Old or New?


Old or New?
4 votes
SW Episodes 1,2,3
11 votes
SW Episodes 4,5,6
2 votes
I don't like Star Wars!
3 votes
Who cares? They are both equal to me...
20 votes. You may not vote on this poll

Okay, okay. So I see that we all have our opinions on Star Wars.
But just because you grew up with one instead of the other...doesn't mean you like that one more than the other...do you get what I mean?
So heres the deal...just answer me this...what do you like best?
Exsqueeze me! Meesa haten crunchen...dats the last ting meesa wantin!

I chose SW 4-6. To me, it is like Lucas is just focusing more on special digital effects and trying to get well known actors for parts 1 and 2. I mean, the first trilogy stood great due to unknown actors, low budget, and originality.
Ok, Phantom Menace and AOTC were good yet, I have one thing to say to Lucas....."Stop trying to just give us eye candy, add some structure to it as well".

Episode III better be good!

I second that motion........ With a VENGENCE!
When I Die Bury Me Upside Down So The World Can Kiss My A$$.

I'm not old, you're just 12.
Star Wars is dead to me now. Seriously, I liked the original 3, which I refuse to call 4,5, and 6. (They were really 1,2, and 3! The numbers were a gimmick, like an old movie serial. I don't buy into the story that Lucas had this whole thing planned out since the 70's. If he had, It would have fit together better.) I'll stick to my original 1980's VHS copies of the trilogy, since Lucas is probably never going to release them on DVD, in favor of the vastly inferior "Special Edition" craptaculars. I guess the newer ones are just fine for kids coming up now, but I'll stick with Spaceballs.....
"You, me, everyone...we are all made of star stuff." - Neil Degrasse Tyson


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I think a lot of crap was unnecessarily written about ep 1. If it hadnt been for the Star Wars moniker it would have got good reviews. Its just that people worked themselves up so much that even if it had been the best movie ever they would still have been disappointed.

Its not great but, away from the hype and put next to ep 2, it becomes clear what its about and what it was trying to do.

Episode 2 was fantastic and if 3 can live up to that then this trilogy will, in my opinion, live up to the original one.

I just hope that when Lucas releases the original trilogy on DVD he takes a leaf out of Spielberg's book and puts both versions on the disc as Spielberg did with ET. Cant see it happening but i live in hope.
Lex Luthor: "I'd question your integrity, but you're a journalist."

Originally posted by Monkeypunch
I don't buy into the story that Lucas had this whole thing planned out since the 70's. If he had, It would have fit together better.
I totally agree. Hey, anyone else think that "Darth" was originally more of a first name than a title? One giveaway for me is that Kenobi called Vader "Darth", but no one else did.
One of the biggest myths told is that being intelligent is the absence of the ability to do stupid things.

Registered User
i used to love the old movies, now i havent watched any of them for probably years but i'd still pick them above the new ones which are basically just eye candy, althought i guess you can hardly say alot for the credability of the acting in the first (second) 3 but is till found it more enjoyable. the pod race in ep1 was good though. now i'm babbling 0_ooooo

My life isn't written very well.
It's 4,5,6; they're the best of the series! I mean, The Empire Strikes Back is the best of the five, so far.

And, is it just me or are 1 and 2 filled with bad acting?

I admit the technology and computer graphics of 1 and 2 are the best there is; I couldn't take my eyes of the screen during them, but Hayden Christensen seemed like he was acting at a dress rehearsal, Samuel L. Jackson seemed un-prepared and Ewan McGregor just kept talking to himself, "I hate when he does that!"
Who was he talking to anyway?

They are all great films, but the originals are still the best thus far.
I have been formatted to fit this screen.

r66-The member who always asks WHY?

return of the jedi i think is the best star wars film. the new ones can suck my nut, i'm not even going to go see episode three, **** them and their ****ty teeny bopper acting ******s. when are they going to get some talented actors, and lower the special effects. they ruined yoda in my opinion, that battle scene in ep. 2 with yoda was the gayest thing i've ever seen. ruined a great character by making him digitized. lucas is a bastard.
you can call me brain

My life isn't written very well.
I love how you use the phrase "suck my nut" and "******s" in the same post. Also the word "gayest" is used in a derogatory manner. Are you a homophobe?
If you're not, maybe you're just in the closet. I hope that's the case because then maybe I could feign a little sympathy for your low-class syntax.

Originally posted by firegod

Hey, anyone else think that "Darth" was originally more of a first name than a title? One giveaway for me is that Kenobi called Vader "Darth", but no one else did.
I thought it was his first name… especially after I heard his full title… Darth Vader, Dark Lord of the Sith... and they called him Lord Vader...

And r66.… Thank you….


You voted for the wrong ones!!! Let Yoda know so he can fix this travesty at once!

damn...i voted for the wrong ones.
the original 3 just put the new ones to shame.
if they just waited a little longer to put these out, maybe they could have learned something from the lotr movies.
If more people watch hockey it will be on TV more.