Assault On Precint 13

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May The Forks be With Us
well since i didnt see one i figured i'd start one.

I thought this was a great shoot-em-up. It was highly entertaining and I liked the story, even if it did have a lot of cliches. I think Ethan Hawke was great but I personally like Laurence Fishbourne and John Leguizamo better. Fishbourne made this movie. Just the expression that he used facially and they way he delt with different twists in the plot, I thought it was fanatastic. Leguizamo was the comic relief along with Ja Rule's "Smiley" and I have to say they played great off of eachother. The rest of the cast was great and helped the movie greatly. I personally thought the choice of weapons in the movie for the good guys in the beginning was a little weird but it worked out and proved to be funny.

Bottom Line:
This is a great movie. It is very vulgar, very gorey, but it has a plot and it has good acting. I hope to see more movies from Rouge(the company that made the movie).
"An Eye for an eye makes the whole world blind"
-Ben Kingsley, GHANDI

"Snozberries taste like snozberries"

Am I the only one who didn't like the original? Some of the reviewers around here have sniffed at this remake because they LOVE the original so much. I don't get it. Holden?
"Today, war is too important to be left to politicians. They have neither the time, the training, nor the inclination for strategic thought. I can no longer sit back and allow Communist infiltration, Communist indoctrination, Communist subversion and the international Communist conspiracy to sap and impurify all of our precious bodily fluids."

I haven't seen the remake yet, but loved the original. What made it so brilliant was its simplicity. Carpenter proved you don't need a big budget, big stars, or a big idea to make a solid little action thriller. The only fault I find with the original is the 70's look to the gangs, but it was made in 76 I believe so I won't complain too loudly
__________________ - Movie reviews and quotes for those of us fortunate enough to not have our heads shoved up overly critical rectums!

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Never saw the original, but saw the remake last night. It was just as I expected. Lots of guns and bullets that not only had holes in people but had its holes in the storyline in general. A couple of examples.
WARNING: "Assault on Precinct 13" spoilers below
The guy that Ethan Hawk vouged for was obviously supposed to look like a plant yet he wasnt. But because we so later know he wasnt, why did the crooked cops in the first place wait till he started to drive away before attempting to kill him and not put a bullet in his head as soon as they looked at him in his car?

Also at the end we see the precinct was not very far from the city. How could the gun fire and explosions from the bus not have even been noticed by anyone?

havent seen the re-make but i just have one question. does the remake have the ice cream man scene. those who saw the original know what scene im talking about
"A good film is when the price of the dinner, the theater admission and the babysitter were worth it."
- Alfred Hitchcock

Originally Posted by The Taxi Driver
havent seen the re-make but i just have one question. does the remake have the ice cream man scene. those who saw the original know what scene im talking about
I never noticed an ice cream man scene Taxi Driver.

I have no idea, since I haven't seen the remake, but I have read that the entire circumstance of the assault on the precinct is I don't see why they would still have it, since in the original, the precinct was assaulted because they followed the father of the little girl.

Gangs to crooked cops? And no ice cream man scene? Why oh why make a remake. Oh woe is me
I'll probs watch it when it comes on dvd just beacuse i like the original.

Say what again mother f**ker!
I havent seen the origanal but all I know is that this one stunk baddly. Not what I expected at all. Too many parts that made me say "thats not realy how it would work". If you saw it you would know what I'm talking about. I guess it just wasn't my type of movie.
"Misery loves company"
- Harvey Pekar, American Splendor

I liked it, i thought they played with cliches really well.
"I retire today" = he's going to die
"He's a damn good cop"= he's a bad guy

Only they meant something else, kinda.

Never saw the original but remake kicked ass

action, action and action and thats all i needed great performances from entire cast nice twist in the end and a great ending so i would definitly recomend it if u like action movies

your review is right on the money HellboyUnleashed!


the only hayward man will ever need
Originally Posted by Terminator734
Never saw the original but remake kicked ass

action, action and action and thats all i needed great performances from entire cast nice twist in the end and a great ending so i would definitly recomend it if u like action movies
same here, never saw the original but i dont think i will bother now, as i dont think anything more can come out of the storyline if i see the old version aswell. a pretty good actioner whihc was fast,furious and fun!
"I felt like putting a bullet between the eyes of every Panda that wouldn't screw to save its species. I wanted to open the dump valves on oil tankers and smother all the French beaches I'd never see. I felt like destroying something beautiful." - Tyler Durden

And this is my BOOMstick!
Very cool action flick.
"All I have in this world is my balls and my word, and I don't break them for no one."

Originally Posted by hayward
same here, never saw the original but i dont think i will bother now, as i dont think anything more can come out of the storyline if i see the old version aswell. a pretty good actioner whihc was fast,furious and fun!
you may not get anymore out of the story but if you go see the original you can see the ice cream man scene and i think it was worth it because i didnt like the original i just really liked that scene. It just caught me by suprise and i didnt expect what was gonna happen in it.

yah ive never seen the original but this movies was defiantly grade A

Here to support the villians.......
Originally Posted by inibriated
yah ive never seen the original but this movies was defiantly grade A
An A Grade is very high. I did like the movie, Ethan Hawke was excellent as was Laurence Fishburne in badass mode. Ja Rule however ruined it for me, he was irratating and pointless. Having said that this movie gets a major thumbs up for having Gabriel Byrne in it (Although he was underused).

Good entertainment.
The greatest trick the devil ever pulled was convincing the world he didn't exist

Originally Posted by Lester Burnham
. Ja Rule however ruined it for me, he was irratating and pointless.

Good entertainment.
i agree ja rule really didnt do anything an just got me a bit mad , his whole roll in this besides being somone that could help them shoot of the "badguys" was pointless

Registered User
agreed! ja rule was irritating. the movie wasn't great also. too many loopholes and a bit dragging. waste of time and money.

I am the Nightrider!
My review of "Assault on Precinct 13"...

Remake after remake...they just keep on coming. But this time, it's a remake of one of my personal favorite flicks, directed by the great John Carpenter. However, it is my duty to inform you that this remake is actually very good, kick-ass even, BUT doesn't compare to its classic predecessor. Although maybe I'm just a bit bias.

Like recent remakes, "Assault on Precinct 13" is a 'reworking' of it's previous story.

Our hero cop this time is Sgt. Jake Roenick (Ethan Hawke), an undercover cop who was demoted to desk duty due to a drug-bust gone wrong which involved the death of two of his fellow officers. Eight months after the incident we find out that Roenick has been the head officer at Detroit's rundown Precinct 13, due to be closed at Midnight, New Year's Day.

It's December 31st and our hero villain, head gangster Marion Bishop (Laurence Fishburne), has been captured by the police due to his murdering of a corrupt cop. Marcus Duvall (Gabriel Byrne), is the head of a special police unit that wants nothing more but to see Bishop dead or in his custody (same difference).

Meanwhile Roenick's skeleton crew which consists of veteran cop Jasper O'Shea (Brian Dennehy) and sexy secretary Iris Ferry (Drea de Matteo) all of which look forward to a slow and drunken night to celebrate the coming of the New Year and the closing of the almost abandoned precinct. However, Roenick has one scheduled visitor, Dr. Alex Sabian (Maria Bello), a psychologist analyzing Roenick for his drug-bust disaster.

Bishop, along with two-bit criminals Beck (John Leguizamo), Anna (Aisha Hinds) and Smiley (Ja Rule), board a bus to be transferred to a security prison, but a huge snow-storm (great story move) delays this action and they are forced to wait out the night at Precinct 13, much to Roenick's dismay.

After this is quietly and unofficially supervised by Duvall, an all-out siege is conducted on the precinct, manned by Duvall's special police unit. Roenick realizes that these hombres are after Bishop but also won't give up until everyone in the joint is dead. So, the cops and criminals and guests all team together in an effort to stop Duvall's assault on Precinct 13.

That's pretty much it, and pretty damn good it is. French director Jean-François Richet brings us a dark and gritty action flick here. Solid, edgy and pretty straight to the point...elements needed in a shoot 'em up police actioner. Well shot and well edited I might add.

Carpenter's "13" is a balls out cult-actioner from the 70s that has that certain charm to it, and can never be matched: the groundbreaking use of silencers, the characters, the famous Carpenter music and the classic dialogue ("Anyone gotta smoke?"). This "13" measures as a solid, police action-thriller, nowhere near as serious or great as "The French Connection" or "L.A. Confidential", but damn finer than most cop thrillers of this millennia.

I had fun!