Interesting Mise en Scene for University talk?


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I need to show a small ~7min scene from a film and talk for a few mins about what makes the mise en scene so interesting.

I have loads of films that I could use but I really cant make up my mind. I do not want to show any of the classics such as citizen kane and casablanca. I want to show something that the lecturer wont expect. My first idea was to show a scene of an exploitation flick but I cant find any with striking mise en scene.

My ideas so far have been:
  • ichi the killer
  • They Call Her One Eye (Thriller: A cruel picture)
  • The Good the Bad and the Ugly
  • Tsotsi
  • Kung Fu Hustle
  • Sympathy for Lady vengeance
  • Hedwig and the Angry Inch
I have been going through all my dvds and avi's looking for good scenes but I cant make up my mind! If anyone can suggest a particular scene that would be great!

Any advice?

I don't know too much about film theory, and all I know about mise en scene is what I just looked up on google.

But if you want to choose a film to study that your lecturer won't approve of, here are a few suggestions:

Something by John Waters (Polyester or Cecil B. Demented come to mind. Female Trouble would be even better, but it's pretty hard to find). The scene in Polyester where Francine Fishpaw goes crazy and is crawling around like a dog is priceless

Eating Raoul: Any scene in Paul and Mary Bland's apartment (decorated in classic 50s kitsch) is good, or the scene at the swinger's party.

Marat/Sade - but there's always the danger that your professor might actually like it.

I had some others in mind but I seem to have forgotten them at the moment.

Hope this helps.

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I don't know too much about film theory, and all I know about mise en scene is what I just looked up on google.
I've just looked it up and I'm none the wiser...

Should I call you Logan, Weapon X?
Mise en Scene is everything you see on screen.

- sets
- props
- actors
- costumes
- lighting

You cannot mention dialogue or camera shots/angles when discussing mise en scene.

Anyway I think I have decided to show the start of Save the Green Planet. An extremely good film with an individual style that I doubt many people will have seen.

Save the Green Planet is an awesome film. And although camera shots fall under cinematography, if it informs the mise-en-scene then sure you could include it. I'd have probably gone for Oldboy which has some awesome mise-en-scene, from dark and grimy to Escher-real staircases.

Thank you for the definition/explanation. I learned something today!

Save The Green Planet is a very good, unusual movie. Nice choice for your class.