Best Sex Scene


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Last Tango in Paris. Marlon Brando f***s a french woman in the a**** with butter. This is ART...

martian leader's Avatar
RightUpTheLittleTramps@ss !
American pie

Puppet Master

Puppet master 2
Arnie Cunningham - All of this because some drunk ran over that sh*tter Welch?

Arnie Cunningham- Right up the little tramps @ss!

Mulholland Drive between Naomi Watts and Laura Harring
"Tell 'em to go out there with all they got and win just one for the Gipper."

The scene on the stairs between Morgenssen and Bello in A HISTORY OF VIOLENCE is unbeatable
I was going to say this - also their first sex scene when she dresses up as a cheerleader is damn sexy - and realistic.

Watching the sex scene in Eyes Wide Shut was like watching my grandparents f**k - just uncomfortable and unsexy.
"I'm tired - tired of playing ze game"

Kathleen Turner and William Hurt in Body Heat. Very sexy.

Yes yes - when she taunts him and he uses the deck chair to smash through the glass - that in itself is just so sexy! The urge for him to get to her.

dunno if anyone mentioned it in this thread but anyway this is my favorite sex scene:


The scene on the stairs between Morgenssen and Bello in A HISTORY OF VIOLENCE is unbeatable

Erm, are you joking? That was a dodgy sex scene from my perspective, and I highly doubt that Cronenberg meant for the scene to come across as sexy...

Banned from Hollywood.
Erm, are you joking? That was a dodgy sex scene from my perspective, and I highly doubt that Cronenberg meant for the scene to come across as sexy...

Personally i think the best sex you have is after you've had a fight with the one you love...There's a lot of passion in that scene.

Wild Orchid should or shouldnt count because Otis and Rourke were really having sex. Real good sweaty sex. Damn she was a good actress.

Winger and Gere seemed to be having sex in Officer And A Gentlemen, but swear they werent. They even say they dont like each other, but they sure looked damn horny for each other.

Halle Berry just had to have decided to have sex for real with Billy Bob Thornton in Monsters Ball. It would explain why she won the oscar, and Billys expression. Rewatch the scene (again), but this time look at Billy Bobs face. LOL! It was like he dare not say a word cause she might not do it on the retake!

Welcome to the human race...
Originally Posted by TheUsualSuspect
Suspects Home Video.
I dare you to post it.
"I DOUBLE dare you, motherf***er!"

Plus, is that the working title?
I really just want you all angry and confused the whole time.
Iro's Top 100 Movies v3.0

Already mentioned the shower scene in An American Werewolf in London.

The Reader was uncomfortably hot.

Movie Forums Stage-Hand
I read a report about this recently in Rough Cut:

According to Playboy TV, the ten best sex scenes in movies are:

10. EYES WIDE SHUT (1999) - Nicole Kidman / Tom Cruise
9. AN OFFICER AND A GENTLEMAN (1981) - Richard Gere / Debra Winger
8. AUSTIN POWERS 2 (1999) - Mindy Sterling / Mike Myers
7. BODY OF EVIDENCE (1992) - Madonna / Willem Dafoe
6. 8 MILE (2002) - Eminem / Brittany Murphy
5. BASIC INSTINCT (1992) - Sharon Stone / Michael Douglas
4. 9 1/2 WEEKS (1985) - Mickey Rourke / Kim Basinger
3. THE POSTMAN ALWAYS RINGS TWICE (1981) - Jessica Lange / Jack Nicholson
2. DON'T LOOK NOW (1973) - Donald Sutherland / Julie Christie
1. MONSTER'S BALL (2001) - Halle Berry / Billy Bob Thornton

and if you're interested, Total Film's five worst film sex scenes are:

1. The Matrix Reloaded (2003) Keanu Reeves / Carrie-Anne Moss
2. Showgirls (1995) - Elizabeth Berkeley / Kyle McLachlan
3. Top Gun (1986) - Tom Cruise / Kelly McGillis
4. Daredevil (2003) - Ben Affleck / Jennifer Garner
5. The Specialist (1994) - Sharon Stone / Sylvester Stallone
Totally agree with the Matrix one, it was terrible and totally disgusting.