Films to Be Buried With


I forgot the opening line.
What is the first film you remember seeing?

When Jaws 2 was released my parents, aunt and I all went to see a Jaws/Jaws 2 double feature at the drive in. I can't remember any film I saw that precedes Jaws 2 in 1978.

What film scared you the most?

I was too young to see The Shining when it came out, but my parents took me anyway. Redrum! Redrum! Redrum!

What film made you cry the most?

Friggen Hachi: A Dog's Tale (2009) - Oh my God, I didn't cry, I openly wept.

What is a film that is critically and popularly hated, but you love?

I'd say Freddy Got Fingered is still more reviled than loved, despite many people reevaluating it in recent years.

What is a respected award-wining or widely beloved film that you hate?

Where do I start. If it's hate you're asking for, then the highest film on the IMDb ranking scale that earns my hatred is Life is Beautiful. A terrible film in my opinion.

What is a film that you used to love, but you’ve seen it again recently and it no longer holds up? Either simply not as good as your memory or elements that have dated badly.

See No Evil, Hear No Evil (1989) - thought it was really funny at the time, but upon seeing it recently not so - Gene Wilder and Richard Pryor go great together, but they never got the quality of screenplay and project their talents deserved.

What is the film that means the most to you? Not necessarily due to the quality of the film, but the memory or the circumstances around seeing it?

Late high school I suddenly found myself compulsively watching The Rocky Horror Picture Show over and over again, continually seeing more in it and luxuriating in the music and style. My life was on the up and up. I was making great friends. There are plenty of movies I like better, but that period of my life makes it a sentimental favourite that means a lot to me.

What is the film you found the sexiest?

Nothing says sex to me as much as In the Mood For Love - just the whole pent up, simmering atmosphere.

Troubling boners/worrying wide-ons: What is a film you found arousing maybe you shouldn't have?

Maybe Lolita (1997) but never mind let's go the the next question quick now

What movie do you most relate to? The character, world, or atmosphere seem to be most like you?

I'm Charlie Kaufman in Adaptation.

What film could you or have you seen the most times?

Raiders of the Lost Ark - I started when I was very young, and I've kept at it in general. I don't give films as many multiple viewings as I used to though.

What film do you objectively think is the greatest – not necessarily your personal favorite?

Good question. It has to have everything, and be everything to everyone and cinema as a whole. That must be magic - so it has to be The Wizard of Oz.

What is the worst film you have ever seen?

The seventh chapter in the ever-worsening Howling franchise, called Howling : New Moon Rising (or Howling VII where I live.) How they managed to release it and call it a film is anyone's guess.

What is the funniest film you have ever seen?

Monty Python and the Holy Grail stays funny after nearly 50 years - the funniest for me, though there's lots of competition.

What is a film that changed your perspective on something?

JFK, when it came out, shook my world. Then, later in life, I felt duped. Still a great film though - just fiction.

What is the best opening sequence to a film?

Oh, I've had lots of these recently. I won't mention Raiders, because I have already - but that shot in Touch of Evil is great.

What is the best ending sequence to a film?

That dance in Saltburn (2023) is still in my head.

What is your favorite film?

I love Hereditary.

What one film would you take with you to heaven to screen for everybody when it's your turn to host movie night?

I'd want to show everyone McCabe & Mrs. Miller.
Remember - everything has an ending except hope, and sausages - they have two.

Latest Review : Aftersun (2022)

Sorry if I'm rude but I'm right
Troubling boners/worrying wide-ons: What is a film you found arousing maybe you shouldn't have?

Maybe Lolita (1997) but never mind let's go the the next question quick now
Look, I'm not judging you - after all, I'm posting here myself, but maybe, just maybe, if you spent less time here and more time watching films, maybe, and I stress, maybe your taste would be of some value. Just a thought, ya know.

Something like this:

What is the first film you remember seeing?

No idea what film on TV was the first but first in the cinema was Batman (1989) I think

What film scared you the most?

‘A Tale of Two Sisters’

What film made you cry the most?

‘Dear Zachary’

What is a film that is critically and popularly hated, but you love?

Probably either ‘Vigil’ or ‘Gabbeh’.

What is a respected award-wining or widely beloved film that you hate?

There are so many. ‘Everything everywhere all at once’ or ‘Baby Driver’ perhaps.

What is a film that you used to love, but you’ve seen it again recently and it no longer holds up? Either simply not as good as your memory or elements that have dated badly.

‘Patriot Games’

What is the film that means the most to you? Not necessarily due to the quality of the film, but the memory or the circumstances around seeing it?


What is the film you found the sexiest?

‘Blue is the Warmest Colour’

Troubling boners/worrying wide-ons: What is a film you found arousing maybe you shouldn't have?


What movie do you most relate to? The character, world, or atmosphere seem to be most like you?

‘Wendy and Lucy’

What film could you or have you seen the most times?

‘The Sure Thing’

What film do you objectively think is the greatest – not necessarily your personal favorite?


What is the worst film you have ever seen?

Either ‘Once’, ‘The Avengers Assemble’ or ‘Kingsman’

What is the funniest film you have ever seen?

‘Three Amigos!’

What is a film that changed your perspective on something?

‘Three Colours: Blue’

What is the best opening sequence to a film?

'Touch of Evil'

What is the best ending sequence to a film?

‘Blind Chance’

What is your favorite film?

‘The Lives of Others’

What one film would you take with you to heaven to screen for everybody when it's your turn to host movie night?

‘A Matter of Life and Death’

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
What is the first film you remember seeing?

E.T. I was six and this is my first solid memory of seeing a movie with my parents in theater. I had to look up the years because seeing Return Of The Jedi at the drive-in with my uncle and cousin also has created brain burn.

What film scared you the most?

Silence Of The Lambs, Hopkins is still super creepy to me in it, even behind that glass. The scene where she goes investigating in a dark house, is it the wrong one? (been a while), also gets me.

What film made you cry the most?

It's A Wonderful Life Still gets me after God knows how many viewings. Every year, "you aren't getting to me this year Jimmy". Tears flow like beer in Aspen.

What is a film that is critically and popularly hated, but you love?

Color Of Money, this is the one that always comes to mind because it feels like the Scorsese people wish wasn't Scorsese. Anyway, I think it's super entertaining.

What is a respected award-wining or widely beloved film that you hate?

North By Northwest always pops into my head immediately, because I love Hitch so much and just don't get the love for this one. I don't hate it though. Eraserhead or Halloween might better qualify. Those just don't come to mind as quickly because I know they aren't made for me. Not my jam as the kids say.

What is a film that you used to love, but you’ve seen it again recently and it no longer holds up?

Gladiator most definitely. Still great as far as narrative and performances for me, but I think it looks like garbage now.

What is the film that means the most to you? Not necessarily due to the quality of the film, but the memory or the circumstances around seeing it?

Shawshank Redemption I think. I think this is the first movie I went to the theater to see by myself. I had just graduated high school and no one wanted to see it because they had no clue what it was. I fell in love, think this might have been the beginning of me realizing I watched movies a bit differently than most people in my life. It just has everything, I showed it to my family as soon as it hit video. They loved it of course.

What is the film you found the sexiest?

The Conformist, sexy for me leaves more to the imagination, this movie is very sexy. TMI

Troubling boners/worrying wide-ons: What is a film you found arousing maybe you shouldn't have?

Ex-Machina, I guess I don't think finding Vikander sexy is troubling exactly, but even when she's a robot? I don't know. Maybe I should have pleaded the fifth like all you other whoosies.

What movie do you most relate to? The character, world, or atmosphere seem to be most like you?

I think watching Take This Waltz so soon after my divorce just hit home harder than anything I have ever watched. That slow roll into divorce because of "unhappiness". Ugh A perfect display of narcissistic Western culture if I have ever watched one. Was this Polley's intention? She knows, but it is how it hit me and I could completely relate.

What film could you or have you seen the most times?

Back To The Future has to be it. If not, it is up there. Return Of The Jedi, It's A Wonderful Life, and Grease could be contenders.

What film do you objectively think is the greatest – not necessarily your personal favorite?

I mean,Lawrence Of Arabia is objectively perfect cinema.

What is the worst film you have ever seen?

I want to say something like Hausa, or Pixels, but those movies aren't made for me. The Room may be a hilarious and enjoyable disaster, but it is truly and undoubtedly that.

What is the funniest film you have ever seen?

The Jerk makes me laugh every time, and makes me laugh every time I just think about it. I am getting a smile on my face typing the words the jerk.

What is a film that changed your perspective on something?

Since this is a movie forum people will understand when I say Metropolis changed my thoughts on film more than any other movie. A three hour silent that isn't funny. That is science fiction and I am enjoyimg the almost 100 year old effects. I didn't snooze, I didn't get bored. Yeah, that's when I knew my movie journey would go deeper than I ever imagined, and would never end.

What is the best opening sequence to a film?

There Will Be Blood. Impossibly good opening. Just sets the tone for everything to come.

What is the best ending sequence to a film?

Pulp Fiction. Enough said, I want to watch that scene right now.

What is your favorite film?

Magnolia. Just watched it again recently and it is cemented. Don't think it will change any time soon. PTA is my guy, and this is the best of him for me.

Not going to answer the last question, just because I don't know how I would answer differently than my favorite movie.

This is a super cool thread, I hope a bunch of mofos keep it going. love this kind of stuff.

I listened to the first episode of the podcast yesterday. I know what will be playing in my car the next few months. Thanks for sharing Holden.

I mainline Windex and horse tranquilizer
Do people really hate Manos? I thought MST3k made people finally realize what a classic it was.

Even MST fans and people who like bad movies tend to shit on it. I think it's a riot, personally.
A hundred percent death proof.

Tomato Necromancy - now with Vitamin R!

I mainline Windex and horse tranquilizer
Which character was it? Please tell me it was Molly one ever picks her as the kid they were most like.

I was a metalhead in high school, so I identified with Bender.

But now I realize, I'm not any of the kids.

I'm the janitor.

"I read your notes. I look through your lockers. I listen to your conversations, you don't know that, but I do. I am the eyes and ears of this institution, my friends."

What is the film you found the sexiest?

The Conformist, sexy for me leaves more to the imagination, this movie is very sexy. TMI
Wholeheartedly agree, one of the sexiest films ever made imo.

Trouble with a capital "T"
I was a metalhead in high school, so I identified with Bender.

But now I realize, I'm not any of the kids.
I'm the janitor.
"I read your notes. I look through your lockers. I listen to your conversations, you don't know that, but I do. I am the eyes and ears of this institution, my friends."
Hey! We have something in common:
...What I love about The Breakfast Club is that each actor really gets a chance to shine and say something about themselves in the movie. There's not a bad actor in the film. It's a well made movie....and lots of fun!

I'd be the janitor.

Trouble with a capital "T"
Probably the ending [of Stalker]. It's the rare case of an ending which is able to add a significant dimension to the film's themes, as opposed to just being an extension of what was already established as something I enjoyed. The questions it leaves open give me a lot of interesting interpretations to ponder over.
I wonder if the ending of Tree of Life was inspired by the ending of Stalker? They seem similar to me in themes but maybe I'm misinterpreting what each film's ending is saying.

I'd say it's with the main character. Wanting to make a difference around my friends/co-workers but fearing that nobody will listen to me/accept change/look down upon me is very much an anxiety I get and something I try to get around.
I can relate to that. Think alot of us would.

Trouble with a capital "T"
  • What is the first film you remember seeing?
  • I don't know. But I remember D.O.A. very vividly. The idea of a guy who had been murdered with poison solving his own case really grabbed me as a kid.
  • I just seen this last night, (I assume you mean the 1950 original D.O.A. film) It still holds up too.
  • What is the best ending sequence to a film?
  • The Life of Brian, the crucifixion and singing of Always Look on the Bright Side of Life
  • That would be a great film to screen in heaven!

Trouble with a capital "T"

What is a film that changed your perspective on something?

JFK, when it came out, shook my world. Then, later in life, I felt duped. Still a great film though - just fiction.
Ha, I love that answer...Never trust Oliver Stone not to invent the truth.

Trouble with a capital "T"
What is the first film you remember seeing?
E.T. I was six and this is my first solid memory of seeing a movie with my parents in theater.
E.T. was the last film I seen at the theater with my whole family. For some reason my parents wanted to see that and it's not my dad's type of movie. I felt like I was too old to go to the theater with 'mom and dad' but it was a free ticket! I'm glad I went, good memory.

What is a respected award-wining or widely beloved film that you hate?
North By Northwest always pops into my head immediately, because I love Hitch so much and just don't get the love for this one. I don't hate it though. Eraserhead or Halloween might better qualify. Those just don't come to mind as quickly because I know they aren't made for me. Not my jam as the kids say.
You forgot Sundays and Cybèle

Sorry if I'm rude but I'm right
Troubling boners/worrying wide-ons: What is a film you found arousing maybe you shouldn't have?


I wonder if the ending of Tree of Life was inspired by the ending of Stalker? They seem similar to me in themes but maybe I'm misinterpreting what each film's ending is saying.
I would say the ending to The Tree of Life is different thematically as it's more hopeful for the main character while the ending to Stalker raises questions like "Is it too late?"

Cool thread. I'm intrigued by some of your MoFo's answers. So I have questions! yes I do.

Curious as to what you mean by 'perspective on film itself...can you elaborate a bit?

You win! That's a pretty awesome opening.

I love that movie, so much that I watched it twice in a row. Not sure why but it seems fitting for viewing in heaven.
Yeah, I guess that is pretty vague. What The Birth of a Nation showed me was really the monumental potential of film without special effects. Watching it over a century after its release, and having seen film series like The Lord of the Rings and Star Wars, I was really blown away by what can be achieved with only a cast and camera. It also taught me about the importance of the director---it must be quite a feat to wrangle a cast of thousands!

Not sure why Grey Gardens fits either, but it feels right.

Trouble with a capital "T"
I would say the ending to The Tree of Life is different thematically as it's more hopeful for the main character while the ending to Stalker raises questions like "Is it too late?"
Ah I see, thanks. Doesn't Solaris also have a similar ending with lost love ones appearing in the very last scene? Have you seen that? Your thoughts?

Ah I see, thanks. Doesn't Solaris also have a similar ending with lost love ones appearing in the very last scene? Have you seen that? Your thoughts?
It was less the ending of Solaris than the plot, if I am understanding you correctly. A dead relative reappeared to the main character farily early on, and his relation to her memory became the major plot point of the movie---at least as I remember it.