Who do you want to get rid of?


Ozma's Avatar
The Gweat and Tewwible
I love Steve!!! I can't believe he left. Well, I actually can. I haven't seen the new shows but I'm sure the new guy is unbearable....
"I already feel like an idiot most of the time, with, or without a fireman's pole." ~Bridget Jones

Now With Moveable Parts

crazed out movie freak
ok julia roberts bye-bye. and i know i am gonna catch heck for this, but kirsten dunst. strap a rocket to that chicks ass and send her flyin please.
"Aim high, it costs no more to shoot at eagles then it does to shoot at skunks"

Without a doubt - Eric Roberts. His films make me want to stick a finger through my eye and swirl it around in order to relieve the pain.
Mr. Fenster....

Now With Moveable Parts
Originally posted by kobayashi
Without a doubt - Eric Roberts. His films make me want to stick a finger through my eye and swirl it around in order to relieve the pain.
Hee Hee...
Yeah, he licks.

crazed out movie freak
Name sounds familiar please someone refresh my memory with what he's been in.

Eric Roberts? He's Julia's older brother, and he looks exactly like THIS.

Early in his career, when BTW he was getting much critical acclaim, he starred in The Pope of Greenwich Village, Star 80, King of the Gypsies, The Coca-Cola Kid and Ruanaway Train, the last of those netting him an Oscar nomination as Best Supporting Actor (the year Don Ameche won for Cocoon). He had a tendency to go way over-the-top ("They took my thumbs, Charlie!!!"), but if you like that kind of stylized performance he was a good young up-and-comer. However, right after his Oscar nomination he took one crap role after another, in real junk like Best of the Best, The Specialist and Final Analysis. By the early '90s he was relegated to straight-to-video and made-for-cable TV genre crud almost exclusively.

I don't know what forgettable bad movie you may have seen him in while flipping around cable. A few years ago he was in a TNT supernatural Western called Puragatory that was a better idea on paper than it was an actual movie. Turner ran that thing every other weekend for about two years, maybe you saw that?

He did make one film in the '90s that I'm a big fan of: La Cucaracha. It's a no-budget Bring Me the Head of Alfredo Garcia for the new millenium. Great rental some night if you can track it down.

But in general he's a lost cause, career-wise. He pretty much pissed it all away for whatever reason. Now he wouldn't know what to do with a good script if he got one, and certainly nobody is going to give him one. He works all the time, but it's all ambitionless crap.
"Film is a disease. When it infects your bloodstream it takes over as the number one hormone. It bosses the enzymes, directs the pineal gland, plays Iago to your psyche. As with heroin, the antidote to Film is more Film." - Frank Capra

Originally posted by Yoda
He also looks like James Caviezel.
i dont see resemblance there.
yea they both have "dirty I'm trailer Park trash" hair... but other then that.....

it's better to have loved and lost
than to live with the psycho
for the rest of your life

Now Jason Behr and James Caviezel.

Skeet Ulrich & a young (nastier then normal) Johnny Depp....


hey this would make a great thread....

look alikes...

crazed out movie freak
OK the verizon " Can you hear me now" guy gets a one way ticket outta here. Man that guys annoying.

He's not "normally" considered an actor, but since he stared in his own biography...HOWARD STERN. I loathe that man, what a waste of radio time. He's so full of himself, considering himself a genius. Hmmm...I could talk about **** and farts all day, and make fun of the dead or dying. OMG!!!! I'm a genius!!!

Later Losers! I'm gonna make my fortune!

Jonny Goodboy's Avatar
Fighting out of the Lions Den
Ben `the tit` Affleck-What a swarmy arrogant twat you are
Vale Tudo (adv.301)><"Fighting Evil with Evil"

Jonny Goodboy's Avatar
Fighting out of the Lions Den
Originally posted by Yoda
Wha? I like Affleck. What bugs you about him?
Read the part after I say "...Affleck"-There`s a big clue

Not really. Why do you think he's arrogant? I'm not saying you're wrong -- but I figured it customary to elaborate on who you want to get rid of...explain why...etc.

Jonny Goodboy's Avatar
Fighting out of the Lions Den
Personally, it`s just the way he`s always come across in movies to me...like he`s better than everybody else, he`s god`s gift, he`s cockier than c***!
I know my argument doesn`t go very deep, but I don`t like his screen persona and he ruins every film he`s in...for me anyway.

But, you know what, he`s probably the nicest, kind hearted lovable guy in the World in real life, and he`s obviously doing something right...he`s getting all close and personal with Juicy Jennifer right about now ...but, I don`t know the dude that way.
All I know is what I see on screen.

So, why you an Affleck fanboy?

I'm highly impressed with him, basically. I think Good Will Hunting was an amazing movie, I think he's got great comedic timing and a lot of genuine talent, too. I'm also convinced that he'd be a blast to hang out with, and I think he's got a real future (I wasn't completely nuts about his casting in The Sum of All Fears early on, but he did a wonderful job).

Just my opinion. I think he and Damon are both very, very talented young men. Affleck does have a little bit of a "pretty boy" think going, but I don't think it's too bad.

Jonny Goodboy's Avatar
Fighting out of the Lions Den
Originally posted by Yoda
I think Good Will Hunting was an amazing movie,...
Good Will Hunting was a good movie...Damon, Williams and Driver were great in it