Actors you dislike, but don't know why


I mainline Windex and horse tranquilizer
I call it the Scott Bakula Theorum - everyone has one actor they would love to punch in the face.

I don't particularly have a problem with his acting or anything, he just has a very punchable face.
A hundred percent death proof.

Tomato Necromancy - now with Vitamin R!


Alec Baldwin (I disliked him long before there were good reasons to).
Richard Gere (no idea why I disliked him)
Warren Beatty (ditto)

However, each of these guys has been in movies and done performances that I do really like, regardless.
I think Baldwin is best at playing angry nasty guys. The reason? He is himself an angry nasty guy. He's one of a few actors who I could go forever without seeing again.

I was a Ryan Gosling hater for a long time. I don't even know why, I love all his movies and BR2049 was a masterpiece, I was just straight-up hateful. Barbie turned me around, tho. Now I'm on Team Gosling.

There's a lot of hate out there about Owen Wilson and I don't know why.

Actors I hate without rationalization:

Gwyneth Paltrow

Jenifer Lewis

JB Smoove

Ken Jeong

Marlon Wayans

Jenny McCarthy

Jimmie Walker

Amy Schumer

Adrian Zmed
I'm pretty much in agreement with you on most of these, except for Jimmie Walker. He was the main reason I watched Good Times (him and John Amos).

And I don't hate the rest, I just really, really don't like them.

Although I enjoyed Parks and Recreation to a certain degree, I don't like Amy Poehler. Can't explain it. She just comes off as unlikealbe to me.
"Miss Jean Louise, Mr. Arthur Radley."

Make a better place
Jonah Hill
Seth Rogan

"Beliefs don't change facts. Facts, if you're rational, should change your beliefs" Ricky Gervais

I don't really like Nicole Kidman. I've seen things with her in them that overall I liked, but she's never been one of the assets of those projects for me. I'm kind of baffled by why she seems to be the go to actress that is getting cast in everything recently. Although I am not an expert on her career, and it's definitely possible there are roles that I haven't seen that I might enjoy that are different than this, I feel like she's a bit of an ice queen in a lot of roles, that she isn't very good at emoting, and isn't very likable as an actress or very charismatic. I don't think she's a bad actress, but to me she is not as enjoyable to watch as other actresses of her generation that are much more captivating onscreen, such as Julia Roberts, for example. There are also younger actresses, like Charlize Theron, or a little older actresses, like Michelle Pfeiffer, that don't have the type of career that she has had, and that don't appear able to access the choice roles that Kidman consistently does, despite, in my opinion, being better actresses. I'm wondering why. What does everyone else think?

Trouble with a capital "T"
@AKA23 I get what you're saying about Nicole Kidman. I've flipped flopped about her acting over the years. She's never been a favorite it just depends on the film. I wrote this before:
Not a big fan of Nicole Kidman. Though I can like her, it depends on the role she plays. I did think she was quite personable in Bewitched. She does sometime seem cold to me, which actually works well when she's playing an evil character, like in Paddington or The Golden Compass. She has such a recognizable face that when she's put into a serious drama like Lion, I can't help to think, 'hey it's Nicole Kidman'.

In addition to not liking Nicole Kidman, I also, wait for it, don't really like Olivia Colman. This is an even better choice for this thread because other than not liking her acting style, I'm not really sure why. I've liked movies she's been in, like "The Father", which was wonderful, but that was because I thought Anthony Hopkins gave an amazing, tour-de-force performance. Is this a controversial choice?

Co-signing these:

Colin Firth
Amy Schumer
Gwyneth Paltrow
Ken Jeong

and adding these:

Renée Zellweger
Gal Gadot
Jayden Smith
Tyler Perry
Rosamund Pike

Jesse Eisenberg

I don't really like Jeffrey Wright. To me, he seems to give the same kind of performance over and over again, and his acting style is very serious, overly grim and downbeat. For example, in "Westworld" and "The Batman", I felt like his performance was exactly the same, and I didn't like either. It's possible he has more variability than I've seen, which is one of the reasons I'm actually pretty interested in seeing "American Fiction". It seems like that role may bring out a different side to his acting that I haven't seen before. But, I've never seen a performance of his that I recall liking.