Does Kick-Ass go too far?


I think it's probably the worst. I can't demonstrate this in any objective way, but I think it's worth tha f**k and far worse than s**t.

The fact that people think it's worse kind of makes it so, anyway. Curse words only have the power we give them. The C-word is thought to be uglier, which means it conveys a more forceful thought/insult to most people, which means it is uglier as a result.

Bright light. Bright light. Uh oh.
There are just a whole lot more F-words used in pop culture (movies, literature, music) than C-words, so the C-word seems more shocking and taboo.
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I think it's probably the worst. I can't demonstrate this in any objective way, but I think it's worth tha f**k and far worse than s**t.

The fact that people think it's worse kind of makes it so, anyway. Curse words only have the power we give them. The C-word is thought to be uglier, which means it conveys a more forceful thought/insult to most people, which means it is uglier as a result.
Very true. Curse words are a cultural creation. There's nothing inherently bad about the word ****.
"A candy colored clown!"
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Very true. Curse words are a cultural creation. There's nothing inherently bad about the word ****.
Agreed, but this shouldn't be taken to mean that they don't matter, either. The words themselves are cultural, but the ideas they represent are what people abhor.

It's probably worth pointing out their selection isn't entirely arbitrary, as well; most of them involve very halting sounds known as "stop consonants." So they're kind of ugly linguistically, too.

Welcome to the human race...
She also kills like 50 guys in the movie ...

... btw.

But yeah, just saw the movie. Don't see a big deal, but that's just me.
I really just want you all angry and confused the whole time.
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Firstly Posing nude and/or simulating oral sex IS different to a girl saying "My mother is a c#nt" yes the word is used to describe a vagina but also it is used as a derogertrive term which in this case its the latter. Yes I think anything depicting children or teens being raped or naked is to far and I dont like it but it is in a film.
If the director was going for derogatory dialogue, why not "bi*ch" or "w*ore" or "a**hole" or any number of other derogatory words? Why that particular word? Because it's worse than the others? More controversial? Whatta you think?

As for my question of what if the young girl were to elaborate to put that word more in the context of vagina, you replied:

Well fo a 13 year old girl this would be illegal for a start.
Under what law would it be illegal to say "c*nt" in the context I suggested vs. the derogatory name-calling that you favor? If a 13-year-old were soliciting sex, that would be illegal; in fact, soliciting for sex is illegal at any age. But simply saying the words without any attempt at solicitation is protected as freedom of speech in this country. Oh, if one jumped up and shouted it out during church service, one might be prosecuted for disturbing the peace, but not for breaking any law for saying a particular word or sentence.

Its not as if this is the first time for this to happen if you remember The Exorsist there is graphic scenes in this and that was a 13 year old girl.
Did she too say "c*nt?" I wouldn't know, never having seen The Exorcist--I don't believe in devils, exorcism, or wasting pea soup.

We can all try our best with our children but we cannot protect them from hearing every swear word under the sun and they should be brought up with manners and respect thus not using the fowl language.
Now we're in general agreement on this point. No, we cannot protect them from hearing swearing and racism and other rotten things, but that doesn't mean we should defend the movies for adding to the input of things we're trying to protect our kids from. Having raised three kids of my own to adulthood, I've found that kids learn more from what they see and hear us do than what we tell them they should say or do. Not wanting my own grandkids to say such things (three of whom are old enough to see that movie), I'm strongly opposed to a director having someone else's minor child say that word on film. It's reprehensible and irrresponsible and demonstrates the general lack of moral fiber in today's society.

OMG I am so bored of disscusing this
And yet you replied to my post.

\m/ Fade To Black \m/
If the director was going for derogatory dialogue, why not "bi*ch" or "w*ore" or "a**hole" or any number of other derogatory words? Why that particular word? Because it's worse than the others? More controversial? Whatta you think?

As for my question of what if the young girl were to elaborate to put that word more in the context of vagina, you replied:

Under what law would it be illegal to say "c*nt" in the context I suggested vs. the derogatory name-calling that you favor? If a 13-year-old were soliciting sex, that would be illegal; in fact, soliciting for sex is illegal at any age. But simply saying the words without any attempt at solicitation is protected as freedom of speech in this country. Oh, if one jumped up and shouted it out during church service, one might be prosecuted for disturbing the peace, but not for breaking any law for saying a particular word or sentence.

Did she too say "c*nt?" I wouldn't know, never having seen The Exorcist--I don't believe in devils, exorcism, or wasting pea soup.

Now we're in general agreement on this point. No, we cannot protect them from hearing swearing and racism and other rotten things, but that doesn't mean we should defend the movies for adding to the input of things we're trying to protect our kids from. Having raised three kids of my own to adulthood, I've found that kids learn more from what they see and hear us do than what we tell them they should say or do. Not wanting my own grandkids to say such things (three of whom are old enough to see that movie), I'm strongly opposed to a director having someone else's minor child say that word on film. It's reprehensible and irrresponsible and demonstrates the general lack of moral fiber in today's society.

And yet you replied to my post.
I dont know why the direct chose to use this word maybe to be contraversial and to stir up conversations like this one so the more said about it the more publisity I suppose.

About what I said in reply to your question about changing the context of the sentance I ment as if the girl was soliciting sex not the actual question my bad I got confussed with what we were disscusing.

Regards the Exorcist she didnt say the word c#nt but she was masturbating with a crucifix and asking a male preist to have sex with her but saying it in a not so viewer friendly way and there was allot of people complaining about that at the time aswell, so my point of this has happened before wasnt about the word c#nt it was about something else.

I have two young children and I havent come across the swearing or saying things they shouldnt as of yet but Im possitive they wont get it from us, but there is no way on this earth that kids will not swear I remember doing it myself but it does come down to the parants in the long run if these kids use swear words and are not reprehanded them then they will continue to use it more freely.

I said that im done discussing this and yes I replied to your post because you are quoting me so obviously im going to answer your questions and explain myself everytime. But everytime I see that you have posted its always me you seem to quote.
~In the event of a Zombie Uprising, remember to sever the head or destroy the brain!~

Bright light. Bright light. Uh oh.
As far as The Exorcist goes, the "demon", using the dead director's (Jack MacGowran's) voice, says the word "c*nting" which comes out of Regan. The girl doesn't masturbate with the crucifix; the demon uses it to rape her. I suppose this shows some precedent but Linda Blair didn't say the word herself.

but it does come down to the parants in the long run if these kids use swear words and are not reprehanded them then they will continue to use it more freely.
That has been my only point concerning this thread.

I still see it as wrong to tell a child not to use it, not even for pretend, but then suddenly if they can be in a movie, it's OK. It's pretend with a paycheck, so taking back what you say/the rule that you make, is OK to do? I couldn't do it.

But everytime I see that you have posted its always me you seem to quote.
You're just 2 out of 7 quotes on the last page. That's not so bad. Besides, be happy that he is polite with his replies, even though you're disagreeing with him. If you disagree with Viddy, which you're not, then he'll quote you with disrespectful comments about your spelling and grammar. Apparently you have to disagree with him before he'll talk to you like *****.

That has been my only problem concerning this thread.

Did she too say "c*nt?" I wouldn't know, never having seen The Exorcist--I don't believe in devils, exorcism, or wasting pea soup.

So you really hate fiction as a rule?
“The gladdest moment in human life, methinks, is a departure into unknown lands.” – Sir Richard Burton

So you really hate fiction as a rule?
Because I don't waste my time on demons, exorcism, or scenes of people spitting up pea soup? Isn't that a rather broad jump to a silly conclusion?

But everytime I see that you have posted its always me you seem to quote.
Often, but not always. You and I have opposing views on the subject and you argue your side well. If you weren't interesting, I wouldn't bother responding to your remarks. It's not a put-down--just a discussion. Neither of us is going to convert the other, but it's interesting--at least to me--to explore viewpoints which are different in some ways but similar in others.

Because I don't waste my time on demons, exorcism, or scenes of people spitting up pea soup? Isn't that a rather broad jump to a silly conclusion?
I'm not sure it's a huge jump; I think honey's pointing out that you don't have to believe in something to be interested in it, so not believing in exorcisms doesn't really tell us why you're not interested in the The Exorcist.

\m/ Fade To Black \m/
Often, but not always. You and I have opposing views on the subject and you argue your side well. If you weren't interesting, I wouldn't bother responding to your remarks. It's not a put-down--just a discussion. Neither of us is going to convert the other, but it's interesting--at least to me--to explore viewpoints which are different in some ways but similar in others.
Very true rufnek I can see us getting along on here Sometimes I read things and I get the wrong angle then once ive re-read it I understand and see watch is actually being said It is very interesting to speak to others from around the globe of different ages and sex so you can have a wider conversation with people and disscusions about what others see apropriate and not. I have enjoyed our disscussions and im sure we will have more in the future I didnt mean my last comment to sound like I was picking at you, I ment it as a general comment about our discussion

Very true rufnek I can see us getting along on here Sometimes I read things and I get the wrong angle then once ive re-read it I understand and see watch is actually being said It is very interesting to speak to others from around the globe of different ages and sex so you can have a wider conversation with people and disscusions about what others see apropriate and not. I have enjoyed our disscussions and im sure we will have more in the future I didnt mean my last comment to sound like I was picking at you, I ment it as a general comment about our discussion
Don't worry--journalists develop hides like rhinos. Nothing bothers us. Problem is, I sometimes come across as being much more harsh than I mean to!

"photographers" Pfft! Dang single framers!
I don't believe in the walking dead, but I still watch all Romero's movies. (did that sound harsh?) Not meaning to.