Honestly, The Saddest Movie You've Ever Seen


Now With Moveable Parts
Did you ever see My Dog Skip?...*wipes away tear*

I ain't gettin' in no fryer!
Watched Angel Eyes last night, and if it wasn't for the fact that I was in pain I would have shed a tear, but I would say that movie deserves a 2 and a half tears.
"I was walking down the street with my friend and he said, "I hear music", as if there is any other way you can take it in. You're not special, that's how I receive it too. I tried to taste it but it did not work." - Mitch Hedberg

Now With Moveable Parts
Pain? Curious. So it's one of those kinda movies huh? It's hard to tell by the preview,what kind of movie Angel Eyes is.Was Lopez any good? I like the male actor,he was in Frequency,right?

I ain't gettin' in no fryer!
Pain is summed up in, my back was hurting(still is) and I had been at work all day.

Yeah, Jim Caveziel or however you spell his last name was in Frequency, as well as Pay it Forward.

Angel Eyes was directed by the guy that did Message in a Bottle. It took a long time to find out the past of both characters, but after that it picked up. Lopez was alright. I mean she really never bothered me before, but I dont think she brought the movie down any.

Now With Moveable Parts
I liked her in Out of Sight.She's not half bad;a better actress than a singer in my opinion.

Now With Moveable Parts
At least that's over.What would a drop-dead woman like her be doing with a skinny,ugly,bad-attitude,punk like puffy?Blech...I don't care how much money he has,he's pig fodder.

i don't get caught crying from a movie too often (ever since Love Story) because i avoid them like the plague....or anthrax. but i've been caught offguard a few times; Terms of Endearment, the animated Watership Down, and the part in Patch Adams when....you know. i cried with joy when i saw Shine- it just struck me as really beautiful. Geoffry Rush is so wonderful - it's off the thread track but i'd highly recommend Shine and his more recent Quills,

I ain't gettin' in no fryer!
You liked Quills? I thought it was alright. It was a little on the very weird side. I mean this guy did exist and he did right stories that were not kosher with many people, but MAN, this was a weird little hospital they were running...

Althougth these movie are sad they're also uplifting as well to me after having a big cry I felt great so as much as they are sad their also great for felling good.

It's a Wonderful Life


The Green Mile

The Crossing Guard

Ordinary People

One Few over the Cuckoo's Nest

The World According to Garp

The Abyss

On Golden Pond

All That Jazz

War movies get me to cry all the time.
- Hell in the Pacific
- The Big Red One
- Memphis Belle
- Hamburger Hill
- Causalties Of War
- Saving Private Ryan
- Empire of the Sun
- Schindler's List
Problems with depakote

LBJ, ahhhh yes, The World According To Garp......so many emotions from that movie....thanks for reminding me.
i know i miss a lot by steering clear of major tear-jerkers......and i rarely watch war movies......
on dance seul, on dance seul.....

Registered User
I've never cried watching a movie or t.v. or any of that crap.
But i have had times when i had to fight back tears.

Might Ducks 3 (when Hans dies)
is the only one i can remember.

a T.V. commercial about two little boys, and Israeli and a Palistine boy. u have to see it.

I have been sadened or depressed after watching movies

This T.V. film about an American war im not sure if it was the civil or independece or some other one. it was just one line at the beginning that really got to me.

Forest Gump

Final epsidoes of any t.v. program or sitcom i like. It signals an end of an era which really makes me sad for some reason. You sort of grow up with these people seeing them grow as characters and as real people.


Alright dudes, don't laugh -- and I have no idea why I'm responding to this thread; I think I'm getting too soft or something. Time for me to go work on the car, cut some metal or something... geez.

Although not a movie released for the big screen, I'm electing "Anne of Green Gables." I told y'all not to laugh Okay, why? It just comes to mind b/c an ex, when i was a really young, rented and recommended I watch it (that's when I still had a heart ). It was a couple of hours long, and then there was the continuing "Anne of Avonlea" series that continued and followed it. I didn't find Avonlea to be as good as Gables. Sometimes they play this series on cable and it just makes me think for a sec- only a sec -alright guys?!! , and then I'm out working on the car again...

I just like Anne's spunkiness, independence, intelligence, wit and charm, especially as it related to her significant interest, Gilbert, in the movie, and it reminded me of my ex as it related to me since we were always friendly bickering w/ each other. Maybe my ex was trying to send me a message...

And someone here said "Gattaca" wasn't worth mentioning, or something to that effect?!! Are you nuts? That movie was great and had a great score as well. Yeah, it was a dark movie, but it's supposed to be... It reminded me of Aldous Huxley's "Brave new World," and it actually reminded me that we're headed on the path to Gattaca in the real world, but that's another discussion. Great movie, and Hawke's brother in the movie sucked!

Maybe this should've gone under that "chick flick" section, but oh well, this just came to mind, although i could name a ton of other sad movies...

Now With Moveable Parts
I love every one of the Anne of Greengables projects. I liked the T.V. series on Disney...starring Sarah Polly, before she did GO. I loved the Black & White ones. I loved the newer ones...they're all so good. Delicious stories.

Here's one I was telling spud about the other day and he agreed...we both got emotional watching The Iron Giant.

Registered User
Terminator 2.

Seriously, T1 was just an action flick, but I think T2 is much deeper and it goes more into human nature. The best parts of the movie are when Linda Hamilton is just narrating her thoughts about the relationship between her son and the robot. And then at the end, and well if you've actually never seen this then this is a spoiler, when the terminator commits suicide to save the world, and the kid doesn't want him to, I always well up. Yes AhhNold got to me, of course he was supposed to play a robot with no emotion so its more the writing than his acting ability.

Sure its not as sad as other movies, but I always think of it as sad.

Other Movies I think of as sad have already been mentioned

Patch Adams, Braveheart, Pay it Forward (very), Titanic, The Patriot, etc

I didn't find Saving Private Ryan sad, in many ways it pissed me off, especially that idiot who just watched his friend die, but I was more mad than sad.

I also didn't find Shawshank sad, it had a happy ending more or less.
Chris Beasley
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I thought pay it forward was one of the toughest tear jerkers I've ever watched. Period.
"Throw caution to the wind. Let the chips fall where they may, if you're lying to me I'm gonna fu#%ing die."

I ain't gettin' in no fryer!
Snufful, it was a tad sad, wasn't terribly emotional, though my mom will disagree with me on that one.

I think a movie that is truly sad is one that draws you into to it. Makes you feel apart of those on screen. So you feel what they feel, and you feel sadness when they feel sadness. LOTR is a good example of that.

Now With Moveable Parts
I cried during LOTR several times...I heard a lot of snifles throughout the theater as well...so I was not alone.