Do you lend DVDs to friends? What if they keep them?


Bright light. Bright light. Uh oh.
Maybe my definition of "friends" is different than yours, but I do loan my DVDs, CDs, tapes, vinyl out to my friends and family members. Why shouldn't I? I borrow from them. We always get them back from each other. Back an eon ago, I tried to proselytize some co-workers with some cool music, but they were immature and I never saw them or it again. Those aren't friends though, even if some of them hold some funny memories. Yes, I worked with somebdy who was the real Jeff Spicoli in the 1970s. What did I expect?
It's what you learn after you know it all that counts. - John Wooden
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Nope. Never, if I had my way. People are f***ed and they do f***ed up sh*t to my stuff. My wife on the other hand is a different story. She likes to loan out stuff to some of her friends at work like I'm the public library and one of her friends treats it with respect. Sadly, the other two do not. The Last DVD we got back from her (after months of asking her to bring back the 10 movies we loaned to her) was used as a candle holder. I sh*t you not. A candle holder. God damn wax all over the case. The good news is my wife doesn't want to loan stuff out anymore except to the one person that treats our stuff with respect. One outta three ain't bad right?

Now on the other side I have no problem giving things to people. Especially if I think they'll really like it. A good rule of thumb: Never loan anything out that you think you'll miss. Chances are you'll end up doing just that.
We are both the source of the problem and the solution, yet we do not see ourselves in this light...

Banned from Hollywood.
I only lend to those who i know ill return the DVD in one piece.

or esle if its people i dont know, i'll find some excuse and wont lend

too in love with my dvd collection to lend to others

There are only 2 people in this world that I would loan one of my DVDs to. One is my best friend from high school who is the only person I know who is more particular about his DVD collection than I am about mine. The other is my dad, who only lives 2 houses down from me, so if he doesn't return it in a timely manner, I can just walk down and get it myself.

\m/ Fade To Black \m/
I like to loan my dvds to close friends and family as I know they look after my things, one time I loaned my Pulp Fiction Collectors Boxset to my Ex Boss and he didnt give it back, he left the company and the Ba$tard! still has it, it was the dvd with the collectors movie stills enclosed and im still pi$$ed about it
~In the event of a Zombie Uprising, remember to sever the head or destroy the brain!~

Welcome to the human race...
Because we either don't live in the UK or want to support the kind of site that has to resort to sending spam in order to attract consumers?
I really just want you all angry and confused the whole time.
Iro's Top 100 Movies v3.0

Because we either don't live in the UK or want to support the kind of site that has to resort to sending spam in order to attract consumers?

Just so everyone knows, Iro wasn't talking to himself... I deleted the Spammy post above his he was referring to.... so ... carry on... well... unless you're a SPAMMER... then you can just get lost....
You never know what is enough, until you know what is more than enough.
~William Blake ~

AiSv Nv wa do hi ya do...
(Walk in Peace)

Welcome to the human race...
True. God knows I've deleted a few posts for seeming out of context after the spam was deleted - I mean, I would quote them or whatever but that's technically spamming too, unless I removed the link...hmm...

Sure why not, but if they don't bring them back I go to their house and kick them in the junk!!!
What about family, eh? If so, you're owed a couple "kicks in the junk" as you put it. How long did it take for one of the Action Series discs? Or Team America? Where did you find them again, in the couch?
"Don't be so gloomy. After all it's not that awful. Like the fella says, in Italy for 30 years under the Borgias they had warfare, terror, murder, and bloodshed, but they produced Michelangelo, Leonardo da Vinci, and the Renaissance. In Switzerland they had brotherly love - they had 500 years of democracy and peace, and what did that produce? The cuckoo clock."

I only lend them to people who I'm sure of that they will give it back, and I ask every once in a while if they've watched it, usually they did and say they'll bring it back the next day.
I'd never given much thought to how I would die... But dying in the place of someone I love seems like a good way to go

Welcome to the human race...
Sure why not, but if they don't bring them back I go to their house and kick them in the junk!!!
What if you lend them to women?

Happy New Year from Philly!
If I am excited enough about a movie to buy it and foist it on my friends, I am usually watching it with them. So DVD loss is not an issue for me.
Louise Vale first woman to play Jane Eyre in the flickers.

I lend DVDs and people keep them, but what really irks me is when they keep my CDs, because I have a particular fondness for my music collection, and I keep them in good condition and still have my very first CDs bought.

So, I have developed this snarky problem. I often repossess my things from people, with or without asking. Mostly without asking, because by the time I resort to Repo Woman, I've already dropped an appropriate number of hints. I have found that it upsets people though .. ... when they find out, I mean.

Mostly, though - they NEVER say anything to me about it, because we both know they overkept their welcome, and/or never intended to return it. I think of it as the lady version of a Gentlemen's Disagreement.

That's how I roll. I dont get bent out of shape about people not giving me my stuff back. I just carefully and quietly reposses my items on my next visit. I most certainly will go in your house on invitation and take a personal detour to get my stuff back. Only person that ever took me to task for it was my sister, and we had to agree to disagree.

Come to think of it, I was prepared to repossess one of my videos from my sister-in-law on Thursday, but thankfully, she just gave it to me when I asked for it back.

Think of it this way - its like doing a crime to a criminal. They'll never report you to the police because they're dirty as well.

I've lost a lot of DVD's over the years from loaning them out but it's not a biggy with me... if it is something I really liked, I'll just buy it again. I do, however, have a few DVD's I won't loan out to anyone... they're welcome to watch them at my place but they don't leave...
I'm exactly the same as you Caity. I like to think of some of my dvds being passed around maybe introducing people to films they don't know about