Who Is The Deadliest Horror Character?


Who Is The Deadliest Horror Character?
20 votes
28 votes
8 votes
The Leprechaun
19 votes
Michael Meyers
26 votes
101 votes. You may not vote on this poll

Where's my Vodka Martini
Chucky is small and plastic like Action Man, he can't write his name in the snow.
"It's a new world. With new enimies. And new threats. But you can still depend on one man...." Goldeneye teaser trailer.

"There's only one airbag in this car......and it's on my side"

Originally Posted by Pyro Tramp
But he's come closest to banging Jeniffer Tilly
But Michael and Freddy have both had children

I could make some steam with your mom and have a kid but it's nothin' I'd brag about. On the other hand Jeniffer Tilly is somethin' to brag about.
New jumble is two words: balesdaewrd
Previous jumble goes to, Mrs. Darcy! (gdknmoifoaneevh - Kingdom of Heaven)
The individual words are jumbled then the spaces are removed. PM the answer to me. First one with the answer wins.

Arresting your development
Originally Posted by PimpDaShizzle V2.0
I could make some steam with your mom and have a kid but it's nothin' I'd brag about. On the other hand Jeniffer Tilly is somethin' to brag about.
Make some steam...that was funny.

Our real discoveries come from chaos, from going to the place that looks wrong and stupid and foolish.
Embrace the chaos and sour adversity, for wise men say it is the wisest course.

please have you noticed in every single movie she is in she is a slut,whor,hooker,or prostitute. what is it going to make a difference if he gets laid by her or not, she would give to the ****ing leprecaun if he asked, at least micheal or jason could take it and not beg for it because their not wee sized

Calm 'halloween fan #1'.....this is only a discussion, not a battle for life.

Arresting your development
Originally Posted by halloween fan #1
please have you noticed in every single movie she is in she is a slut,whor,hooker,or prostitute.
Yeah! She's pretty cool and... wait a minute!!! Damn! You meant that in a bad way, right?

Originally Posted by halloween fan #1
please have you noticed in every single movie she is in she is a slut,whor,hooker,or prostitute. what is it going to make a difference if he gets laid by her or not, she would give to the ****ing leprecaun if he asked

Even in Monsters Inc and Stuart Little?
Seriously though, you loved Bound...

I think someones jealous he's not getting any Tilly love and Leprechaun is....

Originally Posted by halloween fan#1
at least micheal or jason could take it and not beg for it because their not wee sized
Take what? Willy? So, are you admitting your hero is gay?

Arresting your development
I think a mod is going to have to move some of these posts into a Jennifer Tilly appreciation thread.

Lets put a smile on that block
Originally Posted by halloween fan #1
she would give to the ****ing leprecaun if he asked, at least micheal or jason could take it and not beg for it because their not wee sized
I'm not really sure what your on about here, but she wouldnt shag you thats fo sure.
Pumpkins scream in the DEAD of night!

Originally Posted by blibblobblib
I'm not really sure what your on about here, but she wouldnt shag you thats fo sure.
I agree for obvious reasons.

Where's my Vodka Martini
Originally Posted by halloween fan #1
have you noticed in every single movie she is in she is a slut,whor,hooker,or prostitute.
So what, it's Jennifer Tilly .

dont get me wrong shes hot, but shes a whore

Arresting your development
Originally Posted by halloween fan #1
but shes a whore
I think whores are part of a complete breakfast and in the Atkins diet.

What do you have against Tilly or whores? What didn't she ever do to you?

Originally Posted by Anonymous Last
What didn't she ever do to you?
She didn't put out, even after he offered Jennifer his paper round money

Originally Posted by halloween fan #1
please have you noticed in every single movie she is in she is a slut,whor,hooker,or prostitute.
She is only acting
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