Seeking A Friend For The End Of The World


Color me interested. My only question is this; will they cop out in the end and do the super happy Hollywood ending of having the world not end?

Either way, nice high concept comedy. Me likes!

Certainly the premise and judging by the trailer, it looks a lot like Don McKellar's excellent Last Night, but with more emphasis on comedy. Could be good. Last Night is a favorite of mine.

"Film is a disease. When it infects your bloodstream it takes over as the number one hormone. It bosses the enzymes, directs the pineal gland, plays Iago to your psyche. As with heroin, the antidote to Film is more Film." - Frank Capra

The only thing I found positive about that trailer was the inclusion of the song, Road to Nowhere.

That movie looks terrible... and Steve Carell's a really cute guy, but I'm getting tired of him. He plays the same kind of role in every film. Maybe that "Nice knowing you" poster will be prophetic and this movie will be the end of their careers.

Butterflies Forever

An asteroid known as Matilda LOL

IMO if the trailer for Seeking a Friend is showing us a teaser of the movie I don't find it to interesting. The teaser should make us want to see more. I see no reason to watch.

The poster also looks bland.


They are going to be capitalizing a lot on the "end of the world" huh

They are going to be capitalizing a lot on the "end of the world" huh
Oh my God, there's so much to talk about concerning the social feel of the times we live in. People say films come in trends that directly reflect the social attitude/state. For example, zombie films are popular when Democrats are in office while vampires are popular when Republicans are in control (or maybe the other way around).

Given the way things are financially and otherwise, I'd say end of the world scenario's are right about where we should be with our entertainment.

that's what she said...
I agree 100% with Brick on that. End of the World is deffinatly the trend of entertainment right now. ESPECIALLY with it being 2012 and all.

I can't WAIT to see this. It looks great. I love Keira Knightley. I find her to be very versitile in her acting; She can be funny, smart, dramatic... she pulls it off in every genre in my oppinion. I'm not a super big fan of Steve Carell, but i'm looking forward to seeing his overall preformance in this movie!

Nicolas Cage
^to be in 14 movies in the next two years^

Movie Forums Stage-Hand
Interesting premise for the film and seems to be entertaining. Let's see if it does good at the box office.