Satyricon: Is there an edition where the dubbing always matches lips?


I don't care what language it is. I use the proper audio so I can gauge the actors' performances more accurately. In the Italian dub it's obvious that Martin Potter's speaking English, so I switched to an English dub. But then there's another actor who's mouth doesn't match his lips after the opening speech. And frankly, it's annoying me.

Good dubbing is something I've never seen. I'd rather just do subtitles. It's not just the matching of lips, but the inflection, emotion and everything else about dubbing. It just doesn't work well.

Good dubbing is something I've never seen. I'd rather just do subtitles. It's not just the matching of lips, but the inflection, emotion and everything else about dubbing. It just doesn't work well.

But do you know where I can find an edition with the lines recorded as they were spoken?

But do you know where I can find an edition with the lines recorded as they were spoken?
Nope, but I never looked, never expected it. This is probably a forlorn quest since most people alive today have never heard of the movie.

Nope, but I never looked, never expected it. This is probably a forlorn quest since most people alive today have never heard of the movie.
The movie's popular among Fellini fans, and this is the place to find Fellini fans

Most Italian films from that time period did all their audio post production, so there isn't any original recordings of the actors saying their lines.
Well, if an original audio does or doesn't exist and you do find one, please lemme know.

Good dubbing is something I've never seen.
Perfect dubbing is just around the corner now!

Not really a fan of Satyricon.
Maybe you just haven't seen a version of it that is perfectly lip-synced!

Apparently Fellini also often re-wrote the dialogue for the post-production recordings, or just had the actors saying random things when doing the filming, so in those cases the dubbing would be completely off. How much any of that applies to this film I couldn't say.