Worst movie of the year!


Registered User
Hands down, it has to be "I Know Who Killed Me". Their attempt at an artsy, fartsy dark film failed miserably. It was also gore porn, in my opinion, but that wasn't even done very well. Lindsay Lohan needs to stop acting and needs to focus on cleaning up her act.

28 days...6 hours...42 minutes...12 seconds
Just saw EPIC MOVIE......somebody please kill me.
"A laugh can be a very powerful thing. Why, sometimes in life, it's the only weapon we have."

Suspect's Reviews

I'm not old, you're just 12.
I agree! I was so let down by this. I like the other two, but 3 was awful! Almost no kung fu (I know jackie Chan is getting up there in age, but without Kung Fu, he really brings nothing to the film.), and it seemed like the filmmakers thought Chris Tucker's voice was so hilarious by itself that they didnt need to give him good lines to say. An all out disaster.

What movie do you think is the worst for 2007?

personally i think Daddy Day Camp! this is the first movie that has driven me to leave the cinema.

ALSO surfs up, that was bad!

Welcome to the human race...
I only see about ten new releases a year, half of which I love and half of which I don't. Tough call, but I weighed up the positives of all the movies in my "bad" file and my vote goes to...

Knocked Up

I know how much praise The 40 Year Old Virgin got, and so did the producers, who felt they could knock out yet another one of these rom-coms for guys. It's an uninspired sitcom premise fleshed out with predictable situations, with the "humour" coming from a bunch of losers getting wasted and making joke after joke after joke...ngh.
I really just want you all angry and confused the whole time.
Iro's Top 100 Movies v3.0

Epic Movie (2007).. ugh!

I also nominate "EPIC MOVIE" for this category, the movie deserve some award in here, come on, bring in the trophy, FLOP!

nothing too epic with the epic movie too from me

the worst movie of the year is Epic Movie, IMO

RESIDENT EVIL 3: EXTINCTION was the worst film of the year, hands down.
That and Shooter, Mark Wahlberg's sniper movie.
"Tell him the liberator who destroyed my property has realigned my perception."

Movie Forums Critic
I think Mr. Bean's Holiday, although it is funny yet compare to the first one, his acting was not focused their , so it was disappointing ,expecting too much to the film is very tiring...

RESIDENT EVIL 3: EXTINCTION was the worst film of the year, hands down.
That and Shooter, Mark Wahlberg's sniper movie.
I'll Second to that!!