Bruce Willis is a forum troll


Not sure if this is old news but thought this was pretty cool.
What else can a millionaire with spare time do but chat on forums about the movies he stars in. If only a few of the stars would join this forum it would be awesome to talk to them about their performances.

I don't know if it would be such a good idea if a star joined the forums and everybody knew about it. I think people would feel they can't say certain things about that certain actor.
Though if the users would not be aware that there is an actor following the threads it would be pretty cool. That way you won't have the above described downside. And who knows... maybe someone IS watching :P
Movie Database
My DVD Collection

The Adventure Starts Here!
I've always wondered if M. Night Shyamalan frequents this site's sister forum dedicated to him. Probably so, since it's part of such a great domain name ( And, since Yoda runs both of them, it'd be a quick hop, skip, and a jump to go from there to here....

Yeah he is, I'll still see Die Hard 4 though.

^^ omg that's Bruce Willis!

Celluloid Temptation Facilitator
I say good for Bruce! I LOVED him in Grindhouse btw!

He seemed pretty cool on the MTV Movie Awards tonight too.

I hope his next Die Hard movie is good.

Standing in the Sunlight, Laughing
I post occasionally at a forum where Kevin Smith turned up. People were arseholes to him. Not everyone, of course, but a couple. Smith is more than prepared for hecklers, but I still doubt he'll be back there. I'd imagine most famous people post or chat somewhere, but few of them will tell you who they are unless you get to know them without knowing who they are.

Should I call you Logan, Weapon X?
I post occasionally at a forum where Kevin Smith turned up. People were arseholes to him. Not everyone, of course, but a couple. Smith is more than prepared for hecklers, but I still doubt he'll be back there. I'd imagine most famous people post or chat somewhere, but few of them will tell you who they are unless you get to know them without knowing who they are.
What forum is that at?

my favourite mc posts on his own forum, which is AWESOME, he answers questions and gives us first hand news about what he's working on etc etc
DVD Collection


Standing in the Sunlight, Laughing
What forum is that at?
The rude forum was Rotten Tomatoes.
Kevin Smith has his own forum, if you're interested in posting with celebs. It's called The View Askew.

Neither is half as cool as here, I should warn you.

That was cool of Bruce Willis to do that actually. They were trying to get him to prove who he was for quite some time too. All he had to do was write down "I'm posting at *Insert forum name* along with the date and time, snap a pic, then paste it there or show a link of the pic and voila.......Instant Proof.

I was actually surprised he disliked Die Hard 2 so much though. I really enjoyed that as much if not more than the first. And Willis really is pretty confident in DH3 being as good as the first despite the PG-13 rating so I hope he's right there. I'm sure it's easily possible. He gave an example as Jaws being PG-13 back in the day as an example how a very well made, tense movie doesn't always have to be rated R. Time will tell of this 4th installment and if it's as good as he says it is, then bravo I say.

Should I call you Logan, Weapon X?
The rude forum was Rotten Tomatoes.
Kevin Smith has his own forum, if you're interested in posting with celebs. It's called The View Askew.

Neither is half as cool as here, I should warn you.
I used to Post on the View Askew one back in the day when it was a horrible text forum with no formatting. Oh and you had to pay $2 to register.