Do u know this Movie


movie about a little girl and her dad move to a new house
and the little girls mum is dead and she has a imaginary friend called jack or bill or sumthing and the cat gets killed in the bath or sumthing and she says its the imaginary friend but at the end u find out its the dad hes split personality i think anyone know?

i liked;y cuz of elizabeth no but i thought it was a pretty good movie. now u know 5

I love De Niro, but he couldn't even save Hide and Seek for me...
You never know what is enough, until you know what is more than enough.
~William Blake ~

AiSv Nv wa do hi ya do...
(Walk in Peace)

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Im SofaKing High
Omg Hide and Seek that movie was pretty sketchy... the father was a total creeper. The worst part is that cave thing in the backyard that he goes to.

are you guys SURE it was the dad that had split personalities, and ONLY the dad? Might want to watch it again

are you guys SURE it was the dad that had split personalities, and ONLY the dad? Might want to watch it again
No one made any exclusionary assertions like that. Might want to step off the pedestal

hide and seek had a great twist that i thought made a good movie.

9 now nice suprise twist im usually good with that **** and i did not predict

SPOILER (last time i tried the tag it dint work)

Deniro was acually The killer (and "Charlie"