Life Changing Movies


Fight Club
Half Nelson
On a long enough timeline, the survival rate for everyone drops to zero.

one of them would be the motorcycle diaries. I have always had this dream to travel around south america and seeing that movie only made it stronger. Will have to save up though. (i will accept any donations!!!!)
Comment is free but facts are sacred

one of them would be the motorcycle diaries. I have always had this dream to travel around south america and seeing that movie only made it stronger. Will have to save up though. (i will accept any donations!!!!)
Health is the greatest gift, contentment the greatest wealth, faithfulness the best relationship.

"A film is a putrified fountain of thought"
I can see how you make the connection between the messages the films have, but they're presented in such a different way. I actually think the majority of people I know either really like Into the Wild and don't like Fight Club or really like Fight Club but not Into the Wild.

I'm still young (I'm 19) and consequently I haven't explored many black-and-white films, but when I watched 12 Angry Men for the first time a few months ago, it completely changed my viewpoints on black-and-white film. It blew me away more than I thought possible for a movie to do, and is my inspiration to start watching and collecting older films.

So--quite literally--for me, 12 Angry Men is/was a life-changing movie.

There have been numerous movies that made me stop and think about things a little differently... but Thunderheart stopped me in my tracks and made me rethink the direction my life was headed at the time and had an influence on my decision to go into law enforcement…
You never know what is enough, until you know what is more than enough.
~William Blake ~

AiSv Nv wa do hi ya do...
(Walk in Peace)


Amazing movie about self-deception

West Side Story, because it's the only movie that I go to see every time it comes to town, and the one movie that I've made road trips to neighborning states specially for a screening of.

Having been introduced to and hooked on the music of West Side Story when I first heard the LP soundtrack of the original Broadway stage production of West Side Story back in the summer of 1962, and then on the movie when I saw it six years later, as a high school Senior, I've been hooked on this classic since. However, don't misunderstand me--I've got a life outside this and other great classics. it's been the one movie that really brings me back to see it again and again, and I never get tired of it. I've invoked the amusement of my family and friends who're not into it as much as I am, but they've come to accept it. I miss my dad's teasing me about it since he passed away almost 8 years ago, but that's how it goes sometimes.

I am literally bored about my lifestyle, what can be done to change my lifestyle?

I am literally bored about my lifestyle, what can be done to change my lifestyle?
To change your lifestyle you have to change your mindset and know more about yourself. That is inner awareness; there are various sites to give information about this. . I suggest you to visit SPAM REMOVED where you can get complete details about it.

Dead Poets Society. that one changed my life.

A Walk to Remember........
That movie made realise how easy can a person change......
DIE HARD !!!!!!!!

Obvious film for way of life changes..... Pay it forward..... watch this than think about being mean to someone instead of being nice. Spiderman never should have let the robber who killed his uncle run past him. It all goes full circle.

Amadeus. It was the first time I appreciated what a great actor (F. Murray Abraham) can do.
Trailer Previctions - You can judge a movie by its trailer!

For me probably these 5 :

Mullholland Drive
Vanilla Sky
Life of David Gale
Life As A house
The Big Lebowski