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DerrickLevron 02-07-01 02:53 AM

I think the saddest movie I can recall at the moment would either be forrest gump (the ending talking to jenny) or platoon (when the sgt. is running from the gunshots.

what's yours?

Mr. Fong 02-07-01 03:57 AM

One of my all time favorte movies that makes me cry all the time is, Man Without A Face

The part where Mel Gibson gets denied by the old couple who owns the grocery store and then he thinks about committing suicide by running into oncoming traffic with his truck. that part kills me!

And the ending is a tear jerker too, when the kid finally graduates and he sees Gibson off in the distance and he waes at him. tears of joy!

Man Without a face is a great movie, it makes me look like a big soft pansy.

jamesglewisf 02-08-01 12:58 AM

Table for Five is the saddest movie I have ever seen. It had Jon Voight.

Dad with Ted Danson and Jack Lemon ranks up there pretty high too.

Samantha Mulder 02-08-01 02:13 AM

Disney's "The Fox and The Hound" had me crying the most.

jungerpants 02-09-01 12:52 AM

Mr. Holland's Opus.

It wasn't sad at all, but it's a real tear-jerker. Means a lot and has a great story.

RoadRunner 02-09-01 10:31 AM

Terms of Endearment

moviegirl 02-09-01 12:29 PM

Probably the Joy Luck Club, although oddly, the book is rarely sad at all, and the sad parts in the movie are really not that difficult in the book. Has anyone else read the book and seen the movie and come to a similar conclusion?

Mr. Fong 02-10-01 04:35 AM

okay, I rented Terms of Endearment tonight. I hadn't seen that movie since 6th grade I think and I remember thinking it was kind of boring. hehe So now that I'm not 12, I gave it another go, and damn dude, that movie is sad.
That definetly goes up on my top list of tear jerkers.
And of course its also a great movie, just a movie that gets you right at your heart.

Zephyrus 02-10-01 08:43 AM

The Green mile is a real good one...

So was MR Holland's Opus, Richard Dreyfuss was good in that too!

bigvalbowski 03-07-01 09:57 AM

Whoa! There's a lot of films that have broken my tear ducts down.

Cocoon was one. All those old people leaving their friends and family to enjoy eternal life. What a metaphor for death!

Dead Man Walking. I think I cried during this one because my emotions were so torn. I didn't want to like this guy. He was a murderer and a rapist but when he admitted to the crime, and when I saw the scene with his family, he was no longer an animal. He was a human being and he didn't deserve to die.

Billy Elliot. This was a recent one. The British (and Irish) are so often reserved about our emotions, afraid to express them. So it often makes it more powerful when this emotional wall is broken down. When Billy is leaving to go to his new school in London, the way in which his grandmother just grabs him and gives him a huge hug was just too much for me. The first and only time I have ever cried in a cinema.

Life is Beautiful. Like Dead Man Walking. I didn't know whether to bawl my eyes out or jump for joy at the conclusion. So in the end, my heart cried, but my eyes stayed dry. My body compromised, I guess.

Does anyone else ever get that feeling where their heart gets heavier, even sore after a really sad movie?

Zephyrus 03-09-01 08:57 AM

Coccoon, haven't seen that one since I was a kid...! I remember it pretty well, it was sad at the end, even more so when you're a kid!!

I remember Billy Elliot, there were some pretty heavy moments in that one. I agree with you bigval, when I watch a good movie I come out of the theatre feeling very enlightened, almost like I'm floating on air! Did anyone ever get that feeling?! And conversely, if it's a sad movie, you come out feeling pretty down (but I haven't seen very many of those recently).

That's partially the way I judge a movie, the way I feel about it at the end. If it's a good movie, then it will usually displace me out of reality, and if it's terrible, then I won't feel a thing except relief that it's over! :)

Yoda 03-09-01 09:32 AM

Ok, this is going to seem pathetic, but there was a part in Disney's "Tarzan" that got me...I can't believe I just said that. I'd say Forrest Gump gets me a bit, but Braveheart is the worst, by far.

Wart 03-11-01 07:39 PM

[red]SPOLIERS BELOW...[/red]

Ok--2 points during Crouching Tiger--made me tear up. when Chow Yun Fat dies and the end when the gal threw herself off the cliff.

And I only remember 2 other pictures that made me blubber--I was very young--In the LAND BEFORE TIME (A CARTOON!) when Littlefoot's mama dies
and a Japanese animated film--I'm not sure what the title was exactly--mebbe THE CAVE OF THE FIREFLIES--but 2 little kids during WWII in Japan run away from their cruel aunty after their dad dies in the war and they starve.
[Edited by TWTCommish on 03-12-2001]

Pigsnie 03-11-01 09:18 PM

Cave of the Fireflies, that WAS SAD! And it was animated! I'm already over 30 and it still made me weepish.

Other Weepish Moments in the Movies for Pigsnie:
1. Rutger Hauer's dying speech in BLADERUNNER
2. When Anthony Hopkins (as C.S. Lewis) and Joy's son cry together at the end of SHADOWLANDS
3. Jude Law entering that furnace to incinerate himeself at the conclusion of GATTACA. Sad (considering I liked him a hell of a lot more than that plank of wood Ethan Hawke) and painful.
4. Everything Haing Ngor did in THE KILLING FIELDS, particularly the heart-rending parting in the rain from Sam Waterston, and that scene when his kind master (knowing that he is about to be killed) leaves his child in Haing Ngor's hands.

thmilin 03-12-01 12:06 AM

there are a few out there that have made me cry, but it often has to do with my mood at the time ...

but the absolute definite is always -- always --

The Color Purple

If you haven't seen it, you should! For one thing, that is a great view of black American culture, but that's not why it's important to me. It's just a moving, powerful story. And it gets my crying and headachy every time.

DerrickLevron 03-12-01 06:02 PM

wart...thanks for replying and alkl i appreciate it...but please WARN US if you're going to spoil the movie ;/

Yoda 03-12-01 07:01 PM

My apologies for not editing that post earlier Derrick - I am highly responsible, as It is my job to do so, and I even read it yesterday!

Again, my apologies.

Wart 03-12-01 11:17 PM

I'm sorry about that, Derrick. The movie's over 10 years old and I wasn't thinking. I got the title wrong too. Its GRAVE OF THE FIREFLIES. I honestly didnt think anybody would be interested in seeing it. Won't happen again. My first time on a Board. :( Sorry.

Yoda 03-13-01 12:25 AM

I think he was referring to Crouching Tiger, Hidden big deal. I should probably post a list somewhere to make it highly visible.

Pigsnie 03-13-01 03:14 AM

Oops, I think I spoiled a movie too : ending of GATTACA, sorry. Hmmmm, have I been doing this a lot on all the other boards I've been? I hope not ; I might have been kicketh off JoBlo for a good reason. Wart, I like you. Keep posting.
Commish, I noticed your mum posts. Cool.

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