Overrated Actors


Ive just been going through this thread, and this was about to be my comment. A lot of people are confusing popularity with overrated.

Also noticing, these ones that are claimed to be "overrated" also happen to be the ones you dont like as actors.

Overrated would be more like actors who have been hyped up but havent really deserved it. this doesnt mean you think they are good/bad actors, just means they get a lot more publicity than is probably warrented.

My overrated actors would be;

Kirsten Stewart
Robert Pattinson
Jack Black
Russell Brand
Keira Knightley
Johnny Depp (the past 6years or so)

Thats not to say some of them havent made good films...I just dont think they deserve the amount of praise they get for what they HAVE done.
No one praises them though, save for Depp and Knightley. They're cast regularly because of their ability to bring in crowds, not for their acting prowess.

No one praises them though, save for Depp and Knightley.
Very true the only real praised Pirates of the Caribbean film is the first one. The other three get mixed reviews. And people mostly raved about Depp's performance (and it was great).
Going 18600 miles per second.

The majority of people have heard of Edward Scissor Hands though have they not? Also Sleepy Hollow, Blow and im sorry, but a hell of a lot of people have heard of Choclat also.

You are strongly derailing my point however. I never claimed he was a bad actor, I never claimed that POTC didnt make him as popular as he is. My point is that he is wildly overrated for movies he has done from then onwards.

This therefore clarifies that you are misunderstanding the meaning of the word overrated. You use prejudice because you like his recent films, which is fair enough, hes done some eipc films the last 6-7years. But no matter how you look at it, just because you like him as an actor, doesnt give you a just argument to say hes not overrated.
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No one praises them though, save for Depp and Knightley. They're cast regularly because of their ability to bring in crowds, not for their acting prowess.
Surely, you can see how this would make him overrated? your sentance sums it up fantastically. He is cast not due to his acting ability, but to his popularity that has been derived from a film which in all honesty, yes it was good, but I wouldnt say mind blowing.


[oh-ver-reyt]   Example Sentences

   [oh-ver-reyt] Show IPA
verb (used with object), o·ver·rat·ed, o·ver·rat·ing. to rate or appraise too highly; overestimate: I think you overrate their political influence.

1580–90; over- + rate1

overpraise, overesteem, magnify.

Just to clear up any confusion.

Overrated- To overestimate the merits of; rate too highly.

I know what overrated means.

I never said you said he was a bad actor. You say he doesn't deserve the praise and I say he does.

And yes I would say that a lot of people know of Edward Scissorhands, Sleepy Hollow and Blow. Which is why I didn't mention those. A certain crowd knows about Choclat yes.

Than maybe we should agree to disagree, cause in my eyes, he is wildly overrated for his last 6-7years worth of work.

The media hyped him up due to "Jack Sparrow" and the world jumped on board, yes he played the part well, not enough to give him the credit he has today. yet another example of how easy it is to get the world to conform to one ideal.

How do you figure?

The media pushed Johnny Depp because of Jack Sparrow. Mostly because no had ever seen a prate performed that way. It became apart of pop culture. No different from how Leonardo DiCaprio got international fame because of the Titanic. Or Harrison Ford because of Indian Jones.

Jack Sparrow is easily one of the most popular movie characters of the last 20 years now. The Pirates of the Caribbean series is one of the most profitable movie series of all time.

Bright light. Bright light. Uh oh.
I don't think he can be considered "overrated", except for financially, but he was good in Reign Over Me and Punch-Drunk Love. I'd even say he was OK in a few of his "own" flicks, especially The Wedding Singer.
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I think you have appreciate Adam's humor to really like him. I think he can act well and can also be funny. But starting with the Longest Yard (with Funny People and you don't mess with the Zohan) being exceptions he has been making some really crappy movies. I mean Jack and Jill really?

His best film is easily Punch Drunk Love. He should have gone the Robin Williams route and done an equal amount of dramas to his comedic roles. He showed there that he could play deep roles and that he has range.

Among his normal films. Funny People, The Wedding Singer, Happy Gilmore, Big Daddy, Mr. Deeds, You Don't Mess with the Zohan and hell even Anger Management were the ones I thought were good.

He hasn't done a good movie for a long time....long, long time!!!!!!

Mark Wahlberg: he's been in some of my favorite movies; Boogie Nights, The Departed, and The Three Kings, but I think he's too one dimensional to be a leading man. I like him, but as a supporting actor.

Tom Hanks: I think he's probably the most likable actor on the planet and he's made great films. I think he's great; I just don't think he's as great an actor as others think he is.

Denzel Washington: No doubt, one of the best actors alive. My problem with him is that the movies he's been doing are just standard action films that don't show the best of his ability. I like these films, I just expect much more from him.

Mark Wahlberg: he's been in some of my favorite movies; Boogie Nights, The Departed, and The Three Kings, but I think he's too one dimensional to be a leading man. I like him, but as a supporting actor.
Just saw Ted yesterday and yes he is overrated
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Mark Wahlberg: he's been in some of my favorite movies; Boogie Nights, The Departed, and The Three Kings, but I think he's too one dimensional to be a leading man. I like him, but as a supporting actor.
Eh he reminds me of Bruce Willis. He will do action films, but can be convincing in dramas and comedies. His performance in the Departed was his best. He is a blue collar actor. He will get the job done and provide an above average performance.. But nothing flashy. Him in comedies is genius. He brings a sincere vulnerability that a lot of comedic actors don't have.

Tom Hanks: I think he's probably the most likable actor on the planet and he's made great films. I think he's great; I just don't think he's as great an actor as others think he is.
Aww. I love Tom "the man" Hanks.

Denzel Washington: No doubt, one of the best actors alive. My problem with him is that the movies he's been doing are just standard action films that don't show the best of his ability. I like these films, I just expect much more from him.
He is like Robert De Niro. He has won two academy awards and his body of work is so impressive that he can kind of do whatever films he wants to. With Safe House he was trying to make another Training day it looked like.

I agree that "The Departed" was Mark Wahlberg's best role. I think he could have an excellent career as a supporting actor in action/thrillers. I do not like him at all in comedies though.

I love Tom Hanks too! I'm being a little picky on this one; I just don't think he's one of the top 5 actors, as many people do.

I agree with you about Denzel Washington for the most part. He certainly has nothing to prove. But unlike De'Niro, he's way too young to start coasting for a paycheck. I expect to be wowed by him in every performance. And I haven't been.

I think Mark has enough charisma to carry a film. Which is why he is a leading man. Though in the Departed he was a supporting actor.

Denzel Washington is 57 years old and will turn 58 this year. De Niro does have 11 years on him still. But Denzel isn't exactly young anymore. He just looks young.