Happy Thoughts


Revenge of Mr M's Avatar
Get off my island
I have no reason to be happy... but I am anyway
Someone sent me the theme tune to TVBS show Legal Entanglement, thus reaffirming my belief in the virtue of human charity So it's all good
Mr M Rides Again

MoFo Survivor - r3port3r66 wins!!!!!!

Django's Avatar
Hey, I'm touched!

Yeah, I got a private message from Yoda that he didn't want too many anti-war threads on the board, so he deleted mine.


I won't go into the real reason he deleted the thread, but I think it might have something to the 100 or so drop-dead gorgeous babes who have my name tatooed on their butts (figuratively speaking)!

Anyway, just stopped by to say hello! Keep thinking happy thoughts and be happy, even if you have no reason to be! Let Dubya go to war if he wants, but don't let that stop you from thinking happy thoughts!

Take it easy!

Today my short film Three Card Monte was short listed as one of the finalists in the Crank Filmmaking Project!


Revenge of Mr M's Avatar
Get off my island
miniontv giving someone mMonkey Love made me laugh

I'm not old, you're just 12.
Happy thoughts in the face of certain doom:

The song D.R.E.A.M. (Drugs Rule Everything Around Me) by Transplants kicks much @ss.

I got new comix today and got to talk to the very cute girl behind the counter. I will eventually work up the nerve to ask her out, I think. (I don't even know her name...)

I have a check for 1000 bucks coming to me next week, and I'm gonna buy a pet rat.

I'm not in Iraq, and probably won't get shipped over there.

Nobody I know is over there either.

New South Park eps on wednesday

It was just St. Patrick's day, and being Irish is just cool.
"You, me, everyone...we are all made of star stuff." - Neil Degrasse Tyson


I am off to Adelaide tomorrow for the film festival award ceremony.

There is thunder!

I’m happy because even though it was storming earlier, I didn’t have to sit in the dark this time and I’m actually going to have the week-end off for a change…

Silver Bullet… congratulations on your short film…
You never know what is enough, until you know what is more than enough.
~William Blake ~

AiSv Nv wa do hi ya do...
(Walk in Peace)

Prince Of All Saiyans
Pet rats are cool, Monkeypunch. I had 2 of them growing up, and if you feed a rat peanut butter, he'll be your friend for life. Very clean, and they love to be held.

It's sad that people malign rats because they don't have hair on their tails. Funny how the more fur it has on it, the more people love it. Anyway, enjoy your new pet! Rats are a ball.

My happy thoughs of the day, include:

No lessons

Another free voucher from Video Ezy

My girlfriend is being so understanding about a situation, I would be flabbergasted with (if the roles were reversed).

There isnt a sun in the sky, but there isnt rain either.

Love is the most beautiful feeling in the world.

I have friends from all corners of the globe.

Nature has such a wonderous thing

Revenge of Mr M's Avatar
Get off my island
I finished watching all 26 episodes of Trigun , the greatest programme ever.

The Adventure Starts Here!
Monkeypunch wrote: "I have a check for 1000 bucks coming to me next week, and I'm gonna buy a pet rat."

Wow, I didn't realize pet rats were so expensive....

Happy thoughts:
I have so many friends -- real life and online!

I have a wonderful, understanding husband and four healthy, intelligent, and FUN kids.

I have great relationships with my parents and my brother.

I'm still writing my book and may actually finish it this year.

I have more freelance work coming in and may never see a timeclock ever again.

I have a roof over my head, food to eat, and more comforts than I know what to do with.

I go to the library every week and they let me take books home with me for free!

My daughter read ME a book last night.

My son passed his skills assessment tests at school... and didn't miss one question (New Game Boy imminent on his horizon).

SC - For making me laugh
SB - For making me laugh, though somewhat differently

More later...

JRS - Wile E Coyote Av... don't know why... I just like it.