Box Office Surprises


Urban Cowboy's Avatar
Bad Morther****er
It was a bad movie, but as all of us know, if you throw enough stars and money at a movie somebody will usually go see it. This movie has to be one of the biggest, if not the biggest disapointments this year. I mean it couldn't beat Chistmas with the Cranks?
Justice will be served/ And the battle will rage/ This big dog will fight/ When you rattle his cage/ And you’ll be sorry that you messed with the U.S. of A./ Cause we`ll put a boot in your ass/ It`s the American way.
Courtesy Of The Red, White & Blue - Toby Keith

Urban Cowboy's Avatar
Bad Morther****er
I'm adding The Aviator. This movie took over 2 years and 100 million to make, received 11 nominations, is going up aganist throwaway movies in January, and still can't break 100 million.

So Money and I Don't Even Know It!
Biggest surprise was that craptacular movie Fantastic Four making 50 million bucks in the fisrt weekend and now its already over a hundred million! Then again I bought a ticket for it so.......
"You sunk my battleship." - Death in Bil & Ted's Bogus Journey

I'm surprised that The Island only grossed 12 million dollars in its opening weekend. Certainly looks like the Michael Bay Gravy Train has finally stopped rolling.

Urban Cowboy's Avatar
Bad Morther****er
Originally Posted by Lance McCool
I'm surprised that The Island only grossed 12 million dollars in its opening weekend. Certainly looks like the Michael Bay Gravy Train has finally stopped rolling.

Thank God

Can we try with real bullets now?
Originally Posted by Lance McCool

I'm surprised that The Island only grossed 12 million dollars in its opening weekend. Certainly looks like the Michael Bay Gravy Train has finally stopped rolling.
Urban Cowboy is right. The Island tanking is definitely good news
Have you ever danced with the Devil in the pale moonlight?

The Adventure Starts Here!
I would *so* have loved to have seen this movie without knowing the twist in the plotline. Whose bright idea in marketing was it to just plunk that information out there in advance? It's now the only really interesting part of the whole concept for me ... and it's been ruined before I even got to see the movie ... and ruined by the studio itself! D'oh!

Originally Posted by Austruck
I would *so* have loved to have seen [The Island] without knowing the twist in the plotline. Whose bright idea in marketing was it to just plunk that information out there in advance? It's now the only really interesting part of the whole concept for me ... and it's been ruined before I even got to see the movie ... and ruined by the studio itself! D'oh!
I think they were trying to let people who usually skip a "film by Michael Bay" know it was ostensibly about more than just the usual explosions his movies are filled with. But I think they outsmarted themselves (not terribly tough to do, as collectively they share the brain of a four-year-old...and not even a precocious one at that) as all they succeeded in doing was scaring away Bay's core built-in audience who goes to see slickly-produced but entirely hollow and mindless *****, because after seeing the trailer they feared they might have to turn their brains on to noodle through the Sci-Fi plotline. So the Bad Boys II audience didn't show up, plus the more discerning moviegoers they were trying to market to, we were smart enough to know Michael Bay, no matter how you wrap it, is still Michael Bay.

End result: a box office bomb.
"Film is a disease. When it infects your bloodstream it takes over as the number one hormone. It bosses the enzymes, directs the pineal gland, plays Iago to your psyche. As with heroin, the antidote to Film is more Film." - Frank Capra

It's like, "There's a plot twist...I promise! Here...this is what it will you come see it? PLEASE?! Scarlett is butt naked too! I swear!"

I remember when the trailer came out for The Talented Mr. Ripley and how it told the entire story...murder, betrayal, and all. I didn't bother seeing it until it was on DVD for at least a year, then I was caught up in déjŕ vu the whole time.
"Today, war is too important to be left to politicians. They have neither the time, the training, nor the inclination for strategic thought. I can no longer sit back and allow Communist infiltration, Communist indoctrination, Communist subversion and the international Communist conspiracy to sap and impurify all of our precious bodily fluids."

The Adventure Starts Here!
I dunno, Holden. I can't imagine ANYONE in a marketing department being SO stupid as to tell the plot twist of this movie in the TRAILERS. I mean, c'mon! Someone should get fired over that decision.

WARNING: "The Sixth Sense" spoilers below
It's like putting the tagline "Bruce Willis Is Really Dead' on the movie posters for "The Sixth Sense."

EDIT: Added spoilers so nobody has any reason to whimper, whine, or fuss about.

Originally Posted by Austruck
Okay, why is the spoiler tag not working?? What am I doing wrong this time?
You have to give a topic to the spoiler in the first tag, as in [ spoilers=The Sixth Sense ].

And by the way, I don't think we have to worry about spoiling The Sixth Sense at this point, do you? That plot twist is a pop culture reference point.

As for comparing the two, I haven't seen The Island - nor do I plan on doing so, but is its twist really only revealed in the last ten minutes of the film, as The Sixth Sense's was? Or does it come like half-way through the movie?

The Adventure Starts Here!
Thanks, Holden. Oddly, I tried hitting the "Wrap Spoiler Tags" button and even that didn't work. Go figure. Now I know. Thanks to whomever fixed it for me.


What Has Our Society Come To When March Of The Penguins Is The Blockbuster Hit Of The Summer?

By Michael Bay, director of The Island

I've been a major Hollywood director for a long time, and I thought I'd seen it all. But I can't help wondering what's happening to the entertainment industry—indeed, to our entire society. Where are our standards? Our values? For fu*k's sake—our cultural priorities? I simply cannot accept that March Of The Penguins is the big summer hit everybody's talking about. Hello?

It used to be that a summer blockbuster had to have brutal violence, sexy women, breathtaking action sequences, adrenaline-pumping high-speed chases—at a bare minimum, some explosions. But sitting through that penguin movie, I couldn't believe my eyes. Where were the big set pieces? Hell, this movie didn't even have sets! Has anyone ever heard of production values? It's one of the most vital aspects of the filmmaking art, and you don't get it by just showing up on an iceberg and filming whatever happens to be in front of you. Frankly, for real icebergs, they looked fake. This film is an insult to the great men and women who spend countless hours in front of computers creating incredibly realistic CGI icebergs.

Does no one out there care about these things anymore but me? Am I a lone voice of sanity crying out in a universe gone mad?

What kind of a world do we live in when a futuristic techno-thriller starring Ewan McGregor and Scarlett Johansson as escaped clones on levitating jet bikes doesn't outgross the ***** out of a glorified Discovery Channel rerun? Don't people realize how much money I spent? How many people it took to bring that vision to the screen? Do people realize how many rewrites and punch-ups we went through? I paid my writers millions of dollars, and they were some of the best in the biz. You know who wrote their script? A bunch of birds.

Where was the villain? A story's not going to keep an audience on the edge of their seats without a strong opposition. Where was the second-act turning point? You've gotta have that moment when the hero's at the end of his rope and the bad guy looks like he's going to win it all. And where was the love story? Stars have to have real chemistry that smolders on the screen to make a summer blockbuster one to remember. Okay, the penguin movie had mating cycles, but that's not love. Is it all about sex to these animals?

Speaking of which, I think we can all agree that the penguins in this film gave some pretty wooden performances. In many scenes, it was impossible to tell them apart. Maybe if they'd moved the camera once in a while, I could have gotten more emotionally invested in what was going on. For Christ's sake, there was not a single crane shot in the whole movie!

I remember a day when the public appreciated fine cinema. In that lost age, it made sense that my important historical drama Pearl Harbor had a fighting chance for at least a special-effects Oscar. Best sound, no question. But now, in this crazy upside-down, topsy-turvy world, I hear that—guess what?—the only summer movie getting any Oscar buzz is a static, near-silent documentary about waddling, flightless birds!

These days, I guess old-fashioned values like "megawattage," "high-octane thrill rides," and "explosions" just don't matter anymore. Well, I call that a sad day for American moviemaking.

I'm busy in pre-production planning my next big spectacle (which no one will see because they'll be off watching a 10-hour documentary on park squirrels, no doubt). But if you are in the San Diego area, do me this favor: Go to Sea World, walk into the emperor-penguin exhibit, and punch one those fu*kers right in the face. Tell 'em Michael Bay sent ya.