Specific words people try to lead you on to say


I find that at my most recent job some of the customers that I interract with try to lead me on to say specific words. One of them is the word "just". And... when I catch on to their game and predict what they are trying to manipulate out of me and cut them off while I'm ahead, and use substitute words, they get visibly annoyed. So, me being who I am, simply to spite them, I will no longer say the word "just" because, I am nobodies pawn.

Why is it important to someone else that I say a specific word? You tell me, I am unable to answer this.

I remember a number of times when people have tried to get me to use curse words, I don't mind using them, but it isn't something I normally do.

What specific words have people tried to get you to say?

I find that at my most recent job some of the customers that I interract with try to lead me on to say specific words. One of them is the word "just". And... when I catch on to their game and predict what they are trying to manipulate out of me and cut them off whole I'm ahead, and use substitute words, they get visibly annoyed. So, me being who I am, simply to spite them, I will no longer say the word "just" because, I am nobodies pawn.

Why is it important to someone else that I say a specific word? You tell me, I am unable to answer this.

I remember a number of times when people have tried to get me to use curse words, I don't mind using them, but it isn't something I normally do.

What specific words have people tried to get you to say?

How did they engineer the attempt to nudge you to use the word?

How did they engineer the attempt to nudge you to use the word?
I don't know, I guess their attempt to train me to learn their techniques were unsuccessful, it will forever be a mystery.

Has anyone ever tried to get you to say a specific word without directly asking you to? I know actors deal with this all the time, but normal folks like me, thats stupid and absurd.

I don't know, I guess their attempt train me to learn their techniques were unsuccessful, it will forever be a mystery.
Very well, but then how did you know that they were trying to get you to do anything? Did someone, for example, tell you in advance? Did overhear a plot?

Has anyone ever tried to get you to say a specific word without directly asking you to? I know actors deal with this all the time, but normal folks like me, thats stupid and absurd.
I don't know that I've been caught out in this way, but that doesn't mean that I have not. I have not perceived that I have been nudged to use any word, but rather certain idea/content that are "gotcha!" bait.

The idea of someone trying to get me to say anything in particular kinda smells like updog.

I am sorry but I am unable to answer questions until you answer my question. You are changing the topic of my conversation. I am not a linguist much like I am not a doctor. If a doctor poisoned me would you ask me the same thing? If the conversations were recorded I could go back and tell you what was said and how they play their game, but there is no recording and I am not interested in examining it further than "what words are they trying to get you to say". I like a clear mind.

I am sorry but I am unable to answer questions until you answer my question. You are changing the topic of my conversation. I am not a linguist much like I am not a doctor. If a doctor poisoned me would you ask me the same thing? If the conversations were recorded I could go back and tell you what was said and how they play their game, but there is no recording and I am not interested in examining it further than "what words are they trying to get you to say". I like a clear mind.
Yeah, this smells like updog.

What do you mean?


The topic is pretty simple. This isn't about examining techniques of persuasion, if you'd like a thread for techniques of persuasion I could make one for you. But thats completely out of my realm of interest.

Knew a guy named Michael Hunt who used to try this all the time. Always penny trading.

I don't find the topic simple, personally. It's highly abstract, which is why it would benefit greatly from an example.
Well, I am not going to secretly record the conversations I have at work.

Knew a guy named Michael Hunt who used to try this all the time. Always penny trading.
I dont understand what you mean, this comment or the comment you made before this.

Under the tutelage of Randy Tutelage, I've learned a lot about manipulation and coercion!
Didn't he die of ligma?

Under the tutelage of Randy Tutelage, I've learned a lot about manipulation and coercion!
Well, my vocabulary isnt for strangers to shape and change and I am not paint on a pallette.

I will say though, the particular people that try and get me to say the word "just" do certainly look extra squeaky clean and obsessive compulsive about their looks like a cop would be, you know, perfectly combed hair with a perfect haircut, wearing black and white, and, more often than not, either in the 20-25 age range or if theyre older, theyre always like menopause age. Its never older men. Mostly young skinny coppish looking youtubers, I guess thats the best explanation on the who. But how? Theyre pretty quick and smooth talkers, thats not my game. Almost got a tick-like quality to them. You can almost hear the clicking and the popping of their insect jaws as they try to extract drama from you.