peggy Lee records. They probably have a hard time giving those away.

That's a different situation. Rush isn't really taken seriously by enough people for that utterly hilarious notion to matter.

I'm not saying he's going to become "that guy," his response just struck me as, to put it his way, "peculiar." I don't think he would say anything to someone like Rex who decided he hated Nolan before he was born.
You'd be surprised with how many people willingly respond to Rush's backwards comments. There was one huge situation where he made a comment about a law student who was lobbying for contraception to be covered in their school medical plan and people responded to it. They called for his complete resignation. So people do listen, if only they didn't. On top of that, people have been spreading that comment around like wildfire (the Bane one). They do listen and do exactly what he wants them to do; that's free press for him.

I thought it was appropriate. Not taking sides is something most public figures should do, but oftentimes, they end up going up in arms over someone critiquing their work harshly. It's not unusual--if anything, I respect the fact that he watches what he says, rather than just letting his words fly without thought to consequence. It's also called being an adult.

How embarassing for Rex Reed, to be caught stealing Peggy Lee records. They probably have a hard time giving those away.
You know what's funny? According to Rex's Wikipedia article, several days after his arrest, Peggy Lee sent him her ENTIRE catalog of CDs because she was so thrilled that he wanted one of her CDs so much that it cost him to be arrested.

Keep on Rockin in the Free World
Okay, final TDKR predictions. Let's wrap 'em in spoiler tags just in case some of us are right about a few things.

WARNING: "The Dark Knight Rises, maybe" spoilers below
1. Batman lives.

2. John Blake (Gordon-Levitt) fills in for Batman while he's gone.

3. Blake dies as Batman.

4. Wayne returns as Batman, thus appearing "more than a man" to everyone else, and "Rising," from the dead, in correspondence with the title.

4. Bane's evil plan is to collapse Gotham in on itself, reinforcing the metaphorical idea that Gotham's very foundation is weak and corrupted.

5. The lie about Dent backfires.

Place your bets.
heres mine.

WARNING: "The Dark Knight Rises, maybe" spoilers below

1. Batman Lives

2. Alfred Dies

3.Gordon-Levitt becomes Nightwing, though he doesnt necessarily don the silly looking uniform as seen in the comics.

4. Commisioner Gordan (oldman) is killed by Bane which brings Batman back hulk hogan style.

5. The Man of Steel Trailer looks awesome
"The greatest danger for most of us is not that our aim is too high and we miss it, but that it is too low and we reach it." - Michelangelo.