A movie where team got sent on an expedition with monsters in a tunnel


Registered User
I've been looking for a movie for more than 10 years and I haven't seen it for over 20 years.
I've seen it in my early teens in the late 90s possibly early 2000s. And I can't remember much about it to be honest. I think the movie was from the 90s or 80s, possibly older. And sci fi or supernatural/ monster genre. We borrowed the VHS from the store when we went to my uncles for vacation. I remember I had to beg to let them borrow it, cause I was too young. It was scary but good.

I have 1 vivid scene in my mind the rest of the movie is mush.
4-5ish people dressed in space suits(not the baggy white ones, but more thin futuristic ones with darker color) were sent on an expedition. The scene that I remember was were they were in a tunnel like structure(the walls might have been a bit wavy). It was dark. At some point they found some holes in the walls and 1 of them got attacked by a snake-ish type monster coming out from the holes.

Any movie name suggestions would be appreciated.

Registered User
I've just watched Galaxy of Terror. I don't think I've ever watched this movie before, but it was interesting. Thanks.
The movie I was looking for was played on earth without space ships as far I can remember. I think there was something wrong with the electricity or signals or something and that was the reason why they sent people there to fix it.

After some thinking I think it's not that movie, but the tunnel part had similarities for sure.
Thanks for your suggestion Takoma

I've just watched Galaxy of Terror. I don't think I've ever watched this movie before, but it was interesting. Thanks.
The movie I was looking for was played on earth without space ships as far I can remember. I think there was something wrong with the electricity or signals or something and that was the reason why they sent people there to fix it.

After some thinking I think it's not that movie, but the tunnel part had similarities for sure.
Thanks for your suggestion Takoma

It is very long shot, but Screamers (1995) ?
I'm looking for prison movie:

Registered User
It is very long shot, but Screamers (1995) ?
I've seen screamers a while back it was definitely not that.
Thanks for your suggestion.

Maybe Alien from the Deep (1989) ? or Contamination (1980) ?

Registered User
How about The Cave? Maybe the space suits are diving suits, eh, especially if the film happened on Earth?
That is a good point that I thought about as well. And while searching I've found the cave movie and watched it. It was a fun watch, but no the one.

That is a good point that I thought about as well. And while searching I've found the cave movie and watched it. It was a fun watch, but no the one.
Could be Creature (1985) ? It is some similar, although I didn't watch.

Registered User
Maybe Alien from the Deep (1989) ? or Contamination (1980) ?
I've watched Alien from the deep and Contamination over the past couple of days.
Fun movies, but not the one.

I'll be watching the next movies soon.