Hotseat! Grill a MoFo: Cries&Whispers


Do you have any pets?

If you have any, how many and what kind/kinds?

If you have any, what are their names?

Where were you born?

Do you have any sibling?

Do you have any children?

Where would you travel to, if you could pick any place at all?


What is your favorite color?

What is your favorite food?

What is your favorite dessert?

Can you cook and/or bake?

What is your favorite restaurant?

What is your favorite song?

What is your favorite music genre?

Do you prefer board games, or computer games?

What is your favorite sport?

What is your favorite hobby, besides watching movies?

What is your favorite TV show?

What is your least favorite TV show?

What is your favorite theater snack?

Theater, or home theater?

If you had to throw away all your movies but one, which one would you keep?

Do you avoid watching certain movies, simply because of an actor that is in them?

Name 5 actors you would love to meet, and why. What would you want to do to, or with them?

Do any movies make you cry?

If so, name five that do.

Do any movies make you laugh so hard that you cry?

Name some of those, too.

How many new movies do you watch per year?

Name the movie you hate the most.

Name the oldest movie you've seen.

Name the newest movie you've seen.

What is your favorite movie genre?

Who is your favorite action star?

What is your favorite decade of movies?

What is your favorite movie for each genre . . .

Suspense Thriller?
Martial Arts?

If you could look like anyone famous, who would it be?

Do you share a birthday with anyone famous?

If so, who all do you share that day with?

Boxers or Briefs?

Which sport are you best at?

Have you ever played Simon? Is that game nervewracking or what?

Have you ever played Musical Chairs? That's a pretty nervewracking game, too, isn't it?

Which is more nervewracking: Simon or Musical Chairs?

Has anything ever happened to you that you realized, after the fact, sounded like something out of a bad sitcom?

Name at least one basic hygiene-maintaining habit (showering, brushing your teeth, getting your haircut, shaving) that you hate doing.

Do you have any pets?
Yes I do.

If you have any, how many and what kind/kinds?
I have one Silky Terrier puppy that's four months old.

If you have any, what are their names?
Buster Farnsworth Nicklebottom Esquire III M.D. ... I did not name him.

Where were you born?
Chicago, Illinois

Do you have any sibling?
I'm stuck in the middle between a 24-year-old brother and a 19-year-old brother.

Do you have any children?
None that I know of...

Where would you travel to, if you could pick any place at all?
I want to go to Italy

To see the statue of David and the Sistine Chapel ceiling with my own eyes.

What is your favorite color?
Blue, or green I think... but I really don't have one.

What is your favorite food?
Definitely pizza and beer.

What is your favorite dessert?
Oreo or chocolate chip cookie ice cream cake

Can you cook and/or bake?
I can make an omelet and grilled cheese.

What is your favorite restaurant?
Hamilton's Bar and Grill just off campus.

What is your favorite song?
Impossible Germany by Wilco

What is your favorite music genre?
Rock-alternative, classic; also jazz and blues guitar

Do you prefer board games, or computer games?
board games

What is your favorite sport?

What is your favorite hobby, besides watching movies?
I above all enjoy playing guitar. Also, going to the Art Institute of Chicago, learning about Impressionist painting, studying architecture and architects.

What is your favorite TV show?
Arrested Development and Lost before they ended. Now I think the TV is a box of lies.

What is your least favorite TV show?
Reality TV in general

What is your favorite theater snack?
Popcorn or nachos or both

Theater, or home theater?
DEFINITELY a theater

If you had to throw away all your movies but one, which one would you keep?
Cries and Whispers!

Do you avoid watching certain movies, simply because of an actor that is in them?
I'll give anything a chance, but one actor who won't draw me to a movie is Sly Stallone.

Name 5 actors you would love to meet, and why. What would you want to do to, or with them?
Leonardo DiCaprio first and foremost because I absolutely love all his characters and think I would like to further understand his acting process. He's also really into politics and the environment like me. He also likes scotch, my drink of choice, so we could hang out. Oh, and he's dead sexy. Same goes for George Clooney and Brad Pitt, they're smart, politically engaged, and still cool. Last, probably Zooey Deschanel, because I love her.

Do any movies make you cry?

If so, name five that do.
Cries and Whispers sometimes, The Passion of Joan of Arc almost every time, Bowling for Columbine every single time I see the scene from the security cameras of those two actually shooting people. That's it, really.

Do any movies make you laugh so hard that you cry?
I think I've only laughed so hard I cried once.

Name some of those, too.
The Naked Gun is my all-time favorite comedy. Talladega Nights, Tropic Thunder, Anchorman, Superbad, Wedding Crashers, Airplane, I'm really into Apatow humor and absurd stuff.

How many new movies do you watch per year?
Maybe about three a month, so 36? But that's only in theaters. I honestly can't count how many I watch on my own.

Name the movie you hate the most.
That's tough, I guess Old School?

Name the oldest movie you've seen.
Monkeyshines, 1880-ish, recently The Great Train Robbery, 1903.

Name the newest movie you've seen.
Salt a few hours ago; Inception a few hours before that.

What is your favorite movie genre?

Who is your favorite action star?
Bruce Willis maybe?

What is your favorite decade of movies?
My favorite films noir were from the 1940's, my favorite Hitchcock films were made in the 1950's, a lot of great new directors emerges in the 1970's. I could take any of those easily.

What is your favorite movie for each genre . . .

The Shining
Sci-fi? 2001: A Space Odyssey
Suspense Thriller? Rear Window
Comedy? Being There
Action? Minority Report or Raiders of the Lost Ark
Drama? Cries and Whispers! Any Bergman, really
Musicals? Singin' in the Rain
Westerns? The Searchers
Martial Arts? Not really into these, but Game of Death?
War? Apocalypse Now

If you could look like anyone famous, who would it be?
Leonardo Dif*ckingCaprio

Do you share a birthday with anyone famous?
I don't know, but I'll find out...

If so, who all do you share that day with?
Arthur Ashe, Jessica Simpson, Arlo Guthrie, and Jake LaMotta-from Raging Bull!
"I want a film I watch to express either the joy of making cinema or the anguish of making cinema" -Francois Truffaut

What Movie would you relate most of your life to?
Okay, I'm not psycho, but Taxi Driver. Also (500) Days of Summer

What Movie character would you relate most to?
Again, I'm not a homicidal sociopath, but Travis Bickle, Ryan Gosling's character from Half Nelson, Anne Hathaway's character from Rachel Getting Married

What era of movies appeal the most to you?
That's too hard. But I am partial to film noir, so late thirties to mid/late fifties.

Boxers or Briefs?
No joke- boxer-briefs.

Which sport are you best at?
I made varsity baseball and basketball my freshman year of high school, but I slowly stopped playing all sports competitively.

Have you ever played Simon? Is that game nervewracking or what?
Ha, great question. Yes, Simon is nerve-wracking as f*ck!!

Have you ever played Musical Chairs? That's a pretty nervewracking game, too, isn't it?
I was so awesome at musical chairs. But I hate this game, because the slowest person is essentially ostracized from a group. And everyone knows when you fail, because you're the only one standing. Man, I hate Musical Chairs.

Which is more nervewracking: Simon or Musical Chairs?
Musical chairs is more psychologically damaging to fat kids.Simon is a true gentleman's game.

Has anything ever happened to you that you realized, after the fact, sounded like something out of a bad sitcom?
My life isn't nearly that interesting.

Name at least one basic hygiene-maintaining habit (showering, brushing your teeth, getting your haircut, shaving) that you hate doing.
I hate brushing my teeth because it's a constant reminder that I need to quit smoking. I brush and brush and the tint of yellow is still there, plus tar on the inside by my gums. It's gross.

If you could walk the Red Carpet with any celeb who would it be and why?
This may or may not seem obvious by now, but LEONARDO DICAPRIO!!!

But, for like a partners thing, Keri Russell, Zooey Deschanel, or Natalie Portman

Have you ever pissed on something/someone to put out a fire?
This is such a strange question that I'm ashamed/embarrassed to say that yes, I have pissed on something to put out a fire. We were all very drunk and I lit a cigarette with a match and dropped it in this small box. The box lit up, and my friend said the box was full of Christmas stuff his mom mailed him. Two of us were so stupid and inconsiderate and drunk that we pissed on the box-- it did not work.

The box had a copy of The Godfather and a bunch of condoms--his mom was weird.

28 days...6 hours...42 minutes...12 seconds
Which Mofo Would You: NO REPEATS

Watch a movie with?

Grab a drink with?

Go to the beach with?

Grab some dinner with?

Break the law with?

Get high with?

Just hang out with?

Go sky diving with?

Travel with?

Start a band with?

Make a movie with?

Listen to old records with?

Cook food with?

Race against?

Play cards with?

Ghost Hunt with?
"A laugh can be a very powerful thing. Why, sometimes in life, it's the only weapon we have."

Suspect's Reviews

Which Mofo Would You: NO REPEATS

Watch a movie with?
Probably Holden Pike, cuz he'd criticize everything about the movie, and I like that.

Grab a drink with?
Fiscal, cuz I've seen pictures of him and his family and he seems really down to earth.

Go to the beach with?
Juno, based on her beach photos. JK, she actually seems like we'd have a fun time at the beach.

Grab some dinner with?
Me and The Prestige could probably talk for a long while about movies-particularly Chris Nolan, over some grub.

Break the law with?
The only time I break the law is when I'm doing this next thing...

Get high with?
I smoke a lot and I think someone else here said they did, either will.15 or Darkrose? Well, whichever one, that's the one.

Just hang out with?
Powdered Water is really funny, we'd probably get along.

Go sky diving with?
n3wt seems up for anything.

Travel with?
Destiny, because I probably wouldn't get annoyed being with her constantly for an extended period of time, and I don't want to go with a guy... I hope Destiny isn't a guy.

Start a band with?
Brodinski just seems cool. I'd play guitar, Brodinski could sing.

Make a movie with?
The Usual Suspects, because we had an interesting conversation on the 35mm vs. digital thread and I think he knows a lot about the technical side of filmmaking.

Listen to old records with?
mark f, cuz in my head he's an old crazy dude with an awesome record collection. But I've never seen him, I could be wrong.

Cook food with?
Miss Vicky just seems like a classy lady, so I would love to cook up some fine cuisine with her.

Race against?
I would kick DexterRiley's ass in a race. Guaranteed.

Play cards with?
iluvtoviddyfilms, because we both love Jean Seberg.

Ghost Hunt with?
genesis pig and honeykid, just because.

hell yeah bro, we'll grab a drink if you are ever in Texas.
If I had a dollar for every existential crisis I've ever had, does money really even matter?

Cook food with? Miss Vicky just seems like a classy lady, so I would love to cook up some fine cuisine with her.
I find this rather amusing. I'm a terrible cook and classy isn't a word normally used to describe me, but I'm flattered that you think so.

Maybe one day you and I could heat up a frozen pizza together or something.

Listen to old records with? mark f, cuz in my head he's an old crazy dude with an awesome record collection. But I've never seen him, I could be wrong.
No, that's pretty accurate. And I should know.
I always wanted to be an f.

Frozen pizzas = win. I love buying 2 or 3 of those $1 Gino's ones, or some kind of generic equivalent. They're small enough that you can fold them and eat them like a taco.

I'm making myself hungry.

Frozen pizzas = win. I love buying 2 or 3 of those $1 Gino's ones, or some kind of generic equivalent. They're small enough that you can fold them and eat them like a taco.

I'm making myself hungry.

I totally do that, too. Except I buy the Totino's brand.

Why should you know. Is he your husband? Brother? Friend? Father? Do you just know because you stalk him?
Damn. I must be a horrible stalker that you figured it out so easily.

He's my dad. I thought that was pretty common knowledge. Hence the our mutual "f"s...

So you play guitar...

Do you prefer acoustic or electric?

Are you self-taught, or did you take lessons?

Who are your personal guitar heroes?