Honestly, The Saddest Movie You've Ever Seen


You know, I watched GATTACA, but I must've changed the channel before it was actually over because I don't remember that bit with Jude Law. (Of course, I may have dozed off. I didn't find GATTACA all that entertaining).

np guys...its just i like to see if its a spoiler first so i know if i seen it or not....thanks for the replies....no biggie

Yes, horribly, horribly embarassing, isn't it?

No big deal on Gattaca - it spoiled it for me, but I havn't seen it yet, so obviously I havn't had any kind of major interest in it.

I can pretend that things last.

1)One flew over the Cuckoo's nest.The ending only.
2)Gandhi. About my country.Obviously its very emotional and touching to me. :bawl:
3)Paths to Glory. See it and you will find out.I dont want to spoil you about it.


Tokyo Story is the saddest film ever made. I cried my freakin eyes out.

Grave of the Fireflies...what a movie. It's one of the best i've ever seen, no lie. If anyone on this board hasn't seen it, they need to locate a copy, because it is a masterpiece.

Mccabe & Mrs Miller, Leaving Las Vegas, The Sweet Hereafter, Dead Man Walking.

There are others though

TOKYO STORY is terribly sad. So is IKIRU. The Japanese are very good at depicting loneliness, and nothing is sadder than being lonely. [I think that's the title of a song by Roy Orbison, wot?]
Pigsnie, Vicar of Fries!

A Simple Plan gets me all depressed almost every time. It makes me think over all the mistakes I've ever made -- which is obviously no fun!

Sister Act 2 was sad as well -- but for a different reason.

Registered User
Two Words....

Steel Magnolias! I bawled my eyes out. The next one has to be Somersby with Jody Foster.

Ikiru is unbelievably sad...Akira Kurosawa made so many great films, but for me that was his best. The shot where he cries himself to sleep under his blanket breaks me every time.

Satyajit Ray's 'The Music Room' and Terence Malick's 'Days of Heaven' are both sad in a more muted tone...but powerful nonetheless.

And I can't forget Ingmar Bergman's films...So many of his movies have moved me almost to tears.

I forgot Wings of Desire, Wim Wenders' masterpiece.

I ain't gettin' in no fryer!
I would have to say...

Pay It Forward
Forrest Gump
Mr Hollands Opus
Titanic(the little kids layin in the bed and the mom readin to em, and the old couple layin in their bed at the end)
Green Mile(when Coffey rides the lightning)

Those are all I can think of at the moment.
"I was walking down the street with my friend and he said, "I hear music", as if there is any other way you can take it in. You're not special, that's how I receive it too. I tried to taste it but it did not work." - Mitch Hedberg

Dancer in the Dark (2000 - Lars Von Trier)
"Film is a disease. When it infects your bloodstream it takes over as the number one hormone. It bosses the enzymes, directs the pineal gland, plays Iago to your psyche. As with heroin, the antidote to Film is more Film." - Frank Capra

Now With Moveable Parts
Originally posted by Holden Pike
Dancer in the Dark (2000 - Lars Von Trier)
Oh my.I heard that movie would almost be unbearable if it wasn't so good.I'm not good with heart-wrenching tales...I'd have to say the torture scene in Braveheart had me gushing like a baby,the end of Shawshank redemption was so bittersweet,and Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon.

Ponette. I cried three times during that movie.
I saw the little girl a few years later in another movie. I'm glad she grew up ok.

I've only cried twice during a movie, actually three times.
These may not necessarily be the saddest movies I've seeb but they're the ones that made me cry.
My Girl
An American Tale
The Deer Hunter and Casper had me really close. Hahah. In retrospect, this is pretty funny.

I cry all the time at movies. I cried at Serendipity for pity's sake (not a sad cry, though). I even started to tear up during the trailer for "Riding in Cars with Boys".

I don't so much know of the saddest movie I've ever seen as a whole. There are just many very sad moments in movies that aren't necessarily entirely sad that get to me.

An American Tale? Wasn't that about a cartoon mouse?
My Girl. Waaaa! I cried too! I forgot about that one. :bawl:

You cried with a trailer?? Now I gotta go see it.

I'll agree with Holden on 'Dancer in the Dark', and add two others:

Jude (1996, Michael Winterbottom)
Breaking the Waves (1996, Lars Von Trier)

You get me slapped with a fine, you argue with the customers and I have to patch everything up, you get us thrown out of a funeral by violating the corpse, and then to top it off, you ruin my relationship. I mean, what's your encore? Do you, like, anally rape my mother while pouring sugar in my gas tank?

I cry after sappy long distance commercials, so it's not necessarily a good idea to think that because I had an emotional reaction to this trailer (specifically the part where Drew Barrymore says that she's the kid's mother and that means he isn't allowed to stay mad at her. Parent-related stuff can often generate an emotional reaction with me because of my past relationship with my parents) that anyone else will necessarily have an emotional reaction to the trailer.